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Crichton, Frank

Note: Notable Men of Alabama:  Personal and Genealogical with Portraits, edited by Joel Campbell DuBose, published by Southern Historical Association, 1904.

FRANK CRICHTON, editor and publisher of the Clanton Banner is a native of England, having been born in the city of London March 9, 1857. The name of Crichton is an old and honored one in English history. His parents, David and Elizabeth (Antrobus) Crichton, passed their entire lives in England; both have been dead for several years. After completing the course of study in the London grammar schools, Frank at the age of sixteen, left home and went to sea.

For twenty years he followed the vocation of a seaman, twice making the circuit of the globe, and visiting many strange lands and peoples. Being a close observer of what was taking place around him, he derived great benefit from his experiences, and few men of his age knew more of the worlds and its inhabitants. In 1887 he quit the sea, and after a short stay in London came to New York. There he engaged in the printing business for nearly two years, when he removed to Birmingham,Ala, where he continued in that occupation. Early in January, 1893, he settled in Clanton, formed a partnership with T. H. White, and started the Clanton Banner. At the expiration of two years he purchased Mr White's interest, and since then has been the sole proprietor. The subscription list now numbers over 1,200, the paper being regarded as one of the brightest and newsiest in Central Alabama.

In addition to the publication of the paper, Mr. Crichton conducts a general job printing establishment. His good taste in things pertaining to printed matter has brought to him the patronage of discriminating people and few offices have a more liberal support. Mr. Crichton takes an interest in everything that has a tendency to better the condition of his fellow men, though he is not an active politician. As a citizen he enjoys the confidence of his fellow townsmen, as well as the officials of the city and county in which he lives.

Editorial notes:
The paper he began work on was first called The Peoples Party Banner (not The Clanton Banner as noted in this article) which was founded in 1892 by T. H. White. Crichton went to work for White in 1892 before taking over the paper in June of 1894. The Peoples Party Banner was renamed to The Banner in January 1893. In 1895 Crichton took over The Chilton View and consolidated it with The Banner.

Crichton's health began to fail around 1912 and The Banner was combined with The Union to form The Union and Banner that was soon renamed The Union-Banner.

In September 1912 he suffered an apparent stroke from which he never fully recovered. He died on May 19, 1913 and was buried in the Clanton Cemetery.