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Baker (Chilton) County Commissioners Court Minutes

Commissioners Court Records, Baker/Chilton County, FamilySearch

This transcript is from the Baker County Commissioner's Court Minutes, 1870-1878. This page is an excerpt of one year, transcribed by Derric Scott, 2023. The Image number indicates the starting image for that section in the scans at The Page number is the page number within the book itself.

Image 522, page 15

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Feb 1871.

Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge and Comrs A. J. Cooper, Anderson Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp.

: Ordered that a ferry be established across the Coosa River at Wyatt's old Ferry.

Ordered that D C Jones be allowed twelve dollars as damages for public road being established through his premises the sum having been assessed by a jury heretofore appointed by this Court for that purpose.

Ordered that Middleton Aldridge be allowed fifty four dollars damages and cost for public road being estabilshed through his premises. The same having been assessed by a jury theretofore appointed by this Court for that purpose.

Ordered that J. J. Armstrong be allowed one 40/100 dollars overpaid tax.

Ordered that Elizabeth Durbin be allowed three 30/100 illegal tax paid by her.

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for support of blind child.

Ordered that A. C. Ward be allowed six dollars for tax receipts.

Ordered that J. Headley be allowed twenty dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Frederick Lee be allowed ten dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that S. Moats be allowed ten dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that M &P Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Henry Maddox allowed twenty four dollars rent of room for Probate Office.

Ordered that Wm Walker, Seaborn Jones, and David Wilson be appointed commissioners to let out bridges across Big Mulberry and Bear Creeks near old Maplesville.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from the town of Clanton in said County to run east of the S & N Ala RR to intersect the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road near the Maplesville crossing. And it appearing stand? thirty days notice has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county that said application would be this day made. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Jas W Foshee, Edward Mims, Alfred Baker, John Baker, Elijah H Parrish, Davidy Wyatt, and J N Wyatt be appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed seven 20/100 dollars for service as commr 2 days.

Ordered that Anderson Baker be allowed $6.25 dollars services as commr 2 days.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from near Joseph W. Foshees to the State road near M. K. Broadheads and it appearing to the Court that notice of application has been given for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that M. Popwell, Elijah Headley, John Culp, J. T. Roper, M. K. Broadhead, A. C. Oats and Newton Williams be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek road near John Burkhalters and to intersect the Montgomery road near the Baptist Church and it appearing to the Court that notice of application has been given for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Wm Moore, Wm Ray, E. Williams, Wm Downs, Elias Minor, Wm Patterson, and Wm Morgan be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.
Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from the Gill old place to the Kingston road near Mrs. Farr's Spring and it appearing to the Court that notice of application has been given for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that J. T. Kicker, James Farr, W. Driver, John Eiland, John Moore, F. M. Eiland, and John Dennis be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that the list of Errors in assessment and insolvencies presented to the Court this day by A. C. Ward, Tax Collector of this County, of Taxes for the year 1870 amounting in aggregate to one hundred and sixty two 59/100 dollars be allowed him as a credit on his settlement with the Treasurer of said County for the Taes of the year 1870.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 525, page 20

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, Feb 27, 1871.

Called for purposes of transacting the general business of the Court ten days notice having been given as required by law of the calling of said Court present and presiding Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Commrs Anderson Baker, Sr., a. J. Cooper, and G. W. Culp.

Ordered that M. Popwell be allowed twenty four dollars for stationary furnished the County.

Order that Judge of Probate be allowed sixty six dollars extra service.

Ordered that Sheriff be allowed sixy two 50/100 dollars extra service.

Ordered that Clk Cir Court be allowed fifty dollars for extra service.

Ordered that Anderson Baker be allowed six 25/100 dollars 2 days as Commr.

Ordered that N. H. Smitherman be allowed eighteen 40/100 dollars for carrying prisoners to jail.

Ordered that F. M. Jordan be allowed seven 70/100 dollars service as Commr for 2 days and milage..

Ordered that Clk Cir Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra service.

Image 526, page 23

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, May 2d, 1871.

Called for the transaction of general business of the Court 10 days notice having been of the calling of said Court as required by law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A. Baker, Sr., G. W. Culp, and A. J. Cooper.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from near J. W. Foshees to Randolph by way of B. Blocker's Mill intersecting the Selma and Montevallo road at Jackson Hubbards. And it appearing to the Court that (30) notice of application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that M. Popwell, B. Blocker, Wm. Foshee, James Roseberry, R. B. Childers, H. M. Foshee, and Jas. Smitherman be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out the best route for said proposed road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to change the Maplesville and Talladega Springs road leaving said road at J. R. PRices and running by Pleasant Grove to Mrs. Emily Littletons. And it appearing to the Court that notice has been given for 30 days of the filing of said application, by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Jno. R. Price, J. M. Pearce, Jas. Littleton, Warren Maddox, Wyley Bean, John Attaway, and Warren Martin be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to mark and change said road.

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for the support of blind child.

Ordered that A. C. Patillo be allowed ten dollars for the support of insane child.

Ordered that John W. Headley be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co. be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars for extra service for 2nd quarter of 1871.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars 1 quarter extra service for 1871.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed thirteen 70/100 dollars 3 days service as commr.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed fourteen 60/100 dollars 3 days service as commr.

Ordered that A. Baker be allowed twelve 30/100 dollars 3 days service as commr.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed sixteen dollars for presideing at Commrs. Court 4 days.

Ordered that M and P Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars as indigents.

Ordered that Clerk Cir Court be allowed fifty dollars extra service.

Ordered that R. M. Leopard be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

On the application of John H Lewis it is orderd by the court that the said Lewis be and he is hereby authorized to establish a Ferry across the Coosa River at the Wyatt old Ferry for the period of ten years upon his entering into bond with security as required by law and that he be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage to wit for a 4 hours team $1.00, for 2 horse team 50 cents, for 1 horse team 25 cents, for 1 horse & man 15 cents and 10 cents for Said rates to be doubled during high water an the said John H Lewis having this day filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of said County his bond as required by law in such cases with E H Lewis and Martin Bates as his securities therein. Which bond is deemed good and sufficient and and is approved. It is thereupon ordered that a license be issued to said J H Lewis to establish said Ferry.

It is ordered by the court that a contract for the building of a Brick Court House and jail for said county at Clanton in said county be let out to the lowest bidder on the 5th day of June 1871 and that the same be advertised by posting notice or otherwise.

It is ordered by the court that another place of voting be and the same is hereby established at the resident of M F Fullers in Precinct No 7 in said County.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 529, page 29

State of Alabama, Baker County
Court of County Commissioners, April 5, 1871.

Be it known that at an election held in said county on the first Saturday in April 1871 for the permanent location of the new Court House in said county, it appears from the returns of said election that Clanton and Benson in said county were the two highest places voted for in said election. It is threefore ordered that these two places be put in nomination for a second electon for the same purpose on the last Saturday in April 1871.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker Sr.
A. J. Cooper
G. W. Culp

Image 530, page 30

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, May 2, 1871

Be it remembered that at an election held in said county on the last Saturday in April 1871 for the permanent location of the Court House of said county and Clanton having received the highest number of votes at said election. It is therefore ordered that Clanton be and it is hereby declared the permanent location of the Court House of said county.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker Sr.
A. J. Cooper
G. W. Culp

Image 531, page 33

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, June 5, 1871

Held for the purpose of transacting the general business of the Court, the same having been ordered and advertised as required by law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge and Comrs. A. Baker, Sr., A. J. Cooper, and G. W. Culp.

This day came Wm. Downs and others a majority of a Jury of Review heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark a new public road from Mar John Burkahlter's to intersect the Montgomery road near the Baptist Church at or near Chestnut Creek and presented their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as directed in said order. It is thereupon ordered that said road as marked out by said Jury of Reivew be and the same is hereby established of 3rd grade. It is further ordered that R. H. Wilson be appointed overseer of said road.

This day the court proceeded to let out the contract for the building of the Court House of said county to be lowest bidder when A. J. Cooper became the lowest bidder at the sum of five thousand and twenty five dollars.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
G. W. Culp
Anderson Baker Sr.

Image 532, page 35

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, June 19, 1871

Held for the purpose of transacting the general business of the Court the same having been ordered and advertised according to law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A. J. Cooper, A. Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp.

It being made known to the court that A. J. Cooper has failed and refuses to comply with his bid for the contract of building of the Court House of said county for the reason that the law forbids him (he being a county commissioner of said county) from contracting for the erection of public buildings for the county. It is thereupon ordered by the court that a contract for the building of the Court House of said county at Clanton shall be let out to the lowest bidder or at private contract on the 8th day of July 1871 and that the same be advertised by posting notices thereof.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 533, page 37

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, July 8, 1871

Held for the transaction of general business of the county it having been advertised as by law required. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs F. M. Jordan, A. Baker, Sr., A. J. Cooper, and G. W. Culp.

It is ordered by the court that the contract for the building of the Court House of said county be let at private contract and it further ordered that the contract this day entered into for the building of said Court House with Dake & Grant by the Judge and Commissioners of said Court which contract is on file in the office of the Judge of Probate of said county together with the plan an dspecification sof said building be and the same is hereby approved. It is further ordered that Jesse R. Jones be and he is hereby appointed a commissioner to sell at private sale and he is hereby authorized and empowered to sell at private sale any of the lots in the place of the Town of clanton in said county, conveyed by Alfred Baker (to said County of Baker) and to exisnte? titles to the purchases thereof.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 532, page 35

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 14, 1871

Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge and Comrs A. J. Cooper, A. Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp.

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed ten dollars the support of her blind child.

Ordered that John Headley be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Robert Leopard be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that John P. Robinson be allowed thirty two dollars for supporting James Pitens?? 4rurntles??.

Ordered that Margarette Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Mary Headley be allowed nine dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed seventeen 20/100 dollars for services as commr.

Ordered that A. Baker, Sr. be allowed thirteen dollars 4 days service as commr.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed fifteen 20/100 dollars 4 days service as commr.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from Fitzpatrick on the S & N Ala RR the nearest and best route to John H Lewis Ferry on the Coosa River. And the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised as required by law for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that B. F. Wyatt, T. J. Wyatt, Thomas Bates, Samuel Adams, W. Y. Mims, Suvell B. Howard, and Wm. Connell be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from the Hardy Place to the Independence Road near Thomas Parker's. And the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Enoch Rawlinson, Burfoaniss Rawlinson, Wm. Mills, Jr., Wm. Mills Sr., M. F. Fuller, A. G. Patrick and John Poole be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from Clanton to Mrs. Littleton's and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Wm. C. Headley, Richard Mims, A. C. Mims, A. T. Mims, E. T. Rodes, Alfred Baker, and John S. Deloach be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from Lewis old Ferry on the Coosa River to interect the road running from Smith's Ferry to Fitzpatrick on the S & N RR and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that E. T. Connells, J. G. Jones, Wm. D, Guss, Wm. Howard, F. M. Connells, A. J. Cooper, and James Baxley be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying to discontinue the Smith's Ferry road, and further praying that a Jury of Review be appointed to view and mark out a new road from Smith's Ferry by Cargyles Creek, Mose Robinson, and Mary Popwell's to Clanton. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said Smith's Ferry road be discontinued. It is further ordered that John Baker, Mose Robinson, E H Parrish, James Robinson, M. Aldridge, Mathan Mims, and John Popwell be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road from Smith's Ferry to Clanton.

This day came John Popwell, Sr., and others a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from Clanton to the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road near Harrison's Steam Mill. And presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed in sayd order as follows: commencing at the 80 foot Street running from the Railroad to the Court House Square running south along the first 60 feet street east of the RR crossing Poley Bridge creek some 80 yards east of the RR and intersetcing the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road 400 yards east of the RR. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said Jury of Review be and the same is hereby established a 3rd grade public road. It is further ordered that John Popwell, Sr., be and he is hereby appointed overseer of said road.

This day came Wm. D. Foshee and others a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from near J. W. Foshees to run by B. Blocker's Mill to the Selma & Maplesville Road at Jackson Hubbards, and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed by said order it is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked out b and the same is hereby established. It is further ordered that said road be divided into 3 road precincts. 1st from J. W. Foshees to Blockers Mill, 2nd from Blockers Mill to the hollow in Doc Davenports old field, 3rd from Dock Davenports old field to Jackson Hubbards. It is further ordered that Wm. D. Foshee be apointed overseer of the 1st precinct. Lawsen Palmer of the 2nd and Alex Glasscock.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
H. J. Callen
G. W. Culp

Image 538, page 47

State of Alabama, Baker County
Monday August 21, 1871.

This being the 3rd Monday in said month of August 1871 the Board of Equalization for said county met at the Probate Court room in Clanton the following named Members being present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate Chairman and Comrs Anderson Baker, Sr., A. J. Cooper, H. J. Callen and treasurer James M. Parrish and Tax Assessor M. Popwell, Clerk of the Board.

Thereupon the said Court of Equalization proceeded to examine the assessment book of taxes for the present year as returned by the assessor and make an equializatoin of the assessment for the said year, and no complaints being made to the board of any one being aggreived by reason of the eroneous or excessive valuation made by the assessor, the Board proceeded to equalize the valuation of the taxable property of said county, without adding to or deducting from the valuation any of the Real Property contained in said assessment

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
H. J. Callen
James M. Parrish, CT

Image 539, page 49

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 21, 1871

After the adjournment of the Board of Equalization, the Court of County Commissioners convened as follows:
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A. J. Cooper, Anderson Baker, Sr., and H. J. Callen and proceeded to make the following orders.

It is ordered by the Court that one hundred percent be and the same is hereby levied on the amount of State Tax for this county for the ordinary expenses of the county and that the Tax Collector of said county proceed to collect the same with the said State Tax.

It is further ordered that one hundred and fifty percent be and the same is hereby levied on the amount of the State Tax for this County for the purpose of erecting a Court House and Jail (one half the amount for each) for said county and that the Tax Collertor of said County proceed to collect the same with the other taxes.

It is further ordered that the Treasurer of said county be and he is hereby authorized and required to pay out of the first monies received into the Treasury the balance due on the county order held by A. J. Cooper for building the Court House for said county which has been burned down.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed nine 60/100 dollars for service and milage for 2 days as a commissioner.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed thirty dollars for procuring stationary for county.

Ordered that G. W. Floyd be allowed four dollars for examining Treasurer Book.

Ordered that W. C. Davidson be allowed four dollars for examining Treasurer Book.

Ordered that Wm. Walker be allowed six dollars for examining Treasurer Book.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed fifty dollars 1 quarters extra service 1871.

Ordered that Wm. A. Jones be allowed fifty dollars 1 quarters extra service as Shff.

Ordered that Clk Cir Crt be allowed forty dollars extra service.

Ordered that G. W. Floyd be allowed fifty eight 80/100 dollars for Fid...nates?.

This day came Wm. C. Headley and others a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from Clanton to Mrs. Elizabeth Littleton's place on the Maplesville road and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as follows to wit commencing at the north end of the first 60 feet Street east of the S & N RR running by way of Wm C. Headley's and near the settlement??? road and intersecting the Montevallo Road at or near the old Hardiman place. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said Jury of Reivew be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that Wm. C. Headley be and he is hereby appointed overseer of said road.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
H. J. Callen

Image 541, page 52

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners

Held for the transaction of the general business of the Court the same having advertised according to Law. Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and H. J. Callen, Anderson Baker, Sr., and A. J. Cooper Comrs.

This day came J. F. Grant one of the firm of Dake & Grant, in his own proper person and thereupon it is agreed and concented by the said Grant on the part of the said firm of Dake & Grant and by the said Judge and Commissioners on the part of said County that the contract heretofore entered into with the said Dake & Grant by said Judge & comrs for the erection of a brick Court House for said county in the town of Clanton be and the same is hereby rescinded set aside and held for naught. It is thereupon ordered by the court that a contract for the erection of a court house and jail for said county in the town of Clanton be let out this day at private contract. And the said Judge and comrs having now entered into a contract with the said Dake & Grant for the erection of said Court House and jail according to the plans and specifications attached to said contract which contract is in writing and filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said contract be and the same is hereby confirmed. Thereupon the Court adjourned until Thursday 31st August 1871. Court met pursuant to adjornment

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed seven 80/100 dollars service as comr 2 days.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed eight dollars for two days service as Chariman of Comrs Court.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker Sr.
A. J. Cooper

Image 542, page 55

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Nov 6, 1871

Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A J Cooper, Anderson Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp. The following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that Wm. Walker be allowed one hundred and forty four dollars for building a bridge across the Mulberry Creek on the Montgomery and Tuscaloosa road.

This day came T. J. Wyatt, B. F. Wyatt, Thomas Bates, Wm. Connell, and S. B. Howard a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from Lewis Ferry on Coosa River to Cooper's Station on S & N Ala RR and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed. It is thereupon ordered that said road as viewed by said Jury be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that said road be divided into two road precinct, 1st from Lewis' Ferry to Cargyles Creek with Thomas Bates as overseer and second from Cargyles Creek to Coper's Station with James Robinson as overseer.

This day came Wm. Mills, Sr., Wm. Mills, Jr., M. F. Fuller, Brenf Rowlinson and Jno Poole a a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new public road from the Hardy old place to the Independence road near Thomas Parkers and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed. It is therefore ordered that said road as marked out by said Jury be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that said road be divided into 2 road precincts, 1st from Hardy old place to John Poole's with Richard Hendricks as overseer and 2nd from John Poole's to Independence road with Wm. Summerlin as overseer.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road from the Montgomery road near Mrs. Nettile Jones' to Clanton and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised as required by law for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that D. H. White, T. W. Williams, Seaborn Jones, R. Ward, Wm. Brown, Jno Culp, and Wm. Culp be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

*** "new public road from Clanton the nearest and best route to the Montgomery & Montevallo Road at Jack Prices"
Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road from Clanton the nearst and best route to the Montgomery and Montevallo road at Jack Price's and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised as required by law for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Graves Lockhard, Wyley Littlejohn, Thomas Littlejohn, Jno Attaway, Sr., James Baker, and James Burnett be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that Sheriff be allowed one hundred and forty dollars for extra services and road duties.

Ordered that Judge Probate be allowed one hundred and forty dollars extra services and road duties.

Ordered that Clk Cir Court be allowed forty dollars extra services.

Ordered that J. W. Headley be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Robt Wilson, Rr., and E. T. Gullahorn be and they are hereby appointed a committee? to let out a bridge across Chestnut Creek at or near Gullahorn's Mill.

Ordered that Anderson Baker, Sr. be allowed nine 40/100 dollars for 3 days service as Comr.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed eleven 40/100 dollars for service as Comr.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed four 30/100 dollars for service as Comr.

Ordered that Anderson Baker, Sr. be allowed three 20/100 dollars for service as Comr.

Ordered that F. Lee? be allowed twenty dollars for his support.

Ordered that Mary Headley be allowed nine dollars for her support.

Ordered that Robert Leopard be allowed fifteen dollars for his support.

Ordered that M. and P. Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars for their support.

Ordered that - Haywood be allowed fifteen dollars for her support.

Ordered that M. Roberson be allowed eight dollars presiding 2 days at Comr Court.

Ordered that M. Roberson be allowed four 30/100 dollars for stationary.

Ordered that Wm. A. Jones be and he is hereby appointed Commissioner to sell and execute title to Jesse R. Jones to Lots No 3 & 5 in Block No. 6 in the plan of the Town of Clanton in said county east of the S & N Ala RR in consideration of the said J. R. Jones obligating himself to have all the conveyancing done for this county in the sale and transfer of the lots in said Town belonging to this County.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 545, page 60

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, December 11, 1871

Held for the purpose of transaction of business of the County the same having been advertised as directed by law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and T. W. Shrader.

Ordered that G. B. Barbour be allowed one hundred and forty dollars for building bridge across Mulberry Creek at Benson.

Ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne be allowed four hundred and eighty seven 50/100 dollars for stationary furnished Judge Probate.

Ordered that G. B. Barbour as adren? of F. M. Jordan be allowed three 85/100 dollars for services as Comr 1 day and milage.

Ordered that W. A. Allen and Son be allowed seven 47/100 dollars for stationary.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed Five Hundred dollars out of the Special Tax levied for the purpose of erecting Court House & part of said county as a part of the first payment upon contract for erecting said Court House and jail.

On the application of James A Knight a ferry is established across Coosa River at a place knowns as Knight's Ferry with ferriage same as Lewis.

Ordered that the Judge of Probate be and he is hereby authorized and empowereed to issue an order on the Treasurer of this county in favor of Dake & Grant for one thousand dollars as balance due on first payment on contract for erecting court house and jail of said county. Whenever the building committee shall report to him that sufficient work has been done on the Court House and jail to entitle them to their first payment under said contract.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen
A. J. Cooper

*** odd photo attached of woman in bonnet ????