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Baker (Chilton) County Commissioners Court Minutes

Commissioners Court Records, Baker/Chilton County, FamilySearch

This transcript is from the Baker County Commissioner's Court Minutes, 1870-1878. This page is an excerpt of one year, transcribed by Derric Scott, 2023. The Image number indicates the starting image for that section in the scans at The Page number is the page number within the book itself.

Note big changes this year.
County has been renamed from Baker to Chilton.
H. J. Callen is the Judge of Probate.
New Commissioners.

Image 586, page 155

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, February 8, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate and commissioners S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, J. B. Moore, and James A. Mullins.

It is ordered that Dr. J. D. Lamar be allowed the sum of twenty dollars for services rendered prisoners in Jail.

It is ordered that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support the sum of five dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed a credit for stationary furnished Probate Judge office.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed the sum of one 60/100 dollars as express charges on books..

It is ordered that C. M. Vinson be allowed the sum of twenty four 05/100 dollars for clothing furnished Jail.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed the sum of four dollars making bed for Jail.

It is ordered that Liza Hall be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that Edd Hays be allowed for mile post and sign board the sum of two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Robuck be allowed for mile post and sign board the sum of one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Robertson & McMath be allowed for stationary furnished Circuit Clerk the sum of three dollars.

It is ordered that Mrs. Henley be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that M. Carlisle be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that John Henley be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be allowed for extra service the first quarter the sum of thirty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. J. Campbell Sheriff be allowed for extra service the first quarter the sum of fifty dollars.

It is ordered that J. T. Marsh Clerk of the Circuit Court allowed for extra service the first quarter the sum of thirty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for services rendered Commissioner Court the sum of eight dollars.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of seven 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of eight 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of six 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of seven 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for services presiding Commissioner Court two days eight dollars.

Application by petition being now made to the court praying that a Jury of Review be appointed by the Court to view and mark out a new public road beginning at Cooper's old place near Verbena and running by Verbena and intersecting the Knight's Ferry Road at or near the Charles Williams place. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county for 30 days. It is therefore ordered by the Court that S. Posey, M. D. Pinson, William Howard, Kin? Wells, W. B. Strock, A. J. Cooper, and William Motes be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition being made to the court praying that a Jury of Review be appointed by the Court to view and mark out a new public road beginning at Dixie Road near Turner there running east and crossing Swift Creek near Davenport's where the old road now crosses said creek thence out of Gill Islands then by Alfonza Askins and running as the old road now runs as near as the viewers may think best and near John Moore's and then intersect the Kingston Road near Mrs. Farr's spring. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice has been given of the application for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in the county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Gill Islands, John Vinson, L. Turner, A. Askins, German Gray, John Moore, and John Gray be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

And now comes B. F. Higgins and presents his petition in writing praying that a license for a ferry be granted to him at Smith's old Ferry on Coosa River and making proof to the Court that he is a citizen of (Coosa) said County and over the age of 21 years that he has control of the banks on both sides of the river and that there there is no other ferry within two miles of said Smith's Ferry on said river. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said B. F. Higgins be authorized and licensed to establish a ferry across the said Coosa River at Smith's old Ferry upon his entering into bond with good and sufficient security to be approved by the Porbate Judge of this county and payable to the County of Chilton in e sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars and conditioned according law. It is further ordered that said B. F. Higgins be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage to wit
for a four horse, ox, or mule team $1.00
for a two horse, ox team 50 cents
for a one horse, ox team or man and horse 25 cents
for a man or woman 10 cents
for a stock single head 10 cents.

And comes James A. Dudley Tax Collector of Chilton County and presents to the Court in writing and under oath that his list of errors in assessments and insolvencies amounting in the aggregate the sum of one hundred and ninety 19/100 dollar ($190.19) praying that the same be allowed. It is therefore considered by the court that said list as presented be allowed.

Ordered that John Baker be allowed the sum of two dollars for services summoning Jury of Inquest on the body of John Weldon.

Ordered that J. M. Parrish, Nathan Minor, Andy Smitherman, George Mims, ?? Elijah Easterling, and R. E. Jones each be allowed the sumo of two dollars as Jurors over the body of John Weldon.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 589, page 160

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Commissioners Court, April Term April the 12, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, James A. Mullins, and J. B. Moore.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that the following claims be passed and allowed
**** printed list of items pasted into book ***

*** transcription ***
Mrs. Haywood, for support,9.00
J. W. Dunlap, Attendance in Chancery Court,6.00
C. J. Currie, Rebuilding Bridge25.00
Doster and Jones defending
   County in case of Bibb
   County vs. Baker County
James and Nancy Ramsey Support15.00
Caroline Gibson Support7.50
W. T. Claughton, Freight on stationary7.25
W. A. Collier, printing42.00
W. L. Campbell, Ex Of. services as Sheriff 2nd quarter50.00
F. P. Marsh, Ex Of. services as Circuit Clerk 2nd Quarter31.25
Whit Gullahorn, Guarding Benson2.00
John Wright, Guarding Benson2.00

Ordered that William Wright be allowed for repairing Court House and building desk forty dollars.

This day came John Moore and others a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road beginning at the Dixie Road near Turner then running east and crossing Swift Creek near Davenport where the old road now crosses said creek then out by Gill Islands then by Alfonza Askins and running as the old road now runs as near as the viewers may think best and near John Moore and then intersect the Kingston Road near Mrs Farr Spring and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows, beginning at Mrs Farr's Spring and then to J. S. Eisland and intersecting the Maplesville Road at the Wagner old place about one mile NW of John Turner's and the intersecting the Dixie Road at the Bool? Place. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as marked and blazed be and the same is hereby established a third grade road. It is further ordered that Efh Downs be and is hereby appointed overseer of the first precinct from fork near J. Turner's to Beat line between 5 and 6 and that Gerome Vinson be appointed overseer of the 2nd precinct from beat line between 5 and 6 to Mrs Farr's Spring.

Application by petition being now made for a change in the Selma and Montevallo Road beginning at the mile post in the lane near W. J. Campbell then run south east of Deason old shop? and intersect the road on top of the hill south of Deason old place. It is ordered that Neil Coburn, George Cobern, Y. D. Atchison, James Atchison, Lawson Rasberry, T. L. Williams, and Rufus McCary be appointed a Jury of viewers to view and mark out said road.

This day came S. Posey and others a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road from the Cooper old place near the Town of Verbena running through the Town of Verbena and intersect the Knight's Ferry Road at Charles Williams and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows, beginning at the Cooper old place near Verbena running through Verbena and intersecting the Knight's Ferry Road at Charles Williams'. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as viewed and marked out be and the same is hereby established as a public road third grade and that Thomas Pyron be and is hereby appointed overseer to cut out and keep up said road for two years.

Agreement of Charles G. Doster & commissioners:
It is agreed between Charles G. Doster and the commissioners that if the case of Bibb County vs. Baker County is carried to the Supreme Court I will attend to the case in that court for $50.00 dollars and and if it comes back to be tried in the Circuit Court of Chilton County I will attend to it in that Court in the next trial for $50.00. And if the case is compromised without taking the same up to the Supreme Court that I charge $25.00 for preparing the Bill of Exceptions and getting the case ready for to be carried up to the Supreme Court.
C. S. Doster

It is ordered that a tax of fifty percent on the State Tax on license be levied and collected for County purposes.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be and is hereby authorized and empowered to contract and have built in the Jail servers? or conductors to cleanse jail and rebuild stand and such repairs as is needed in courtroom repair or rebuild chimneys to Court House.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be appointed agent and is authorized to establish a system of hard labor for the county and hire out all convicts sentenced to hard labor for the county as he may think best and is authorized to purchase for the county the Field Notes of the lands in Chilton County also have completed the plat or map of county.

It is ordered that the No. and the boundry lines and voting places of the several precincts shall be and the same is hereby established as hereinafter described to wit
**** printed list of precincts pasted into book ***
**** amendments noted are in future minute books ***

*** transcription ***
*** to be done ***
Book Minutes
No. 2 Page 131
Precinct No. 1.
Commencing at the North East corner of the County, where the Waxahatchie Creek enters Coosa River, thence up said creek to where it crosses the Shelby County Line, thence along Shelby Line to the Range Line between Ranges 13 and 14, thence South along said line to Township line between Townships 22 and 23, thence East along said line to Yellow Leaf Creek, thence down said creek to Coosa River, thence up Coosa River to place of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be as Mims' Cross Roads.
Amended see
Page 192
Precinct No. 2.
Commencing where County Line crosses the Range line between Ranges 13 and 14, thence West along County Line to the North West Corner of County, thence south to the Township line between 22 and 23, thence East along said Township line to Range Line 13 between Ranges 13 and 14, thence North along said Range line to place of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Providence Church.
Amended see
Page 191
Precinct No. 3.
Commencing where Township line between 22 and 23 crosses Range Line between Ranges 13 and 14, thence West alnog said township line to Western County line, thence South along said line to where said line crosses Montgomery and Tuskaloosa road, thence along said road to where it crosses Little Mulberry Creek, thence up said creek to the Range line between 13 and 14, thence North along said Range line to the palce of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Benson's.
Amended Aug 1880
Page 70
April 1876?
page 190
page 194
page 131
Precinct No. 4.
Commencing where the Yellowleaf Creek enters Coosa River, thence up said creek to Township line between Townships 22 and 23, thence West along said township line to Range line between 13 and 14, thence South along said Range line two miles South of the Township line between township 21 and 22, thence East one mile East of Range line between ranges 14 and 15 to the South East corner of section 7 township 21 range 15, thence North along the section line to Smith's Ferry Road, thence East along said road to Hog Creek, thence down said creek to Walnut Creek, thence down Walnut Creek to Coosa River, thence up said River to Yellow Leaf Creek.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Clanton.
Amended see
Page 191
Precinct No. 5.
Commencing where Walnut Creek empties into the Coosa River, thence up said creek to Hog Creek, thence up Hog Creek to Smith's Ferry Road thence West along said road section line between sections 7 and 8 in T 21 R 15, thence South to South East Corner of said section 7, thence West to range line between range 15 and 15, thench south along said range line to the Southern County line, thence east and north along said line to Coosa River, thence north along said river to Walnut Creek.
Place of Voting in said Precinct at Cooper's Station.
Page 211
Aug Term 1880
page 64
Precinct No. 6.
Commencing at the range line between ranges 14 and 15 two miles South of the township line between Townships 21 and 22, thence East to range line between ranges 13 and 14, thence South along said line to the Little Mulberry Creek, thence down said creek to the County Line, thence East along the county line to range line bewteen ranges 14 and 15, thence North along said range line to place of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Shiloh Church.
see page 191
Precinct No. 7.
Commences where the Montgomery and Tuscaloos Road crosses the Little Mulberry Creek, thence West along said road to the county line, thence along said county line to township line between T 20 and 21, thence East along said line to the Little Mulberry Creek, thence up said creek to place of beginning.
Place of Voting - Maplesville Depot and Latham's.
Precinct No. 8.
Commencing where the township line between T 20 and 21 crosses Little Mulberry Creek, thence West along said township line to the western county line, thence south and east along the county line to Little Mulberry Creek, thence up said creek to place of beginning.
Voting place - Dixie.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 591, page 165

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Commissioners Court, July the 12, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and commissioners S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, J. B. Moore, and James A. Mullins.

Ordered that H. J. Callen and James A. Mullins be appointed to examine Tax Assessor's book and report next meeting.

Ordered that a Tax of one half of one percent be levied for County purposes.

Ordered that a Tax of one half of one percent be levied to pay debts of said County.

Ordered that fifty percent on the State Tax be levied on licenses for County purposes.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr

Image 592, page 167

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 9, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and commissioners D. C. Jones, James A. Mullins, and J. B. Moore, S. D. McCary.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed one hundred and fifty dollars 70/100 for advertising election.

It is ordered that G. W. Littleton be allowed twenty dollars as damage to land by public road.

It is ordered that Mr. T. and Mrs. N. Ramsey be allowed for their support twelve dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra services for remainder of first quarter 2nd and 3rd quarters the sum of eighty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for examining tax book twelve dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed as fee in County Court 13 cases forty eight dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding at COmmissioner Court three days twelve dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed a credit for twenty two 50/100 dollars as express charge on stationary.

It is ordered that F. T. Marsh be allowed for extra service 3rd quarter thirty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. J. Campbell be allowed for extra service 3rd quarter fifty dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for printing list of registered voter thirty four dollars in green back.

It is ordered that E. Gullahorn be allowed for repairing jail doors twenty two dollars green back.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed for examining Tax Book three dollars.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for examining Tax Book nine dollars.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days thirteen 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days fifteen 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days eleven 10/100 dollars.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days twelve 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Carlver Page Haynes and Co be allowed for stationary furnished Judge of Probate, Tax Assessor, and Tax Collector two hundred and eleven 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered that James Mathews be allowed for illegal tax paid county three 52/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for stationary furnished jail sixteen 30/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for three copies of the Chilton Courier furnished Judge of Probate, register in Chacery, Clerk of Circuit court offices, six dollars.

It is ordered that Walker, Evans, and Cogwell and Co for stationary furnished Sheriff and Clerk office fourteen 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee, Mrs. Haywood, Matilda Carlisle, Eliza Hall, Rhoda Overton, Alfonzo Harris, Elizabeth Norris, and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support each six dollars.

It is ordered that Mary Henly be allowed for her support for 2nd and 3rd quarter twelve dollars.

It is ordered that John Henly be allowed for his support for 2nd and 3rd quarter eighteen dollars.

It is ordered that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for examining the body of Hampton Holt with Jury of Inquest eleven dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Baker, W. B. Armstrong, I. I. Armstrong, J. B. Boykin, I. H. Arldridge, and I, L. Gartener? be allowed for serving as Jury of Inquest over the body of Hampton Holt each six 30/100 dollars.

It is ordered that I. H. Harmon, N. T. be allowed out of the Fine and Forfeiture fund for holding Inquest over the body of Hampton Holt thriteen 40/100 dollars.

Application by petition being now made to the court for the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road leading from the Clanton and Maplesville Road one and a half miles west from Clanton to lead by John Littlejohn's to intersect the Montgomery and Montevallo Road near Blackwell's old field. Also to discontinue the road heretofore ordered by this court leading from Clanton to said Montgomrey & Montevallo Road. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said application has been advertised by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in the county as required by law. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Absalom Eiland, Jno. R. Price, J. H. Bussey, Mark Pierce, H. J. Hudman, A. M. Caton, and John Littlejohn be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of Review to view and mark out said road. It is further ordered that said road leading from Clanton to Montgomery & Montevallo Road is and the same is hereby discontinued.

Application by petition being now made to the court praying for a change to be made in the road leading from Knight's Ferry on Coosa River to Cooper Station on the S. & N. R. R. leaving the road at Knight's Ferry and intersect the same road between Jessy Jones and Thomas Connell. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice has been given of said application by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in the county. It is hereby ordered by said Court that Jessy Jones, Andy Cooper, Newton Connell, William Goss, C. P. Jones, James Jones, James Baxley be and is hereby appointed a Jury of Review to view and mark out said change.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed out of the Fine and Forfeiture fund for convictions eighty seven dollars.

It is ordered that Ira Campbell be allowed as assistant register in Beat No 2 sixteen 80/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 5 twenty70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Palmer be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 3 fifteen 70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Wm H. Mills be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 6 four 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 4 twenty four 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Smith be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 8 fourteen 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that T. M. Cook be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 8 three 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered that I. M. Martin be allowed as assistant for Beat No 7 fourteen 70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that T. H. Aldrege be allowed for guarding prison Benson two night four dollars.

It is ordered that F. M. Vines be allowed as register for Beat No 1 eight 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen as Judge of Probate issue to H. B. Barker an order that may be due him as far his delivering the field notes and accomplished plot of county with interest from the first of January 1876.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 595, page 173

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Board of Equalization, August 16, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge presiding J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins, S. D. McCary, commissioners, W. F. Claughton Treasurer, and J. B. Boykin Tax Assessor.

It is ordered by the board that the owner unknown lands be valued at 10 cents per acre.

It is ordered by the board that all other assessments remain as assessed.

H. J. Callen, Judge
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 596, page 174

State of Alabama, Chilton County
August 16, 1875
Meeting of the Court of County commissioners after the adjournment of the Board of Equalization for the purpose of levying the County Tax etc.

It is ordered by the Court that a tax of one half of one percent be levied and collected on all the taxable property of the County for the year 1875 for ordinary county purposes.

It is ordered that a tax of one half of one percent be levied and collected upon all the taxable property of the County for the year 1875 to pay off the indebtedness of said county according to registration as appears from the Treasure Book.

It is ordered that a special tax of one fifth of one percent be levied and collected upon the taxable property of County for the year 1875 to pay for repairs upon Court House and Jail.

It is ordered that the Tax Collector take up Juror certificates in payment of Taxes due the county.

It is ordered that the Treasurer pay A. J. Cooper's Court House claims in currency.

It is ordered that the Treasurer pay H. B. Barker out of any money remaining in his hand of the special tax of 1874.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage four 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage five 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. A. Mullins be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage three 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage four dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed for services with Board of Equalization one day and mileage four dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed for services with Board of Equalization one day and mileage three dollars.

It is ordered by the court that the contract made by H. J. Callen Judge of Probate with Jackson Morris & Co as system of hard labor for the hire of all convicts that is to say for men four dollars per month and board, clothing, and medical attendance for boys under sixteen two dollars per month board, clothing, and medical attendance be approved.

H. J. Callen, Judge
John B. Moore, Comr
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr

Image 597, page 176

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Nov the 1st 1875

Present S. D. McCary, James A. Mullins, and J. B. Moore.

Ordered that the court adjourn until the 8th day of Nov 1875.

Image 597, page 177

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Adjourn Court of County Commissioners, Nov 8, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins, and D. C. Jones commissioners.

It is ordered that Dr. Dawson be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Monroe Gentry be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Ben Galsscock be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that M. J. Thomas be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. Crumpton be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra service to Bibb County $25.00 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be allowed for road services ninety dollars.

It is ordered that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for medical services rendered in the following case Daine? Honeycut, Wm Mayo, and John Price? the sum twenty two dollars.

It is ordered that John Mitchell Editor Chilton County Courier for Advertising election notice be allowed $74.25 seventy four 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that McCraney and John Sexton each be allowed for guarding jail one night two dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for advertising claims passed at August term of Commissioner Court $40.00 forty dollars.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for twenty four days attendance on courty court $48.00 and attending chancery Court one day 2.00.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for clothing furnished prisoners and station for jail and Court House $14.00.

It is ordered that J. M. Dawson be allowed for guarding jail three nights six dollars $6.00.

It is ordered that Walter Johnson be allowed for guarding jail two nights four dollars.

It is ordered that James Cost? and R. A. Wright be allowed for guarding jail one night two dollars.

It is ordered that R. J. Mitchell, J. M. Moore, W. D. Adam?, T. I. Curry?, W. J. Broadhead, each be allowed as Jury of Inquest over the body of Nancy Ward, $2.00.

It is ordered that W. A. Smith, N. F. Exofficio, J. P. be allowed seven dollars for holding Inquest over the body of Nancy Ward.

It is ordered that Walker, Evans, Cogswell and Co be allowed for stationary furnished probate Judge seventeen dollars in currency.

It is ordered that J. N. Williams be allowed for burial of Mary Henly $11.00 dollars.

It is ordered that E. M. Cooper and Tom Culp be allowed for making coffin for Mary Henly $5.00 dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed a credit for stamp and express charge for Probate office $4.25.

It is ordered that H. B. Barker be allowed for field notes and Plat of County $137.40 dollars in currency out of special tax.

It is ordered that Ira Campbell be allowed as assistant register for beat No 2 $3.20 dollars.

It is ordered that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support for fourth quarter $5.00.

It is ordered that John Henly be allowed for his support fourth quarter $9.00.

It is ordered that Elizabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support $12.00.

It is ordered that Rhoda Overton be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that Eliza Hall be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for service as attorny $5.00.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for extra services fourth quarter $50.00.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell Sheriff be allowed for road services $90.00.

It is ordered that F. P. Marsh Clerk of Court be allowed for extra services fourth quarter $3.19 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen Judge of Court be allowed for presiding commissioners court one day four dollars.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $8.80.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $4.20.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $8.00.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $10.40.

This day came J. F. Bussy, J. M. W. Pierce, John R. Price, A. Eiland, A. M. Caton, John Littlejohn, H. J. Hudman, a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road from the Clanton and Maplesville Road to the Montevallo Road near Henry Maddox field and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out a new public road as follows, Leaving the Clanton and Maplesville Road one and a half miles west of Clanton running north by John Littlejohn and intersection the Montevallo Road near Henry maddox field. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as viewed and marked out be and the same is hereby established as a public road third grade and that James Burnett be appointed overseer to open and keep up said road for the remainder of two years.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed out of fine and forfeiture fund for services as solicitor to the sum of $483.00.

It is ordered that F. P. Marsh as Clerk be allowed out of fine and forfeiture fund the sum of $166.30.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap as Sheriff be allowed out of fine and forfeiture fund the sum of $180.00.

It is ordered that W. F. Calughton be allowed a credit for stationary furnished Probate Judge $4.25.

It is ordered that John Mitchell Editor Chilton Courier be allowed for advertising election notice $14.25.

It is ordered that J. J. Mitchell, J. W. Wilson, E. Gullahorn, E. T. Jullahorn, J. H. Arldrige, E. M. Bean each be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of John Purkis $2.00 each.

This day came T. G. Jones and others, a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a change in the public road leading from Cooper Station to Knight's Ferry and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows, leaving the Knight's Ferry and Cooper Station public road at Knight's Ferry and intersected the same road between Jessy Jones and Thomas Connell's. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said viewers be established and made a public road and that all the portion of said Knight's Ferry Road between said point be discontinued and that the present overseer of said road be ordered to open and keep up said road.

It is ordered that Chestnut be allowed for guarding Mayo ____ a inmate ____.

Centreville, Ala
Nov 8th 1875
To the Hon. Judge of Probate and the Board of County Commissioners of Chilton County, Alabama.
We the commissioners of Bibb County agree to accept as a compromise proposed by Judge H. J. Callen of a Judgement rendered at Spring Term 1875 in the Chilton Circuit Court of Ala for the sum of fourteen hundred and ninety dollars to take four hundred and twenty five dollars payable the 1st day of March 1877 and four hundred and twenty five dollars payable the 1st day of March 1878 with the understanding that if said amounts are not paid at the above stipulated times then said Judgement is to be remain in full force and effect. It is further understood agreed that Chilton Co pays all the cost in this matter that may have accrued in said County Circuit Court.
Jackson Gardner, Judge of Probate
R. C. Caffee, Commissioner
George Stewart, Commissioner
Jordan Risinger, Commissioner
J. M. Davis, Commissioner

State of Alabama, Chilton County

We the Court of Commissioners of said County hereby accept the above proposition of Bibb County as regards settlement of cause finding against Chilton County in favor of Bibb County and it is ordered by the Court that orders for the above amounts be issued in favor of Bibb County upon the Treasure of Chilton County to pay the above amounts at the time agreed upon.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed out of Special Tax to pay for building chimney the sum of $310.30 dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr