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Hester, Miss Margaret

Note: This article first appeared in the Union-Banner, December 15th, 1927 in "Who's Who In Clanton" and was reprinted in The Chiltonian, the newsletter of the Chilton County Historical Society and Archives, Inc. in Volume 29, Number 4 October 2009.

In the past we have looked with awe and wonder at a small town girl who has had the courage to brave a big city and seek her career there.

At first thought it might seem incredible that a Clanton girl had the courage to seek her fortune in the business world of New York City, but those who know Margaret Hester realize that a girl of her capability can really realize her ambitions.

The oft repeated story of countless girls and boys who are anxiously seeking interviews with powerful business heads only to be promptly refused the compliment that cold businesslike New York has bestowed upon Margaret [sic].

It is interesting to review Margaret's childhood days which were spent in Clanton. In fact her first recollections are of Clanton where her parents have lived for a number of years. She attended the Clanton Grammar School and in 1919 she graduated from Chilton County High School with high honors. It is interesting to note that throughout her high school days and part of her grammar school days she was one of four friends who were rivals for honors.

In 1923 Miss Hester graduated at the Judson College where her record was also an enviable one. In 1924 she taught music at Columbiana and the following year at a place near Pensacola. The next year Miss Hester became interested in a business career and consequently took a business course in Birmingham after which she accepted a position with the Postal Telegraph Company in that city.

Then with less than a year's experience Margaret set out for New York where she became secretary to the director of a large corporation. Mr. Smith, her employer, was formerly an instructor at Columbia University who gave up his profession to become a director for his company. So effectively has Miss Hester served her employer that she has assumed more duties and directs his affairs during his protracted absences.

Our hats are off to a girl with Miss Hester's ambition and initiative, and we're glad that Clanton can claim her as our own.

Miss Hester is quite a favorite in Clanton as well as many sections of Alabama where she has [won over] a host of warm friends through her sweet personality.