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Baker (Chilton) County Commissioners Court Minutes

Commissioners Court Records, Baker/Chilton County, FamilySearch

This transcript is from the Baker County Commissioner's Court Minutes, 1870-1878. This page is an excerpt of one year, transcribed by Derric Scott, 2023. The Image number indicates the starting image for that section in the scans at The Page number is the page number within the book itself.

Image 601, page 185

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners held Feby the 14, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, commissioners S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins, and D. C. Jones.

It is ordered by the Court that S. D. McCary contract and have the bridge across Mulberry Creek between Mulberry Church and Benson repaired and put in good order provided be can have it done at a cost of twenty dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for services in County Court for eleven cases four dollars each, $44.00 and eleven cases three dollars each $33.00. Total $77.00 and eight dollars making abstract and list for Audits ($8.00) extra services 1st quarter 1876, $37.60 and presiding Commissioners Court on day $4.00.

It is ordered by the Court that F. P. Marsh Clerk of Circuit Court be allowed for extra services 1st quarter $37.50 dollars.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell Sheriff be allowed for extra services 1st quarter $50.00 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Barron be allowed for work on Court Room the sum of $23.00 dollars out of Court House Tax.

It is ordered that Alfred Baker be allowed for six tables furnished court room $6.00 dollars out of Special Tax.

It is ordered that C. M. Mills be allowed for her support the sum of $5.00.

It is ordered that Mrs. Hall be allowed for her support the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered that James Peters be allowed for his support the sum three dollars per month for the first quarter $9.00.

It is ordered that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support the first quarter the sum of $5.00.

It is ordered that John Henly be allowed for his support the sum of $9.00 1st quarter.

It is ordered that Elizabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support 1st quarter the sum of $12.00.

It is ordered that Rhoda Overton be allowed for her support the sum of $12.00 1st quarter.

It is ordered that Eliza Hall be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding commissioners court one day Feby term $4.00.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $4.40.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $5.20.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $4.00.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $4.20.

It is ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne and Co be allowed for stationary furnished Clerk of Circuit Court the sum of one hundred and sixty four 62/100 ($164.62) dollars.

It is ordered that D. A. White be allowed for holding inquest over the body of Silvester Headley the sum of $7.00 Fine and Forfeiture Fund.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin Assessor be allowed for blank furnished Assessor the sum of $26.75 dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Baker, W. D. Moats, W. D. Sarter, John Sexton, M. Arldrige, and J. H. Galaspie be allowed as Jury of Inquest over the body of C. S. Boyd the sum of $2.40 each.

It is ordered that John Mitchell Editor Courier be allowed for advertising claims passed by commissioner Court and Treasurer report the sum of $45.35.

It is ordered that Ira Campbell assistand register in Beat No 1 be allowed 70 cents.

It is ordered that F. M. Vines assistant register in Beat No 2 be allowed the sum of $2.10.

It is ordered that Alfred Palmer assistant register in Beat No 3 be allowed the sum of $1.90.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin assistant register in Beat No 4 be allowed the sum of $5.80.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton assistant register in Beat No 5 be allowed the sum of $3.30.

It is ordered that James Martin assistant register in Beat No 7 be allowed the sum of $1.20.

It is ordered that J. H. Hannon (JP) be allowed for holding Inquest over the body of J. H. Burns? out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the sum of $8.00.

It is ordered that J. H. Hannon (JP) be allowed for holding Inquest over the body of C. S. Boyd out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the sum of $7.00.

It is ordered that J. H. Hannon (NP) be allowed for services in the following cases out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the ltab? V. S John Wright, Randal Zigler, Isaac Bazmere, Alfred Green, Joe Barton, Wiley Johnson, Jacob Levinsky, A. J. Dorman the sum of $30.25 dollar F & F.

Application by petition being now made to the Court praying for a change to be made in the Columbiana and Montgomery Road leaving the Road 1/2 mile above Mountain Church and intersect said Road again 1/4 of a mile below R M Goodgame. And it appearing to the staisfaction of the Court that notice of the same has been given as the law directs. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Jerr Marcus, Jessy Maddox, W. A. Mims, William Connell, F. M. Vines, Robert M. Goodgame, J. F. Goodgame be appointed as a Jury of Review to view and mark out said change.

It is ordered by the court that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate contract with the Editor of the Chilton Courier for the advertising of county advertisements at the rate of ten cents per line and if said contract can not be made no advertising to be done until further orders from the court.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
D. C. Jones, Commissioner

Image 604, page 190

State of Alabama, Chilton County
April Term 10, 1876, Regular Court of County Commissioners

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, commissioners S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins.

It is ordered by the Court that S. D. McCary, J. L. Williams, J. S. Johnson be appointed as a committee to contract and have built over Mulberry Creek on the Benson Road near Mulberry Church a bridge of good heart timbers above high water mark provided they can have the same done at a cost not exceeding $125.00 and approve a bond conditioned that the party keep up said bridge for a term of five years.

It is ordered by the Court that W. A. Smith, John Wormbush, and S. E. Macon be appointed as a committee to contract and have built over Big Mulberry Creek on the Dixie Road near Dixie. The bridge to be built of good heart timbers above high water mark post and braces to bd 12 by 12 sleepers 6 by 12 flooring 1/4 by 6 all heart provided they can have the same done at a cost not exceeding $242 dollars per running foot from end of sleepers take and approve bond conditioned that the party keep up said bridge in good repair for a period of five years.

It is ordered by the court that J R Jones as commission sell all lots belonging to county east of the Baptist Church at the rate of three dollars per lot in county order.

It is ordered by the court that Jame Knight as Ferryman on Coosa River be allowed to charge as fees as such Ferrymen, cattle five cents per head, sheep goats & hogs two cents per head.

It is ordered by the court that C. J. S. Doster be allowed as attorney fees in defend the case wherein Bibb County vs. Baker County one hundred dollars.

It is ordered by the court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of first money collected for clothing furnished jail the sum of sixty four 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Walker, Evans, and Cogswell be allowed for stationary the sum of ten 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. A. Jones be allowed for advertising the claims passed by Court of Commissioners one time and blank furnished Clerk Circuit Coourt the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that the Beat line of Beat No. 9? be changed to read as follows, Montgomery & Tuscaloosa Road thence along said road to where said road corsses the range line between Range 12 & 13 then south along said Range line to where said line crosses the Township line between townships 20 & 21 then east along said line to where said line crosses Little Mulberry Creek then up said creek to Range line between 13 & 14 then along the old original line.

It is ordered by the Court that the Beat line of Beat No. 5 be changed to read as follows, up Hog Creek to section line between 32 and 33 in Township 22 R 15 then south to section line between 5 and 8 then west along said line to line between Section 7 and 8 Township 21 R15 then along the old line of Beat No 5 and that the Voting Places be at Coopers and Verbena.

It is ordered by the Court that the Voting Places in Beat No. 2 be at Providence and Jemison.

And now comes James A. Dudley as Tax Collector of Chilton County and presents to the Court in writing under oath his list of errors in assessments and insolvencies to the amounts as follows errors state tax $75.32 County Tax $126.59 Errors in Poll Tax $12.00 Insovlency on personal property state tax $2.77 County $4.44 Insolvencies Poll tax $264.00.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of first money collected for expenses carrying and returning Martin M. Bates to jail the sum of thirty 50/100 dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas. A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 605, page 193

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, July 10, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, S. D. McCary, M. D. Pinson, J. B. Moore, and James A. Mullins, commissioners.

It is ordered by the Court that the Court adjourn, the tax book not being completed.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 606, page 194

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 14, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, J. A. Mullins, and M. D. Pinson, commissioners.

Application by petition being now made to the court for the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road commencing at Coosa River at point known as Morris Ferry thence west in the direction of Cooper Station & Verbena to intersect the House Ferry Road about two miles from Morris Ferry. And it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that W. B. Tayler, William Brazzell, Jack Mims, George A. Logan, John Callaway, J. R. Mims, and James S. Jones be appointed as a Jury of Review to view and mark out said road and assess the damages if any and report to the Court.

It is ordered by the court that the voting place of Beat No 1 (Mims' Cross Road) be moved from Mims Cross Road to and be at the residence of David H. Mullins.

It is ordered by the Court that Precinct line between Precinct No. 3 and No. 4 be changed to read as follows, along the Montgomery and Tuscaloosa Road to the eastern boundary line of the farm of Richard Hicks (??) then south along said line of said farm one half mile thence East parallell with said Montgomery and Tuscaloosa Road to Little Mulberry Creek thence up said creek to original line of No. 3.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding commissioners Court three days April, July, August the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra services 2nd and 4rd quarter the sum of seventy five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that F. P. Marsh be allowed for services 2nd and 4rd quarter the sum of seventy five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L. Campbell be allowed for extra services 2nd and 4rd quarter the sum of one hundred dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner three days April, July, August the sum of thirteen 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner three days and mileage April, July, August the sum of fifteen 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that J. A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner three days and mileage the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that M. D. Pinson be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of eight dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of first money collected for clothing furnished prisoner the sum of twenty dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for services rendered prisoner in Jail the sum of ten dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that L. A. Thornton be allowed for feeding Jury two meals the sum of thirteen dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that A. C. Mims, Arthur Mims, John Culp, Dock Henly, E. Cooper, and Linsay Henly each be allowed for services as Jury of Inquest over the body of Sylvester Headly the sum of two dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton as County Treasurer be allowed a credit stationary and express charges the sum of three 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that F. P. Marsh as Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed out of the Fine and Forfeiture Fund for cases in which the State failed to convice numbered as follows No 113, 141, 143, 151, 155, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 175, 181, and Alex Smith, the sum of one hundred and five 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne and Co be allowed for stationary furnished Probate Office the sum of sixteen 78/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Caroline Gibson be allowed for her support three quarters the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that C. M. Mills be allowed for her support three quarters the sum of five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Hall be allowed for her support the sum of six dollars 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that James Peters be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support the sum of five dollars $5.00.

It is ordered by the Court that John Henly be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that Elizabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support 3rd quarter the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Rhody Overton be allowed for her support the sum of six dollars 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that Eliza Hall be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that there be levied and collected upon the taxable property in Chilton County for the year 1876 one half of one percent ordinary tax and one half of one percent Special tax to pay debts.

This day came James A. Dudley Tax Collector of Chilton County and presented to the Court his account list of errors on real estate as follows, State Tax $496.13, County Tax $865.39, total $1361.52, thirteen hundred and sixty one 52/100 dollars. It is ordered by the Court that said account be allowed and James A. Dudley as Collector have credit for the same.

It is agreed by the court with W. A. Collier that he rents office now occupied as printing office for a one year court weeks to be excepted for fifty dollars for year.

It is ordered by the Court that John Parnell and T. E. Callier be allowed for building bridge across Mulberry Creek near Dixie the sum of three hundred and thirty three 12/100 dollars $333.12.

It is ordered that I. W. Session be allowed as assistant register at Providence Beat No. 2 the sum of two 70/100.

It is ordered that J. J. Heath be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 2 Jemison Box the sum of four dollars.

It is ordered that I. B. Boykin be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 4 the sum of six 70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. M. Martin be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 7 the sum of two 80/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Thomas Cook be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 8 the sum of five 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that M. D. Pinson be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 5 Cooper Box the sum of two dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 5 Verbena Box the sum of four 30/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Palmer be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 3 the sum of four 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered that there be levied and collected upon all license issued by the State fifty percent on State Tax.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 609, page 201

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Nov 6, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and James A Mullins, Commissioner.

There not be a quorum present the court adjourn until Tuesday the 5th.

Adjourned term, Tuesday Nov 7 1876

This not being a quorum present the court is adjourned until the 8th.

Wednesday Nov 8, 1876
Adjourned term, Present H. J. Callen, Judge
By authority contained in Section 828 R. V. Code it is ordered that the Court adjorun until the 14th day of Nov 1876.

H. J. Callen, Judge

Image 610, page 202

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Adjourned Court of County Commissioners, Nov 13, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate, James A. Mullins, S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, and M. D. Pinson, commissioners.

The following orders were made and entered by the Court.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra services fourth quarter the sum of thrity seven 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen as Judge of Probate be allowed for road services the sum of ninety dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for making abstract for auditor the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for recording Tax Sales for the year 1876 the sum of thirteen 20/100.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for fees in County Court in case Nos from 41 to 59 the sum of sixty four dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for certify Registration lists the sum of twenty five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding at commissioners court three day the sum of twelve dollars, the court of Sept & Novber.

It is ordered by the Court that F. P. Marsh as Clerk be allowed for services fourth quarter the sum of thirty seven 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L Campbell as Sheriff be allowed for extra services fourth quarter the sum of fifty dollars.

It is ordered that W. L Campbell as Sheriff be allowed for road services the sum of ninety dollars.

It is ordered by the court that S. D. McCary be allowed for services commissioner Sept and Nov two days and mileage the sum of eight 80/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the court that J. B. Moore be allowed as commissioner the for two days and mileage the sum of ten dollars Sept & Nov.

It is ordered by the court that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner three days Sept Nov the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the court that M. D. Pinson be allowed for services as commissioner two days Sept Nov the sum of eight dollars.

It is ordered by the court that J. T. Nelson be allowed for making coffin for child that died in jail the sum of one dollar and fifty cents.

It is ordered by the court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the sum of fifty six dollars an case in which the State failed to convic..

It is ordered by the court that W. L. Campbell be allowed for clothing furnished prisoners in jail the sum of fifty four dollars cash.

It is ordered that W. B. Hugh be allowed for examining Tax Assessor Book the sum of fifteen dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. A. Collier be allowed for advertising August and Nov election the sum of sixty dollars and sixty cents.

It is ordered by the Court that Barrett and Brown be allowed for stationary furnished County the sum of twenty five 95/100 dollars cash.

It is ordered by the Court that W. F. Claughton pay and be allowed a credit of nineteen dollars and eighty one cents for lumber, nails, and building privy.

It is ordered by the Court that Ruthy Lee be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Rhoda Overton be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Elisabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support, fourth quarter, the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that John Henley be allowed for his support, fourth quarter, the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that James Peters be allowed for his support, fourth quarter, the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Hall be allowed for support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Caroline Gibson be allowed for support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. J. B. Norris be allowed for support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered that W. S. Thompson allowed for as assistant register for Beat No 2 the sum of two 10/100 dollars.

It is ordered that T. M. Cook allowed for as assistant register Beat No 8 the sum of fifty cents.

It is ordered that M. D. Pinson allowed for as assistant register Beat No 5 Box No 1 the sum of two 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that I. M. Martin allowed for as assistant register Beat No 7 the sum of thirty cents.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton allowed for as assistant register Beat Nos 5 Box Nos 2 the sum of one dollar and ninety cents.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton allowed for a credit of three dollars and fifteen cts for stationary extra charges and key to Register's office.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin allowed for as assistant register Beat No 4 the sum of three 90/100 dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner