Winter Meeting
2nd Sunday in January
Spring Meeting
4/13/2025, 2:00 PM
Clanton Library
Summer Meeting
2nd Sunday in July
Fall Meeting
2nd Sunday in October
Baker (Chilton) County Commissioners Court Minutes
Commissioners Court Records, Baker/Chilton County, FamilySearch
This transcript is from the Baker County Commissioner's Court Minutes, 1870-1878. This page is an excerpt of one year, transcribed by Derric Scott, 2023. The Image number indicates the starting image for that section in the scans at familysearch.org. The Page number is the page number within the book itself.
Image 559, page 88
State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, February 10, 1873
Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, T. W. Shrader, and A. J. Cooper where the following areas were made and entered.
Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying for the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road leading from Dr. Brand's east to Broadhead's Mill crossing Mulberry Creek 1/4 mile above the old ford running through farm of M K Broadhead on east side of Mulberry Creek and it being shown to the satisfaction of the Court that said application has been advertised for thirty days by posting written notices of the same at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that J. B. Boykin, J. W. Brand, N. W. Foshee, W. R. Bowline, R. M. Roebuck, F. H. DuBose, and J. W. Broadhead be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.
Ordered that I. D. Mason, Keeper of Poor in Shelby County for boarding? and clothing Robert Leopard, a pauper of Baker Co, Ala, two 1/2 months be allowed the sum of twenty six 24/100 dollars to 10 Feby 1872.
Ordered that Thomas Harrison Sheriff Shelby County be allowed five dollars for clothing furnished prisoner Calvin Kirshaw of Baker County.
Ordered that Phililps and Robinson be allowed thirteen 20/100 dollars for furnishing bedding and clothing to Jailor of County.
Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the court to appoint a jury of review to view and mark out a new public road leading from Mrs. Jenette Jones to Clanton and it being shown to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that D. H. White, Seaborn Jones, Miner Woolley, John F. Conally, Thos Williams, D. G. Whilson, and A. P. Rasberry be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.
Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new public road from the Hardy old place to Clanton and it being shown to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been advertised by posting written notices of the same at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that John Parnell, M. F. Fuller, Jerry Dunnaway, Edward Hayes, A. C. Oats, Milton Roper, and Elijah Headley be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.
Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed thirty seven 50/100 dollars extra services 1st quarter 1873.
Ordered that Clerk Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra services 1st quarter 1873.
Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars extra services 1st quarter 1873.
Ordered that Treasurer Baker Co be allowed three 50/100 dollars for stationary furnished county officers.
Ordered that Dake and Grant be allowed nine hundred and sixty dollars balance due on contract for building Court House and jail for Baker Co.
Ordered that Dake and Grant be allowed one hundred and seventy seven dollars for extra work done on Court House and jail and tables for county.
Ordered that John W. Headley be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an indigent.
Ordered that M. & P. Carlisle be allowed twenty dollars for their support as indigents.
Ordered that Mary Hendley be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.
Ordered that Treasurer be allowed $3.00 for stationary.
Ordered that B. F. Randolph be allowed thirty dollars for furniture furnished court house.
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
T. W. Shrader, Comr
H. J. Callen, Comr
Ordered that Thomas Aldridge be allowed seventy nine 50/100 dollars for building bridge across
Image 561, page 92
State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, April 7, 1873
Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs J. W. Gullahorn, A. J. Cooper, H. J. Callen and T. W. Shrader where the following orders were made and entered.
Ordered that the County Treasurer be allowed sixteen dollars for stationary furnished county officers.
Ordered that Sheriff Baker County be allowed nine dollars for clothing furnished prisoners in county Jail and for stationary.
It now appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that an error was made by the Hon Judge of Probate of Baker County by an over issue in county warrants of one hundred dollars to Dake & Grant for the building of the Court House and jail of said county. It is therefore ordered by the court that the Treasurer of said county audit and give on his books a credit to the county aforesaid of one hundred dollars against the said Dake & Grant.
Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed fifteen dollars for a secretary & table for the use of the circuit clerk.
Ordered that J. B. Barron be allowed one hundred and sixty dollars for furniture for the county officers.
Ordered that E. M. Cooper be allowed four dollars for well bucket rope etc? to jail well.
Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.
