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Baker (Chilton) County Commissioners Court Minutes

Commissioners Court Records, Baker/Chilton County, FamilySearch

This transcript is from the Baker County Commissioner's Court Minutes, 1870-1878. This page is an excerpt of one year, transcribed by Derric Scott, 2023. The Image number indicates the starting image for that section in the scans at The Page number is the page number within the book itself.

Image 573, page 124

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Feb 9, 1874

Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, and A. J. Cooper.

This day came J. R. Jones et al a majority of a Jury of Review heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new public road leaving the Columbiana Road at the said School House in the Nix old field by J. R. Jones to the road near the swamp running North East from Clanton and present this report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows. Leaving the Columbiana Road at the said school house in the Nix old field and running through the Nix Gap of Hayes Mountain and intersecting the Montevallo Road at J. R. Jones and leaving the said Montevallo Road at the south end of the Gillis old field and running near the middle of sections 24, 25, and 36 in T22 R14, and intersecting near the swamp the road running North East from Clanton. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said raod as marked out be and the same is hereby established a third grade road. It is further ordered that J. T. Farley be and he hereby is appointed overseer of the first precinct from the swamp north of Clanton to the Gilis old field and that Isaac Littleton be apointed overseer of the second precinct from Montevallo Road at J. R. Jones to Comumbiana Road. It if further ordered that the Columbiana Road from the School house in Nix old field to Logan Place and Montevallo Road from Gillis old field to Logan Place and the Wetumpka Road from Logan place to Baptist Church at Chestnut Creek and Clanton & Grantville Road from swamp to Grantville and the Kingston Road from fork at Mrs Duprees to county line be and the same one hereby discontinued.

This day came J. T. Mullins, John H. Nelson, and M. D. Pinson a committee heretofore appointed by this Court to let out and contract for the repairing of the bridge across the Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill and present their report in writing as follows.
The State of Alabama, Baker County. We the commissioners appointed by the Court of County Commissioners of Baker County to let out and contract for the repairing the bridge across Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill hereby report the work completed according to contract that we have examined the bridge and find it in good order and therefore recommend that the Court pass our order to pay the contractor Wm. B. Strock $299.00 which is the amount of his bid to do said work all of which is respectfully submitted this Decr 6th 1873.
J. T. Mullins, Commissioner
John H. Nelson, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
It is thereupon ordered by the Court that the said Wm. B. Strock be allowed two hundred and ninety nine dollars.

And now comes David L Kelley and presents his petition to the Court hist petition in writing praying that he may establish a ferry across the Coosa River at the Johnson old Ferry, alleging among other things that he is the owner of the land on the west side of said river and that there is no other ferry within two miles of said Johnson's old ferry. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the allegations in said petition are true. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said D. L. Kelley may establish said ferry across said river at the Johnson old Ferry upon entering into bond with good security approved by the Judge of Probate of this County and payable to the County of Baker in the sum of five hundred dollars and conditional according to law. And the said D. L. Kelley having filed with the Judge of Probate of said County his bond with J. L. Kilpatrick and E. Crumpton as his ??? in the sum of five hundred dollars and conditioned according to law which bond is deemed good and sufficient. It is therefore ordered that said ferry be and the same hereby is established. It is further ordered that said D. L. Kelley be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage ... 4 horse tram $1.00, 2 house tram 50 cents, 1 horse tram or man & horse 25 cents, man or woman 10 cents and he shall be allowed to charge double rates in times of high water.

It is ordered by the Court that the Tax Assessor of this County be allowed forty three dollars for stationary book and blanks for the assessment of the tax of said County.

It is ordered by the Court that P. Haywood and daughter be allowed twenty (20) dollars for their support as indigents.

It is ordered by the Court that Jackson Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that James Peters be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that Jack White be allowed forty two 65/100 dollars for stationary furnished County officers.

It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Hendley be allowed nine dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that Mary Hendley be allowed fifteen dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that M. & P. Carlisle be allowed twenty four dollars for their support as indigents.

It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff Baker county be allowed sixty eight dollars for clothing furnished prisoners in Co Jail and for extra services 1st quarter 1874.

It is ordered by the Court that M. Roberson Judge of Probate be allowed fifty four 25/100 dollars for presiding at Comrs Court 2 days & making abstract of assessment for Auditor 1873 and for extra service 1st quarter 1874.

It is ordered by the Court that F. M. Vines Clerk Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra services 1st quarter 1874.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Lee be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

And now comes James A. Dudley Tax Collector of said County and presents to the Court in writing and under oath his list of errors in assessments and insolvencies amounting in the aggregate to the sum of three hundred and eighty five 77/100 dollars, praying that the same be allowed. It is therefore considered by the Court that said list as presented be allowed.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

********** MISSING PAGES 130 and 131 ERROR **************

Image 576, page 132

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, April 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn.

It is ordered by the court that W. B. Meredith be allowed twenty seven dollars for examining dead body of ___ and mileage.

It is ordered by the court that George Vasser be allowed twenty two 35/100 dollars overpaid taxes for 1873.

It is ordered by the court that Sheriff be allowed twenty four dollars for clothing prisoners in County Jail.

It is ordered by the court that Sheriff be allowed three 95/100 dollars for putting saw dust etc in C.H. (Court House).

It is ordered by that W. F. Claughton be allowed five 80/100 dollars for acting Juror of Inquest on body of ___ and for lock furnished Probate Office.

It is ordered by the Court that the following named persons be allowed the amounts set against their names respectively for serving as Jurors on Inquest on body of ___

To Alfred Baker three dollars to J. T. Gullahorn three 10/100 dollars to J. A. Mullins two dollars to Iverson Vines two dollars to Jesse Maddox two dollars to John Baker for summoning Jury of Inquest one 75/dollars to W. A Collier for holding inquest and expenses in _____.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Collier be allowed nine 60/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.

It is ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed seven 40/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.

It is ordered that Doster and Jones be allowed two hundred dollars for defending successfully the county in the case in circuit court of Sabra Neely vs. Baker County.

It is ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed six dollars services as comr 2 days.

It is ordered by the Court that Judge of Probate be allowed eight dollars presiding at comrs court 2 days.

It is ordered that Cuden Page Hayns and Co be allowed two hundred and forty one 20/100 dollars for stationary furnished county officers.

It is ordered by the Court that Doster and Jones be employed to defend the County of Baker in a case in the Circuit Court of said County wherein the County of Bibb is plantiff and the county of Baker is defendent. And in case they successfully defend the same the Court of County is to allow them the sum of two hundred dollars, otherwise they will allow them only one hundred dollars

It is ordered by the court that an order heretofore passed by this Court requiring the treasurer to pay any claims against the County of Baker for building bridges out of the surplus of the Special Tax Fund for building the Court house and Jail be and the same is hereby repealed.

It is ordered by the Court that the Treasurer of this County convey Jackson Driver a blind boy a pauper in this county to the Alabama Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind.

Application being now made to the Court to change the Kingston and Montevallo Road from the crossing of the Shelby Springs road to enter the lane at or near Mac A Pierce's. And it appearing that notice of said change has been given for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that John Burnett, Jno M. W. Pierce, Robert Barrett, Dick Price, Sam Pate, Isaac Sammons, Beef Souviow? be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to change said road.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 578, page 136

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, June 1, 1874
Held for the purpose of letting out contract for finishing Court House.

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Comrs H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn.

Thereupon the court proceed to let out a contract for the finishing of the Court House when Dake and Grant became the contractors for the sum of four hundred and sixty four dollars and entered into the following contract and agreement.
State of Alabama, Baker County
This agreement made and entered into by and between the court of County commissioners of Baker County Ala and Dake and Grant witnesseth that the said Dake and Grant on their part agree to plaster with two good coats of plaster and Kalsonim? the four sides of the court room of the Court House of said County in good style in tints and to ceil the same room overhead and to ceil the 4 offices in the Court House on the first story as follows, the two sides not ceiled and the overhaed of each office and the overhead of the hallway the ceiling to be done with good ceiling lumber well dressed and seasoned and tongued and grooved to provide neat mouth pieces to each of the fine places in the Court house. All the lumber to be well seasoned and the whole of said work to be done by the first day of October 1874. And the said Court of County Commissioners agree on their part to grant the said Dake and Grant for said work and order on the Treasurer of said County for the sum of four hundred and sixty four dollars. They further agree to levy a special tax for the year 1874 to pay said amount of four hundred and sixty four dollars.
Witness our hands ? the 1st day of June 1874

Dake and Grant
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr

It is therefore ordered by the court that the above contract be and the same is hereby agreed to and confirmed.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 579, page 138

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 3, 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and Jno. W. Gullahorn.

The following orders were made and entered to wit.

And now comes J. M. W. Pierce et al a majority of a Jury of review heretofore appointed by this court to change the Kingston and Montevallo Road from where the Shelby Springs road crosses the same to the end of J. M. W. Pierce's lane and present their report in writing stating that they have viewed out and marked said changes and blazed the same and ask that said change be made. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked and blazed be and the same is hereby changed from where the said Shelby Springs Road crosses the same to said lane. it is further ordered that the overseer of said Kingston and Montevallo road be and he is required to change said road.

It is ordered by the Court that W. F. Claughton be allowed fifteen 25/100 dollars expenses to Talladega and back in carrying out an order of thsi court, a blind boy Jackson Driver to the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum.

And now comes Saml Adams and presents his petition in writing praying that a license for a Ferry be granted to him at Johnson's old ferryon the Coosa River. Alleging in said petition that he is a citizen of said County over the age of 21 years, that he has control of the banks on each side of said river and that there is no other ferry on said river within two miles of said Johnson's old ferry. And it further appearing to the Court that an order was heretofore made granting a license to E. H. Lewis to establish a ferry at said point on said river, requiring the said E. H. Lewis to executed bond for said ferry according to law, and said Lewis having failed to comply by not making said bond, the said order mentioned is hereby repealed and the license to said Lewis revoked. And it is further appearing to the Court that an order was heretofore made granting a license to D. L. Kelley to establish a ferry at said point on said river requiring the said D. L. Kelley to execute bond for said ferry according to law and the said Kelley having failed to comply by not makeing said bond the said order mentioned is hereby repealed and said license revoked.
It is therefore ordered by the court that the said Saml Adams is authorized and licensed to establish a ferry across the said Coosa River at Johnson's old ferry upon entering into bond with good security to be approved by the Judge of Probate of thsi County and payable to the County of Baker in the sum of five hundred dollars and conditioned according to law. It is further ordered that said Saml Adams be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage to wit: for a 4 horse tram $1.00, 2 horse tram 50 cents, 1 horse tram or man & horse 25 cents, man or woman 10 cents and that he be allowed to charge double rates during high water.

Application by petition being now made to the court praying that a Jury of Review be appointed by the Court to view and mark out a new public road from the Johnson's Ferry Road to? the Welden gap of Hayes Mountaion to intersect the Lewis Ferry Road near Providence Church. And it appearing to the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county for 30 days. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Jackson Dennis, F. M. Kelly, Martin Gore, Thomas Welden, W. Y. Mims, J. M. Parrish, and John Welden be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

It is ordered by the court that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff of said County be allowed eight 25/100 dollars for clothing furnished prisoners in Jail.

It is ordered that M. Roberson Judge County Court be allowed seventy two dollars for presiding and trying nineteen cases in said County Court.

It is ordered that Wm A Collier Solicitor for Baker county be allowed one hundred and fifty dollars. Fees in circuit court in cases in which a Nolle Prosequi was entered. To be paid out of any surplus of the funs of said county arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap be allowed one hundred and two 15/100 dollars fees in circuit court in cases in which a Nolle Prosequi was entered to be paid out of any surplus of the funs of said county arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered by the Court that F. M. Vines Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed eighty three 50/100 dollars fees in Circuit Court in cases in which Nolle Prosequi was entered to be paid out of any surplus of the funds of said county arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff said County be allowed six dollars fees in County Court in cases in which Nolle Prosequi was entered to be paid out of any funds arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff Baker County be allowed thirty eight dollars fees for attending County Court 19 days.

It is ordered that Rutha A. Lee be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that P. Haywood be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that C. I. Curry be allowed thirty dollars for building bridge across Mulberry Creek.

It is ordered that John Henley be allowed nine dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered that M. Carlisle be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that James Peters be allowed five dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered that the Judge of Probate be allowed thirty seven 50/100 dollars extra service for 3rd quarter of 1874.

It is ordered that the Clerk Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra service for 3rd quarter of 1874.

It is ordered that the Sheriff Baker County be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars extra service for 3rd quarter of 1874.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 582, page 144

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 17, 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and Jno. W. Gullahorn.

The following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that a tax of one half of one percent be levied on the taxable property of the county to pay for ordinary claims against the county registered by the Treasurer.

It is ordered that a special tax of three hundred and fifty percent be and the same hereby is levied on the axable property of said county tax to pay for the finishing up of the Court House and to pay back into the treasury.

It is ordered that Wm. A. Collier be allowed twenty five dollars for comparing and correcting Tax Book for 1874.

It is ordered that F. D. Dubose be allowed thirty five dollars for medical attention to prisoners in County Jail.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed three 50/100 dollars for services as a member of the Board of Equalization and for express charges on County Map.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed three dollars for services as a member of the Board of Equalization.

It is ordered that M. Roberson Judge of Probate be allowed twelve dollars for presiding as chariman of the Board of Equalization one day and presiding at Comrs Court 2 days.

It is ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed nine dollars for services as Comr 2 days nad Board of Equalization 1 day.

It is ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed ten 40/100 dollars for services as Comr 2 days nad Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed twelve 60/100 dollars for services as Comr 2 days nad Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that Pelham J. Anderson be allowed one hundred and twenty dollars for Township Map of Baker County.

This day comes J. S. Welden, et al a majority of a Jury of Review to view and mark a new public road from the Johnson's Ferry Road by Sid Welden's to Lewis Ferry Road, and present their report in writing stating that they had viewed and marked out said road and pryaing taht said road be established as marked out by them. It is therefore ordered that said road be estabilshed a 3rd grade road, with 2 road precincts with Anderson Baker, Jr. as overseer of the 1st from Johnson's Ferry Road to Walnut Creek and W. Y. Mims as overseer of the 2nd from Walnut Creek to Lewis Ferry Road.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 583, page 147

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Oct 5, 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn.

A contract heretofore made by this Court with Messrs Dake and Grant for the completion of the Court House coming before the Court for consideration and the Court having examined the work done on said Court House to be done according to the contract. It is therefore ordered that said work be received and that the said Dake and Grant be allowed four hundred and sixty four dollars according to said contract.

It is ordered that Mrs. Hall be allowed two dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed $12.75 express charges on county goods.

It is ordered that Gullahorn & Dawson be allowed twenty four 75/100 for building fence around the Jail lot.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff Baker Co be allowed twenty seven 50/100 dollars for clothing for prisoners in jail. Fine Iron's for Court House, wood for Court House. Tables for Court House and cleaning out well at the Jail.

Image 584, page 149

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, November 2, 1874

Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs J W Gullahorn, A J Cooper, and H J Callen.
Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and commissioners H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, and A. J. Cooper.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff of Baker County be allowed one hundred and fifty two 50/100 dollars extra services for last quarter 1874 and for road duties 1874.

It is ordered that F. M. Vines Clerk Circuit Court Baker Co be allowed twenty five dollars for extra services for last quarter 1874.

It is ordered that Wm. A. Collier Ed. Baker County Record be allowed forty eight dollars for advertising general election, senatorial election and appointments of Sheriff of deputies at different precincts in said county.

It is ordered that M. Roberson Judge of Probate Baker County be allowed thirty seven 50/100 dollars for extra services last quarter 1874 and ninety dollars for road duties 1874 and presiding at commissioners court 2 days eight dollars. Twelve dollars for making abstracts of assessments for years 1873 and 1874, and five dollars for recording land sales for taxes 1874 and 1874.

It is ordered that F. D. DuBose be allowed six dollars for medical servicse to prisoner Cunningham? in County Jail.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton County Treasurer be allowed a credit on his books for twenty eight 50/100 dollars for ballot boxes and sacks.

It is ordered that P. Haywood be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that Mrs Lee be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that John Henley be allowed nine dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered that M. Carlisle be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that J. M. Thacker be allowed two dollars for sign boards and mile post.

It is ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed six dollars services as comr 2 days.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed nine 60/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.

It is ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed seven 40/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.