Ordered that T. W. Shrader be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.
Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars services as comr 1 day.
Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed four dollars for presiding at Comrs Court 1 day.
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
*********** MISSING PAGES 94 and 95 ERROR ***************
Image 562, page 96
State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 11, 1873
Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn
The following orders were made and entered.
Ordered that Barney Nobles be appointed overseer of the Clanton & Randolph Road from Jas W. Foshee's to Blocker's old mill vide? Lar? Blocker resigned.
Ordered that Phillips and Robinson be allowed one 25/100 dollars for nails for bridge across Goose Pond Creek.
Ordered that J. R. Fountain be allowed one hundred and thirty three dollars building bridge across Mulberry Creek on the Tuscaloosa Road.
Ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co be allowed one hundred and eighty two 20/100 dollars for stationary furnished county officers.
Ordered that County Treasurer be allowed nine dollars expense charges on stationary.
Application by petition being now made to the Smith's Ferry Road from Clanton by the Harrison Mill Road to intersect the old Smith's Ferry Road near Elijah Mims and it appearing that notice of the same has been advertised as required by law. It is therefore considered by the Court that John Baker, G. W. Mims, E. Easterling, Jas L. Wells, William Edwards, A. J. Duncan, and E. H. Parrish be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to change said road.
Ordered that Tax Assessor be allowed two dollars expense charges for tax books etc.
Ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed thirteen 40/100 dollars for stationary furnished co officers.
Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed twelve 50/100 dollars for clothing prisoners etc.
Ordered that I. D. Lonin? be allowed thirty fifty for medical services rendered prisoner Jack Aldridge.
Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed six 75/100 dollars for chain lock etc.
And now comes J. M. Roper, A. C. Oates, Jerry Dunnovin, Edward Hayes, and John Parnell, a majority of a Jury of Review heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road from Widow Rucker's on Kingston & Dixie Road to Clanton and report that they have viewed said road as followes, commencing at Dixie Road by way of Robt Roebuck, Jerry Donnavin & Edward Hayes interescting the Maplesville Road one mile SE of Jas Williams. It is therefore ordered that said road as makred out be and the same is hereby established a 3rd grade road. It is further ordered that said road be divided into 2 road precincts. 1st from Maplesville & Clanton Road to the highland Pond with Edmond Hayes as overseer, 2nd from Highland Pond to Dixie Road with Robert Roebuck as Overseer.
Ordered that M. D. Pinson, J. T. Mullins, and John H. Nelson be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to let out and contract for the repairing the bridge across Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
Image 564, page 100
State of Alabama, Baker County
Commissioners Court called after adjournment of Board of Equalization for the purpose of levying county tax and for the transactions of other business of the county. August 18, 1873
Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Commissioners H. J. Callen, and J. W. Gullahorn where the following orders were made and entered.
It is ordered that one half of one precent be levied on the taxable property in said county for the ordinary expenses of the county.
It is ordered that a special tax of one hundred percent on the ordinary tax of the county be levied to pay off special indebtedness of the county.
And now comes E. Easterling, G. W. Mims, Jas L Wells, William Edwards, and A. J. Duncan a majority of a Jury of review heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a change in the Smith's Ferry & Clanton road so as to intersect the Harrison Mill road south of Clanton and present their report they have makred out said chages as follows, leaving the Harrison Mill road at the south end of Mrs. Mary Popwell's barn? thence by Harriett? Chrety? intersecting the old Smith's Ferry Road at or near Mr Wells. It is thereupon ordered that said change as marked out be and the same is hereby established and that the present overseer E. H. Parrish o/see said road.
Ordered that E. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars for repairing jail door.
Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed nine 60/100 dollars 2 days services as comr and mileage.
Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed six dollars 2 days services as comr.
Ordered that Tax Addessor be allowed four 80/100 services as member Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.
Ordered that Treasurer be allowed four 20/100 dollars services services as memberof Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.
Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed eight dollars services presiding at Comrs Court 2 days.
Ordered that D. G. Wilson, E. H. Dunlap, and N. W. Foshee be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to let out and contract for the building at covered flooring and banistering of the bridge across Mulberry Creek on Talladega Springs Road.
Ordered that W. F. Claughton Treas be allowed twenty one dollars for tax books.
Ordered that B. F. Randolph be allowed ten dollars for chairs furnished court house.
Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed seventy five dollars for extra services 2 and 3rd quarter of 1873.
Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed one hundred and twenty five dollars extra services for 2nd and 3rd quarter of 1873.
Ordered that Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed fifty dollars extra services for 2nd and 3rd quarter of 1873.
Ordered that I. D. Lanirn? be allowed fifty dollars for medical attention to prisoners in jail.
Ordered that M. & P. Carlisle be allowed twenty four dollars for their support as indigents.
Ordered that P. Haywood be allowed twelve dollars for her support as an indigents.
Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed three 70/100 dollars services as somr 1 day and mileage.
Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars services for her support as an indigent.
Ordered that John Hendley be allowed eighteen dollars services for his support as an indigent.
Ordered that Mary Hendley be allowed fifteen dollars services for her support as an indigent.
Ordered that Mrs. Lee be allowed nine dollars services for her support as an indigent.
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
*********** MISSING PAGES 104-109 ERROR ************* **
Image 566, page 110
State of Alabama, County of Baker
Regular Court of County Commissioners, November 3, 1873
Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen and J. W. Gullahorn.
It now appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that heretofore to wit on the 18th day of August 1873 D. G. Wilson, E. H. Dunlap, and N. H. Foshee were appointed by this Court Commissioners to let out and contract for the repairing & banistering the bridge across Mulberry Creek on the Talladega Springs Road. And it further appearing to the court that the repairing and banistering of said bridge was let and contracted to S. D. McCary for the sum of seventy five dollars. And it further appearing to the Court that said contract has been complied with by the said S. D. McCary. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Judge of Probate of Baker County issue to the said S. D. McCary his warrant on the Treasurer of this County for the sum of seventy five dollars in favor of the said S. D. Mccary.
It is ordered by the Court that William Walker be allowed three 30/100 dollars for his services as a member of the building committee of court house and jail.
It is ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co be allowed one hundred and thirty dollars for stationary furnished Clerk Circuit Court, Sheriff, and County Solicitor.
It is ordered that Willis Roberts be allowed forty one dollars for stationary furnished the Register's office.
It is ordered that I B Moore a Justice of the Peace in and for said county be allowed seven dollars for summoning jury and holding inquest on the dead body of Jab Owen. It is further ordered that the following named person to wit Joseph Green, Wm Gorner, Abner Wash, W. J. Reynolds, Charles Gorner, Frank Nobles comprising said Jury of Inquest be allowed two dollars each for their services as such jurors.
It is ordered that I. W. Foshee be allowed twenty one 70/100 dollars for bedding etc for jail.
It is ordered that by the court that the Judge of Probate communicate with the Manager of the Deaf Dumb and Blind asylum in regard to blind boy.
It is ordered that Elisha Gullahorn be allowed forty five dollars for making jail doors and marking chairs for the Court House.
It is ordered that Judge of Probate notify T. J. Mullins, M. D. Pinson, and John Nelson, commissioners appointed by this court to let out and contract for the repairing of the bridge across Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill to refuse the bid made by N. B. Strock.
It is ordered that W. F. Claughton County Treasurer be allowed sixty 10/100 dollars for iron furnished for jail doors.
It is ordered that the County Treasurer be authorized and required to take ? and pay all the outstanding certificates issued by the Circuit Clerk of this County and by the Court to Jurors.
It is ordered that the Treasurer pay any claims against this county for building public bridges out of the surplus, if there be any, of the Special Tax fund of this county levied by this court to pay for courthouse and jail.
It is ordered that the Judge of Probate be allowed one hundred and thirty one 50/100 dollars for extra services last quarter of 1873. Road duties for 1873 and presiding at commissioners court one day.
It is ordered that the Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars for extra services last quarter of 1873.
It is ordered that the Sheriff of Baker County be allowed one hundred and fifty two 50/100 dollars for extra services last quarter of 1873 and road duties 1873.
It is ordered that the J. W. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars services 1 day as commissioner.
It is ordered that J. W. Hendley be allowed eighteen dollars for his support as an indigent.
It is ordered that the J. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars for services as comr 1 day and mileage.
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr
June 3rd 1889, Clanton, Ala, Court House
*********** MISSING PAGES 115-116 ERROR ************* **
Image 571, page 119
State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners
Held for the purposes of establishing election precincts and voting places in and for said county and and for the transaction of other business of the court.
Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen, and A. J. Cooper.
The matter of establishing Election Precincts and the places of voting therein in said County coming on to be heard at this term of the Court according to an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Alabama Approved __________ 187_ the court proceeded to establish said precincts and places of voting therein as follows to wit:
Precinct No 1. Commencing at the North East corner of the County whence the Waxahatchie Creek enters the Coosa River, thence up said creek to where it crosses the Shelby Co Line thence West along said line to the Range Line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence south to Township Line between Townships 22 & 23 thence East along said Line to Yellowleaf Creek thence down said creek to Coosa River thence North up said river to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Mims' Cross Road.
Precinct No 2. Commencing at the North West corner of Precinct No. 1 thence West along County Line to the North West corner of the County thence south along the the County line to Township line between Townships 22 & 23 thence east along said Township line to Range line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence North along said Range Line to place of beginning. The voting places of said Precinct to be at Providence Church and Jemison.
Precinct No 3. Commencing at the South East corner of Precinct No. 2 thence West to along the southern line of Precinct No. 2 to the western County Line thence south along said line to Township line between Townships 21 & 22 thence to Montgomery and Tuscaloosa road thence along said road to where it crosses the Range lline between Ranges 12 & 13 thance along said Range line to the North east corner of Section 19 Township 21 Range 13 thence east along the Section line to the Range line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence north along said Range line to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be ___? at Benson.
Precinct No 4. Commencing where the Yellowleaf Creek enters the Coosa River, thence up said creek to Township line between 22 & 23 thence west along said Township line to Range line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence south along said Range line two miles south of the Township line between Townships 21 & 22 thence east one mile east of Range line between 14 & 15 thance to Hog Creek thence down said creek to Walnut Creek thence down said creek to Coosa River thence up said river to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Clanton.
Precinct No 5. Commencing at Coosa River where Walnut Creek enters the same and up said creek to Hog Creek thence up Hog Creek to where it crosses the Smith's Ferry road thence up said road to North West corner of Section eight Township 21 Range 15 thence south to the County line thence east and north to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Cooper's Station.
Precinct No 6. Commencing at South West corner of Section 8 Township 21 Range 15 thence east {corr. West} to Range line between 13 and 14 thence south 1 mile thence east two miles thence south to County line thence east to SW corner of Precinct No. 5 thence north to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Barbour's Store.
Precinct No 7. Commencing at South east corner of Precinct No. 3 thence east {corr. West} along the southern line of said Precinct 3 to County thence along the County line to SW corner of Precinct No. 5 thence north to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at M. F. Fuller's and Maplesville Depot.
Application being now made to the Court to appoint a jury of review to view and mark out a new public road from the School House in the Nix old field on the Columbiana Road through the Nix Gap of Hayes Mountain the nearest route to the swamp where the road running North East from Clanton crosses the same and to ?discontinue? the Columbiana Road from the Nix old field to Chestnut Creek Baptist Church and the Montevallo Road from the Gillis old field to the Logan old place and the Kingston Road from the fork at Mrs. Dupree's to Co Line and to Clanton and Grantville and from the swamp to Grantville. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county for 30 days. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Alfred Baker, I. R. Jones, A. C. Mims, I. T. Farley, Jalen Miller, and E. Roads? be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.
It is ordered that the Sheriff be allowed nineteen dollars for clothing prisoners and for turnkey fees?.
It is ordered that the Treasurer be allowed one 50/100 dollars for a lock put on the door of Sheriff's office.
And now comes Wm A. Jones Special Register in Chancery for the 4th District of the Middle Chancery Division of the State of Alabama and makes application for an order of this Court to recopy the Dockets, Orders, Decrees, and Minutes of said Chancery Court from the old Dockets and Minutes to new ones obtained by him. And the Court having examined the same is of opinion that the same be recopied. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Wm A. Jones Special Register as aforesaid recopy the said Docket, Orders, Decrees, and Minutes of said Court to said new books.
It is ordered that the H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.
It is ordered that the A. J. Cooper be allowed three 70/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr