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Baker (Chilton) County Commissioners Court Minutes

Commissioners Court Records, Baker/Chilton County, FamilySearch

This transcript is from the Baker County Commissioner's Court Minutes, 1870-1878. This page is the transcription of the full book, transcribed by Derric Scott, 2023. The Image number indicates the starting image for that section in the scans at The Page number is the page number within the book itself.

Image 515, page 1:

The State of Alabama Special Court of County Commissioners
Baker County
March 21 1870

Present Hon M. Roberson Judge of Probate and Comrs A. J. Cooper, Anderson Baker Sr., G. W. Culp and F. M. Jordan
The following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that Joel White be allowed two hundred and fifty five dollars for stationary furnished county offices.
Ordered that Barrett & Brown be allowed twenty one dollars for stationary furnished assessor.

Ordered that H. F. Mims be appointed overseer of Grantville and Williams Place road from Court House to Maplesville & Chestnut Creek road Alfred Baker resigns.

Ordered that H. F. Mims be allowed to erect gates across Grantville and Williams Place road.

Ordered that A. C. Ward be allowed two ?? ??

M. Roberson Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker
G. W. Culp

Image 516, page 3:

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Baker County Commissioners April 4 1870

Present Hon M. Roberson Judge of Probate and commissioners A. J. Cooper, F. M. Jordan, Anderson Baker Sr., and Geo W Culp the following orders were made and entered:

Ordered that the Maplesville road be changed to begin at Alfred Popwell’s crossing the Rail Road on the line between Robinson and Mims then direct to the Rail Raod near Cyrus Logan’s

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for the support of her blind child

This day comes Johnathan Calloway, W. D. Goss, Thomas Connell, Samuel Baxley, I. G. Jones, & Joseph Barron Heretofore appointed reviewers to view and work out a public road from House Ferry Road near D C Jones to the Montgomery and Montevallo Road near the Southern Boundary line of the county and substituted the following report of their proceedings

The State of Alabama, Baker County
We the undersigned Reviewers Baker County appointed by the court of County Commissioners of said county to view and work out a new road from the House Ferry road near D C Jones the nearest and best route to the Montgomery and Montevallo road near Smith’s big ??? to report to the court of county commissioners that they have performed their duty and have viewed out said road as follows leaving House Ferry Road near D. C. Jones running Johnathan Calloway’s thence by Jack Mims & William Goss Baxley thence to the county line near James Smith’s as we have blazed said road all of which is respectfully submitted.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 4th day of April 1870, F. M. Vines:
Johnathan Calloway
W. D. Goss
Thomas Connell
Samuel Baxley
Clery D. C. Jones
Joseph Barron

It is therefore ordered that said road be established as a public road in said county of 3rd grade and that Johnathan Calloway be appointed overseer of said road from House Ferry Road to Samuel Baxley’s and that Samuel Baxley be appointed overseer of said road from Baxley’s to County line .

Ordered that Thomas Wyatt be appointed overseer on Smith’s Ferry Road from his house to the Ferry

Ordered that F M. Vines be allowed thirty one 25/100 dollars one quarter of the extra service allowed by law as Clerk Court Ordered that F. M. Jordan be allowed nine dollars for milage and 2 days attendance at Court

Ordered that Anderson Baker be allowed six dollars for 2 days service at court

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed eight 40/100 dollars as bonus for 2 days milage

M. Roberson Judge of Probate
G. W. Culp
Anderson Baker

Image 518, page 6:

The State of Alabama Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners
August 8 1870

Present Hon M. Roberson Judge of Probate and commissioners Anderson Baker, A. J. Cooper, and G. W. Culp. The following orders were made and entered:

The matter of establishing and changing Election Precincts in said County and the places of voting therein coming on to be considered and the Court being satisfied that three months notice has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door in said county that said matters would be considered and acted upon at this term of the Court and that that more than thirty days will interim before any election will be held in said county thereupon the Court proceed to establish Election Precincts in said county and places of voting therein as follows to wit

Precinct No 1 Commencing at the North East corner of the County thence west to the range line between 13 and 14 thence south to the Township line between 22 & 23 thence east to Yellowleaf Creek down said creek to Coosa River thence up said River to place of beginning . Voting places Mims Cross Road and Shraders Mills

Precinct No 2 Commencing at the North West corner of Precinct No 1 thence west to the North West corner of the County thence south to the Township line between 22 & 23 thence east along said Township line to the range line between 13 & 14 thence North on said line to the beginning. Voting place at Providence Church.

Precinct No 3 Commencing at the South East corner of Precinct No 2 thence west to the County line south along said line to Township line between 21 & 22 thence west to the range line between 20 & 21 to the Montgomery and Tuscaloosa Road thence east along said road to whence it crosses the Range line between 12 and 13 tence down said Range line to the North East corner of Section 19 Township 21 R13 thence East to Range line between 13 & 14 thence North along said line to the beginning. The place of voting to be at Benson.

Precinct No 4 Commencing at the Coosa River where the Yellowleaf Creek empties into the same thence up said creek to whence it crosses the Township line between Township 22 & 23 thence west to Range line between 13 & 14 thence south along said line two miles south of Township line between 21 & 22 thence east one mile east of Range line between 14 & 15 thence to Hog Creek down said creek to Walnut Creek thence down said Walnut Creek to Coosa River thence up said River to beginning. Place of voting Court House.

Precinct No 5 Commencing at Coosa River where Walnut Creek empties into the same thence up said creek to where Hog Creek empties into the same thence up said Hog Creek to where it crosses the Smith Ferry Road thence up said road to North west corner of Sec 8 T 22 R15 thence south to County thence east & north along boundary line to place of beginning. Place of voting Coopers Store.

Precinct No 6 Commencing at South west corner of Sec 8 T 22 R 15 thence east to Range line between 13 & 14 thence south one mile thence east two miles thence south to County line thence east & north said line to - place of beginning - Range line between 13 & 14 thence up said line to place of beginning. Voting place Barbours Store.

Precinct No 7 Commencing at the Southern County line - 2 miles west of - at the South West corner of Precinct No 6 thence North to Precinct line of Precinct 3 thence west along said Precinct line to corner of County where R R crosses thence west south and east along boundary line of county to place of beginning. Voting place Maplesville Depot.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed one hundred dollars extra serivce for 6 months.

Ordered that Sheriff be allowed one hundred dollars extra service for 6 months.

Ordered that Judge County court be allowed ninety two dollars for presiding at the court 23 cases.

Ordered that Mrs. Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for the support of her blind child.

Ordered that Wm C. Howell be allowed three hundred and twenty five dollars for printing done for county. Ordered that John Henly be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as a cripple.

Ordered that Dorcas Shurrach be allowed ten dollars for her support as an Indigent.

Ordered that James Huckabee be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an Indigent.

Ordered that James H. Gibbon, I. S. Johnson, and Alfred Palmer be appointed commissioners to let out and contract for a bridge across the Mulberry Creek near Mulberry Church.

Ordered that David White Seaborn Jones and Wm Brown be appointed commissioners to let out and contract for the repairing the bridge across Bear Creek near Widow Jones on Montgomery Road.

Ordered that Clerk circuit Court be allowed thirty one 25/100 dollars extra service for one quarter.

Ordered that Henry A. J. Maddox be allowed thirty four dollars for rent of house for Probate office.-

Ordered that Jack White be allowed fifteen dollars for stationary furnished Judge Probate.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed eight 40/100 dollars for service as County 2 days and milage.

Ordered that Anderson Baker be allowed six dollars for 2 dyas service as commissioner and mileage.

M. Roberson Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker
G. W. Culp
A. J. Cooper

Image 520, page 11:

The State of Alabama Baker County
Regular Court of County Comrs Aug 15 1870

Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson Judge of Probate and Comrs

Ordered that M. Popwell be allowed $17.60 for Stationary furnished County.

Ordered that D. C. Jones, Wm M. Jones, Johnathan Calloway, Elijah Easterling, E. A. Wright, John Taylor, and Milton Bullard be appointed to assess damages for M. Aldridge for public road being established through his enclosure.

Ordered that Wm A. Jones be allowed six dollars for services rendered at Co Ct

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed twelve dollars for attending Comrs Court 4 days.

Ordered that Clerk Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars additional for extra service.

Ordered that W. E. Vines be allowed two dollars for attending County Court as Sheriff 1 day.

Ordered that F. M. Connell, Samuel Yates, James Farr, Wm Driver, John Dennis, John Moore, and Dennis Askins be apointed a jury of review to view and mark out a public road from F .M. Connells to Dennis Askins an application in working for that purpose having this day been presented to the court and the court being satisfied that notice of said application has been given by posting written notice of the same for thirty days at the Court House door and therein other public places in this County.

M. Roberson Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker
G. W. Culp Comrs

Image 521, page 13:

The State of Alabama Baker County
Regular Court of County Comrs Nov 7 1870

Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson Judge of Probate and Comrs.

Ordered that C. M. Smith be allowed one hundred dollars for building bridge across Mulberry Creek

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars to support her blind child.

Ordered that John Henley be allowed fifteen dollars as Indigent.

Ordered that F. Sie be allowed ten dollars as Indigent.

Ordered that Clerk Cir. Court be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars extra service rendered county.

Ordered that Judge of Probate to be allowed one hundred dollars extra service.

Ordered that Sheriff be allowed one hundred dollars extra service for 6 months.

Ordered that H. A. J. Maddox be allowed 24 dollars for rent of house for Judge Probate.

Ordered that James Huckabee be allowed fifteen Dollars as an indigent

Ordered that I. R. Jones be allowed ten dollars for correcting Tax Books for 1870

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed $4.25 for services as comr 1 day and milage.

Ordered that A. Baker be allowed $3.00 as comr 1 day.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed 4 dollars for presiding at comrs crt 1 day

This day came Saml Yates, James Farr, Wm Driver, John Moore, and Dennis Askins a majority of a Jury of review heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a public road from F. M. Connells to Dennis Askins and presented this report in writing setting forth that they had viewed and marked out said road It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said Jury of review be and the same is hereby established as a public road of 4rd grade. It is further ordered that Samuel B. Howard be appointed overseer to of the said road.

Image 522, page 15

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Feb 1871.

Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge and Comrs A. J. Cooper, Anderson Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp.

: Ordered that a ferry be established across the Coosa River at Wyatt's old Ferry.

Ordered that D C Jones be allowed twelve dollars as damages for public road being established through his premises the sum having been assessed by a jury heretofore appointed by this Court for that purpose.

Ordered that Middleton Aldridge be allowed fifty four dollars damages and cost for public road being estabilshed through his premises. The same having been assessed by a jury theretofore appointed by this Court for that purpose.

Ordered that J. J. Armstrong be allowed one 40/100 dollars overpaid tax.

Ordered that Elizabeth Durbin be allowed three 30/100 illegal tax paid by her.

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for support of blind child.

Ordered that A. C. Ward be allowed six dollars for tax receipts.

Ordered that J. Henley be allowed twenty dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Frederick Lee be allowed ten dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that S. Moats be allowed ten dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that M &P Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Henry Maddox allowed twenty four dollars rent of room for Probate Office.

Ordered that Wm Walker, Seaborn Jones, and David Wilson be appointed commissioners to let out bridges across Big Mulberry and Bear Creeks near old Maplesville.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from the town of Clanton in said County to run east of the S & N Ala RR to intersect the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road near the Maplesville crossing. And it appearing stand? thirty days notice has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county that said application would be this day made. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Jas W Foshee, Edward Mims, Alfred Baker, John Baker, Elijah H Parrish, Davidy Wyatt, and J N Wyatt be appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed seven 20/100 dollars for service as commr 2 days.

Ordered that Anderson Baker be allowed $6.25 dollars services as commr 2 days.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from near Joseph W. Foshees to the State road near M. K. Broadheads and it appearing to the Court that notice of application has been given for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that M. Popwell, Elijah Headley, John Culp, J. T. Roper, M. K. Broadhead, A. C. Oats and Newton Williams be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek road near John Burkhalters and to intersect the Montgomery road near the Baptist Church and it appearing to the Court that notice of application has been given for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Wm Moore, Wm Ray, E. Williams, Wm Downs, Elias Minor, Wm Patterson, and Wm Morgan be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.
Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from the Gill old place to the Kingston road near Mrs. Farr's Spring and it appearing to the Court that notice of application has been given for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that J. T. Kicker, James Farr, W. Driver, John Eiland, John Moore, F. M. Eiland, and John Dennis be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that the list of Errors in assessment and insolvencies presented to the Court this day by A. C. Ward, Tax Collector of this County, of Taxes for the year 1870 amounting in aggregate to one hundred and sixty two 59/100 dollars be allowed him as a credit on his settlement with the Treasurer of said County for the Taes of the year 1870.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 525, page 20

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, Feb 27, 1871.

Called for purposes of transacting the general business of the Court ten days notice having been given as required by law of the calling of said Court present and presiding Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Commrs Anderson Baker, Sr., a. J. Cooper, and G. W. Culp.

Ordered that M. Popwell be allowed twenty four dollars for stationary furnished the County.

Order that Judge of Probate be allowed sixty six dollars extra service.

Ordered that Sheriff be allowed sixy two 50/100 dollars extra service.

Ordered that Clk Cir Court be allowed fifty dollars for extra service.

Ordered that Anderson Baker be allowed six 25/100 dollars 2 days as Commr.

Ordered that N. H. Smitherman be allowed eighteen 40/100 dollars for carrying prisoners to jail.

Ordered that F. M. Jordan be allowed seven 70/100 dollars service as Commr for 2 days and milage..

Ordered that Clk Cir Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra service.

Image 526, page 23

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, May 2d, 1871.

Called for the transaction of general business of the Court 10 days notice having been of the calling of said Court as required by law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A. Baker, Sr., G. W. Culp, and A. J. Cooper.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road from near J. W. Foshees to Randolph by way of B. Blocker's Mill intersecting the Selma and Montevallo road at Jackson Hubbards. And it appearing to the Court that (30) notice of application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that M. Popwell, B. Blocker, Wm. Foshee, James Roseberry, R. B. Childers, H. M. Foshee, and Jas. Smitherman be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out the best route for said proposed road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to change the Maplesville and Talladega Springs road leaving said road at J. R. PRices and running by Pleasant Grove to Mrs. Emily Littletons. And it appearing to the Court that notice has been given for 30 days of the filing of said application, by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Jno. R. Price, J. M. Pearce, Jas. Littleton, Warren Maddox, Wyley Bean, John Attaway, and Warren Martin be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to mark and change said road.

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for the support of blind child.

Ordered that A. C. Patillo be allowed ten dollars for the support of insane child.

Ordered that John W. Henley be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co. be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars for extra service for 2nd quarter of 1871.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars 1 quarter extra service for 1871.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed thirteen 70/100 dollars 3 days service as commr.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed fourteen 60/100 dollars 3 days service as commr.

Ordered that A. Baker be allowed twelve 30/100 dollars 3 days service as commr.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed sixteen dollars for presideing at Commrs. Court 4 days.

Ordered that M and P Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars as indigents.

Ordered that Clerk Cir Court be allowed fifty dollars extra service.

Ordered that R. M. Leopard be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

On the application of John H Lewis it is orderd by the court that the said Lewis be and he is hereby authorized to establish a Ferry across the Coosa River at the Wyatt old Ferry for the period of ten years upon his entering into bond with security as required by law and that he be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage to wit for a 4 hours team $1.00, for 2 horse team 50 cents, for 1 horse team 25 cents, for 1 horse & man 15 cents and 10 cents for Said rates to be doubled during high water an the said John H Lewis having this day filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of said County his bond as required by law in such cases with E H Lewis and Martin Bates as his securities therein. Which bond is deemed good and sufficient and and is approved. It is thereupon ordered that a license be issued to said J H Lewis to establish said Ferry.

It is ordered by the court that a contract for the building of a Brick Court House and jail for said county at Clanton in said county be let out to the lowest bidder on the 5th day of June 1871 and that the same be advertised by posting notice or otherwise.

It is ordered by the court that another place of voting be and the same is hereby established at the resident of M F Fullers in Precinct No 7 in said County.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 529, page 29

State of Alabama, Baker County
Court of County Commissioners, April 5, 1871.

Be it known that at an election held in said county on the first Saturday in April 1871 for the permanent location of the new Court House in said county, it appears from the returns of said election that Clanton and Benson in said county were the two highest places voted for in said election. It is threefore ordered that these two places be put in nomination for a second electon for the same purpose on the last Saturday in April 1871.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker Sr.
A. J. Cooper
G. W. Culp

Image 530, page 30

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, May 2, 1871

Be it remembered that at an election held in said county on the last Saturday in April 1871 for the permanent location of the Court House of said county and Clanton having received the highest number of votes at said election. It is therefore ordered that Clanton be and it is hereby declared the permanent location of the Court House of said county.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker Sr.
A. J. Cooper
G. W. Culp

Image 531, page 33

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, June 5, 1871

Held for the purpose of transacting the general business of the Court, the same having been ordered and advertised as required by law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge and Comrs. A. Baker, Sr., A. J. Cooper, and G. W. Culp.

This day came Wm. Downs and others a majority of a Jury of Review heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark a new public road from Mar John Burkahlter's to intersect the Montgomery road near the Baptist Church at or near Chestnut Creek and presented their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as directed in said order. It is thereupon ordered that said road as marked out by said Jury of Reivew be and the same is hereby established of 3rd grade. It is further ordered that R. H. Wilson be appointed overseer of said road.

This day the court proceeded to let out the contract for the building of the Court House of said county to be lowest bidder when A. J. Cooper became the lowest bidder at the sum of five thousand and twenty five dollars.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
G. W. Culp
Anderson Baker Sr.

Image 532, page 35

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, June 19, 1871

Held for the purpose of transacting the general business of the Court the same having been ordered and advertised according to law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A. J. Cooper, A. Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp.

It being made known to the court that A. J. Cooper has failed and refuses to comply with his bid for the contract of building of the Court House of said county for the reason that the law forbids him (he being a county commissioner of said county) from contracting for the erection of public buildings for the county. It is thereupon ordered by the court that a contract for the building of the Court House of said county at Clanton shall be let out to the lowest bidder or at private contract on the 8th day of July 1871 and that the same be advertised by posting notices thereof.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 533, page 37

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, July 8, 1871

Held for the transaction of general business of the county it having been advertised as by law required. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs F. M. Jordan, A. Baker, Sr., A. J. Cooper, and G. W. Culp.

It is ordered by the court that the contract for the building of the Court House of said county be let at private contract and it further ordered that the contract this day entered into for the building of said Court House with Dake & Grant by the Judge and Commissioners of said Court which contract is on file in the office of the Judge of Probate of said county together with the plan an dspecification sof said building be and the same is hereby approved. It is further ordered that Jesse R. Jones be and he is hereby appointed a commissioner to sell at private sale and he is hereby authorized and empowered to sell at private sale any of the lots in the place of the Town of clanton in said county, conveyed by Alfred Baker (to said County of Baker) and to exisnte? titles to the purchases thereof.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 532, page 35

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 14, 1871

Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge and Comrs A. J. Cooper, A. Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp.

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed ten dollars the support of her blind child.

Ordered that John Henley be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Robert Leopard be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that John P. Robinson be allowed thirty two dollars for supporting James Pitens?? 4rurntles??.

Ordered that Margarette Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed seventeen 20/100 dollars for services as commr.

Ordered that A. Baker, Sr. be allowed thirteen dollars 4 days service as commr.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed fifteen 20/100 dollars 4 days service as commr.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from Fitzpatrick on the S & N Ala RR the nearest and best route to John H Lewis Ferry on the Coosa River. And the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised as required by law for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that B. F. Wyatt, T. J. Wyatt, Thomas Bates, Samuel Adams, W. Y. Mims, Suvell B. Howard, and Wm. Connell be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from the Hardy Place to the Independence Road near Thomas Parker's. And the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Enoch Rawlinson, Burfoaniss Rawlinson, Wm. Mills, Jr., Wm. Mills Sr., M. F. Fuller, A. G. Patrick and John Poole be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from Clanton to Mrs. Littleton's and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Wm. C. Headley, Richard Mims, A. C. Mims, A. T. Mims, E. T. Rodes, Alfred Baker, and John S. Deloach be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new road from Lewis old Ferry on the Coosa River to interect the road running from Smith's Ferry to Fitzpatrick on the S & N RR and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that E. T. Connells, J. G. Jones, Wm. D, Guss, Wm. Howard, F. M. Connells, A. J. Cooper, and James Baxley be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying to discontinue the Smith's Ferry road, and further praying that a Jury of Review be appointed to view and mark out a new road from Smith's Ferry by Cargyles Creek, Mose Robinson, and Mary Popwell's to Clanton. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said application has been advertised for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said Smith's Ferry road be discontinued. It is further ordered that John Baker, Mose Robinson, E H Parrish, James Robinson, M. Aldridge, Mathan Mims, and John Popwell be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road from Smith's Ferry to Clanton.

This day came John Popwell, Sr., and others a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from Clanton to the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road near Harrison's Steam Mill. And presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed in sayd order as follows: commencing at the 80 foot Street running from the Railroad to the Court House Square running south along the first 60 feet street east of the RR crossing Poley Bridge creek some 80 yards east of the RR and intersetcing the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road 400 yards east of the RR. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said Jury of Review be and the same is hereby established a 3rd grade public road. It is further ordered that John Popwell, Sr., be and he is hereby appointed overseer of said road.

This day came Wm. D. Foshee and others a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from near J. W. Foshees to run by B. Blocker's Mill to the Selma & Maplesville Road at Jackson Hubbards, and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed by said order it is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked out b and the same is hereby established. It is further ordered that said road be divided into 3 road precincts. 1st from J. W. Foshees to Blockers Mill, 2nd from Blockers Mill to the hollow in Doc Davenports old field, 3rd from Dock Davenports old field to Jackson Hubbards. It is further ordered that Wm. D. Foshee be apointed overseer of the 1st precinct. Lawsen Palmer of the 2nd and Alex Glasscock.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
H. J. Callen
G. W. Culp

Image 538, page 47

State of Alabama, Baker County
Monday August 21, 1871.

This being the 3rd Monday in said month of August 1871 the Board of Equalization for said county met at the Probate Court room in Clanton the following named Members being present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate Chairman and Comrs Anderson Baker, Sr., A. J. Cooper, H. J. Callen and treasurer James M. Parrish and Tax Assessor M. Popwell, Clerk of the Board.

Thereupon the said Court of Equalization proceeded to examine the assessment book of taxes for the present year as returned by the assessor and make an equializatoin of the assessment for the said year, and no complaints being made to the board of any one being aggreived by reason of the eroneous or excessive valuation made by the assessor, the Board proceeded to equalize the valuation of the taxable property of said county, without adding to or deducting from the valuation any of the Real Property contained in said assessment

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
H. J. Callen
James M. Parrish, CT

Image 539, page 49

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 21, 1871

After the adjournment of the Board of Equalization, the Court of County Commissioners convened as follows:
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A. J. Cooper, Anderson Baker, Sr., and H. J. Callen and proceeded to make the following orders.

It is ordered by the Court that one hundred percent be and the same is hereby levied on the amount of State Tax for this county for the ordinary expenses of the county and that the Tax Collector of said county proceed to collect the same with the said State Tax.

It is further ordered that one hundred and fifty percent be and the same is hereby levied on the amount of the State Tax for this County for the purpose of erecting a Court House and Jail (one half the amount for each) for said county and that the Tax Collertor of said County proceed to collect the same with the other taxes.

It is further ordered that the Treasurer of said county be and he is hereby authorized and required to pay out of the first monies received into the Treasury the balance due on the county order held by A. J. Cooper for building the Court House for said county which has been burned down.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed nine 60/100 dollars for service and milage for 2 days as a commissioner.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed thirty dollars for procuring stationary for county.

Ordered that G. W. Floyd be allowed four dollars for examining Treasurer Book.

Ordered that W. C. Davidson be allowed four dollars for examining Treasurer Book.

Ordered that Wm. Walker be allowed six dollars for examining Treasurer Book.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed fifty dollars 1 quarters extra service 1871.

Ordered that Wm. A. Jones be allowed fifty dollars 1 quarters extra service as Shff.

Ordered that Clk Cir Crt be allowed forty dollars extra service.

Ordered that G. W. Floyd be allowed fifty eight 80/100 dollars for Fid...nates?.

This day came Wm. C. Headley and others a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from Clanton to Mrs. Elizabeth Littleton's place on the Maplesville road and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as follows to wit commencing at the north end of the first 60 feet Street east of the S & N RR running by way of Wm C. Headley's and near the settlement??? road and intersecting the Montevallo Road at or near the old Hardiman place. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said Jury of Reivew be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that Wm. C. Headley be and he is hereby appointed overseer of said road.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
H. J. Callen

Image 541, page 52

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners

Held for the transaction of the general business of the Court the same having advertised according to Law. Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and H. J. Callen, Anderson Baker, Sr., and A. J. Cooper Comrs.

This day came J. F. Grant one of the firm of Dake & Grant, in his own proper person and thereupon it is agreed and concented by the said Grant on the part of the said firm of Dake & Grant and by the said Judge and Commissioners on the part of said County that the contract heretofore entered into with the said Dake & Grant by said Judge & comrs for the erection of a brick Court House for said county in the town of Clanton be and the same is hereby rescinded set aside and held for naught. It is thereupon ordered by the court that a contract for the erection of a court house and jail for said county in the town of Clanton be let out this day at private contract. And the said Judge and comrs having now entered into a contract with the said Dake & Grant for the erection of said Court House and jail according to the plans and specifications attached to said contract which contract is in writing and filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said contract be and the same is hereby confirmed. Thereupon the Court adjourned until Thursday 31st August 1871. Court met pursuant to adjornment

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed seven 80/100 dollars service as comr 2 days.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed eight dollars for two days service as Chariman of Comrs Court.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
Anderson Baker Sr.
A. J. Cooper

Image 542, page 55

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Nov 6, 1871

Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A J Cooper, Anderson Baker, Sr., and G. W. Culp. The following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that Wm. Walker be allowed one hundred and forty four dollars for building a bridge across the Mulberry Creek on the Montgomery and Tuscaloosa road.

This day came T. J. Wyatt, B. F. Wyatt, Thomas Bates, Wm. Connell, and S. B. Howard a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new road from Lewis Ferry on Coosa River to Cooper's Station on S & N Ala RR and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed. It is thereupon ordered that said road as viewed by said Jury be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that said road be divided into two road precinct, 1st from Lewis' Ferry to Cargyles Creek with Thomas Bates as overseer and second from Cargyles Creek to Coper's Station with James Robinson as overseer.

This day came Wm. Mills, Sr., Wm. Mills, Jr., M. F. Fuller, Brenf Rowlinson and Jno Poole a a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new public road from the Hardy old place to the Independence road near Thomas Parkers and presented their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed. It is therefore ordered that said road as marked out by said Jury be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that said road be divided into 2 road precincts, 1st from Hardy old place to John Poole's with Richard Hendricks as overseer and 2nd from John Poole's to Independence road with Wm. Summerlin as overseer.

Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road from the Montgomery road near Mrs. Nettile Jones' to Clanton and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised as required by law for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that D. H. White, T. W. Williams, Seaborn Jones, R. Ward, Wm. Brown, Jno Culp, and Wm. Culp be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

*** "new public road from Clanton the nearest and best route to the Montgomery & Montevallo Road at Jack Prices"
Application by petition in writing being now made to this Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road from Clanton the nearst and best route to the Montgomery and Montevallo road at Jack Price's and the Court being satisfied that said application has been advertised as required by law for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Graves Lockhard, Wyley Littlejohn, Thomas Littlejohn, Jno Attaway, Sr., James Baker, and James Burnett be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that Sheriff be allowed one hundred and forty dollars for extra services and road duties.

Ordered that Judge Probate be allowed one hundred and forty dollars extra services and road duties.

Ordered that Clk Cir Court be allowed forty dollars extra services.

Ordered that J. W. Henley be allowed fifteen dollars as an indigent.

Ordered that Robt Wilson, Rr., and E. T. Gullahorn be and they are hereby appointed a committee? to let out a bridge across Chestnut Creek at or near Gullahorn's Mill.

Ordered that Anderson Baker, Sr. be allowed nine 40/100 dollars for 3 days service as Comr.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed eleven 40/100 dollars for service as Comr.

Ordered that G. W. Culp be allowed four 30/100 dollars for service as Comr.

Ordered that Anderson Baker, Sr. be allowed three 20/100 dollars for service as Comr.

Ordered that F. Lee? be allowed twenty dollars for his support.

Ordered that Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars for her support.

Ordered that Robert Leopard be allowed fifteen dollars for his support.

Ordered that M. and P. Carlisle be allowed fifteen dollars for their support.

Ordered that Haywood be allowed fifteen dollars for her support.

Ordered that M. Roberson be allowed eight dollars presiding 2 days at Comr Court.

Ordered that M. Roberson be allowed four 30/100 dollars for stationary.

Ordered that Wm. A. Jones be and he is hereby appointed Commissioner to sell and execute title to Jesse R. Jones to Lots No 3 & 5 in Block No. 6 in the plan of the Town of Clanton in said county east of the S & N Ala RR in consideration of the said J. R. Jones obligating himself to have all the conveyancing done for this county in the sale and transfer of the lots in said Town belonging to this County.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
Anderson Baker Sr.
G. W. Culp

Image 545, page 60

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, December 11, 1871

Held for the purpose of transaction of business of the County the same having been advertised as directed by law. Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and T. W. Shrader.

Ordered that G. B. Barbour be allowed one hundred and forty dollars for building bridge across Mulberry Creek at Benson.

Ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne be allowed four hundred and eighty seven 50/100 dollars for stationary furnished Judge Probate.

Ordered that G. B. Barbour as adren? of F. M. Jordan be allowed three 85/100 dollars for services as Comr 1 day and milage.

Ordered that W. A. Allen and Son be allowed seven 47/100 dollars for stationary.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed Five Hundred dollars out of the Special Tax levied for the purpose of erecting Court House & part of said county as a part of the first payment upon contract for erecting said Court House and jail.

On the application of James A Knight a ferry is established across Coosa River at a place knowns as Knight's Ferry with ferriage same as Lewis.

Ordered that the Judge of Probate be and he is hereby authorized and empowereed to issue an order on the Treasurer of this county in favor of Dake & Grant for one thousand dollars as balance due on first payment on contract for erecting court house and jail of said county. Whenever the building committee shall report to him that sufficient work has been done on the Court House and jail to entitle them to their first payment under said contract.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen
A. J. Cooper

Image 546, page 62

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Feb 12, 1872

Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Comrs A. J. Cooper, and H. J. Callen. Where the following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that W. D. Foshee be allowed three 50/100 dollars for erecting mail posts and signboard along the Clanton and Randolph Road.

Ordered that J. W. Henley be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an indigent.

Ordered that Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

Ordered that J. W. Dunlap be allowed fifty six 25/100 dollars 1 quarter extra services for 1872 as Sheriff.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed fifty six 25/100 dollars 1 quarter extra services for 1872.

Ordered that Clerk Cir Court be allowed forty five 75/100 dollars for extra services 1 quarter for 1872.

Ordered that J H Harman be allowed eleven 50/100 dollars for holding enquest over Jerry Armsby.

Ordered that J S Farr be allowed four dollars for erecting mile posts along Kingston & Coopers Station road.

Ordered that J. B. Boykin Tax Assessor be allowed twenty five dollars for stationary.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed two hundred dollars part payment for building Court House and jail.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper Tax Assessor be allowed three 85/100 dollars services 1 day as comr and milage.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars services 1 day as comr and milage.

Ordered that L. A. Thorston be allowed one 20/100 dollars for candles furnished Judge of Probate office.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed four dollars presiding at Comrs Court 1 day.

This day came James Robinson et al a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new public road from Clanton to Smith's Ferry on the Coosa River and presents their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as directed from Clanton by Mose Robinson's, Cargyles Creek to Smith's Ferry. It is thereupon ordered that said road as viewed and marked out by said Jury of Review be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that E. J. Gullahorn be and he hereby is appointed overseer of the first precinct on said road from Clanton to Mose Robinson's and that M. Aldredge be appointed overseer of the 2nd precinct on said road from Mose Robinson's to Smith's Ferry.

This day came Groves Lockhart et al a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new public road from Clanton to the Monteballo road, near Jack Price's. And present their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as follows: commencing at Clanton and running by Groves Lockhart's intersecting the Montevallo road near John Attaway's. It is thereupon ordered that said road as marked out by said Jury of Review be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that said road constitute one road precinct and that Groves Lockhart be and he is hereby appointed the overseer of said road. James Burentte.

This day came D. A. White et al a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new public road from Clanton to Tuscaloosa road, near Mrs. J. Jones'. And present their report in writing and stating that they had viewed and marked out said road as follows: beginning at Mrs. Jones thence to White's along the Settlement road to the road by Jas Williams thence a south course across Bear Creek on to the edge of the piney woods thence along the ridge towards Clanton near W. Headleys Marpens old tan yard to M. Popwells and from thence along the blazes made last spring to the road near Jno Foshee's thence the public road to Clanton. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said Jury of Review be and the same is hereby established a 3rd Grade road. It is further ordered that said road constitutes two road precincts with Wm. Culp as overseer of the first from Jas Foshee's to Lindsay Headley's and G. W. Jones from Lindsay Headley's to Mrs. Jones'.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a Jury of Review to change the public road running east and west through the Town of Clanton so that it may enter the 80 feet street leaving east and west from the court house near where the said road enters the Williams old field thence along said street through Clanton and thence in a westerly direction to the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road and it appearing to satisfaction of the Court that said application has been advertised as required by law by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in this county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that J. W. Gullahorn, J. W. Foshee, J. H. Houran, Alfred Baker, A. J. Mims, J. T. Writhe, and Anderson GBaker, Sr. be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.
Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a Committee of Three as required by law to let out and contract for the building of a Bridge across the Oakmulgee Creek on the Marion and Maplesville road between James Griffin's and Wester Latham's. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Rally Latham, Western Latham, Sr., and James Griffin's be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to let out and contract for said bridge.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a Committee as required by law to let out and contract for the building of a bridge across the Big Mulberry Creek on the Maplesville and Selma road near John W. Foshee's. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that D. G. Wilson, J. W. Foshee, and C. J. Currie be and they are hereby appointed a Committee to let out and contract for said bridge.

And now comes the Tax Collector James A. Dudley and presents to the Court a list of insolvencies and errors in assessment (for the year 1871) amounting in the aggreate to five hundred and eight 50/100 dollars parying the court to give him a credit of the same. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said list as presented be allowed.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
A. J. Cooper
H. J. Callen

Image 546, page 67

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, April 1, 1872

Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Commissioners A J Cooper, and H J Callen.

Ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed two 24/100 dollars for stationary.

Ordered that E. M. Trueble be allowed three 60/100 dollars for sundries furnished Judge of Probate.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed two hundred dollars part payment for building Court House and jail.

Ordered that J. W. Dunlap Shff be allowed fifty six 25/100 dollars extra services for the 2nd quarter in 1872.

Ordered that M. and P. Carlisle be allowed twenty four dollars for their support as indigents for 2nd quarter of 1872.

Ordered that R. Leopard be allowed eight dollars for their support as an indigent for 2nd quarter of 1872.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed fifty six 23/100 dollars extra service for 2nd quarter 1872.

Ordered that Clerk Circuit Court be allowed forty three 75/100 dollars extra service for 2nd quarter 1872.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars service as comr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed three 85/100 dollars service as comr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that M. Roberson be allowed four dollars for presiding at Comrs Court 1 day..

Ordered that Jesse R. Jones be nas he hereby is released from License Tax as a lawyer due the County of Baker for legal services rendered the County for the year 1872.

Thereupon the court proceeded to elect a Surveryor for Baker county and upon counting the ballots G. W. Floyd received a moajority of the votes polled. It is therefore ordered that the said Floyd be and he is hereby appointed the Surveyor of said county.

M. Roberson, Judge
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper

Image 549, page 69

State of Alabama, Baker County
Called Court of County Commissioners, May 18, 1872

Present Hon M Roberson, Judge and Comrs J. W. Gullahorn, H. J. Callen and A. J. Cooper.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed two hundred dollars part payment for building Court House.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed four hundred dollars part payment for building Court House.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed two hundred and fifty dollars part payment for building Court House.

Ordered that Dake & Grant be allowed two hundred and fifty dollars part payment for building Court House.

Ordered that H. J. B. Boykin be allowed twenty four 50/100 dollars for stationary for Assessor.

Ordered that M. Roberson be allowed four dollars for presiding at Comr Court 1 day.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed four 50/100 dollars service as Comr 1 day.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed three 85/100 dollars service as Comr 1 day.

Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars service as Comr 1 day.

Ordered that J. W. Dunlap be allowed Twenty eight 40/100 dollars for stationary.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
J. W. Gullahron, Comr
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 550, page 71

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 12, 1872

Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Commissioners H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, and A. J. Cooper. The following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that Willis Roberts be allowed one hundred and seventeen 50/100 dollars for stationary furnished offices.

Ordered that the Treasurer of said County pay to the Holders of the Jury and Bailiffs Certificates issued by the Clerk of the Circuit of said county at the Sprint Term 1872 of the Circuit Cort of said County which are legal claims.

Ordered that Henry Wilson be allowed one 50/100 dollars for stationary furnished county.

Ordered that Treasurer be allowed eight dollars for stationary furnished county.

Ordered that Bird Griffin be allowed sixty nine dollars for building bridge across Oakmulgee Creek on Maplesville and Marion road.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker county be allowed forty nine 03/100 for carrying two prisoners Bill McGn and Calvin Kirshaw to Columbiana Jail.

This day came Alfred Baker et al a majority of a Jury of Reivew heretofore appointed by this court to change the road running east and west throught the Town of Clanton. And presented their report that they have viewed and marked out said road so as to intersect the 80 feet Street running east and west through the Town of Clanton at the edge of the Williams old field thence along said street and in a westerly directin to the Maplesville and Chestnut Creek road. It is thereupon ordered that said road be established a 3rd Grade road as viewed and marked out.

This day came A. T. Mims and tenders his resignation to the Court as overseer of the road from Maddox Mill to the Maplesville and Chestnut Creek Road west of Clanton and said resignation being accepted. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Reubin Popwell, Jr. be and he hereby is appointed overseer of said road.

Ordered that J. J. Trawick be allowed two dollars for milepost and sign boards on the Wetumpka Road.

Ordered that J. Calloway be allowed one 75/100 dollars for milepost and sign boards on the Smith's Ferry Road.

Ordered that J. M. Robinson be allowed Two dollars for milepost and sign boards on the Lewis Ferry Road.

Ordered that Mrs. Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars as an indigent 3rd quarter 1872.

Ordered that P. and M. Carlisle be allowed twenty four dollars as indigents 3rd and 4th quarter 1872.

Ordered that John Henley be allowed nine dollars as an indigent 3rd quarter 1872.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed fifty six 25/100 dollars extra services for 3rd quarter 1872.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker county be allowed fifty six 25/100 dollars extra services for 3rd quarter 1872.

Ordered that Clk Cir Court be allowed fourty three 75/100 dollars extra services for 3rd quarter 1872.

Ordered that Judge Probate be allowed four dollars presiding at Comrs Court.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed three 80/100 dollars service as comr 1 day.

Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars service as comr 1 day.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars services 1 day as comr.

On the application of Elijah H. Lewis it is ordered by the court that the said Lewis be and he hereby is authroized to establish a ferry across the Coosa River at Johnson's old ferry on said river for the period of ten years upon his entering into bond as required by law. And that he be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage to wit for a 4 horse tram 1.00 for 2 horse tram 50 cents for 1 horse team or man and horse 25 cents for man 10 cents. Said rates to be doubled during high water.

And now comes Rally Latham, Western Latham, Sr., and James Griffin a committee heretofore appointed by this Court to let out and contract for the building of the bridge across Oakmulgee Creek on the Maplesville and Marion road and present their report in writing that they have let out and contracted said bridge to Bird Griffin for the sum of sixty nine dollars who has given bond and the said bridge having been built as contracted for. It is ordered that said bridge be accepted. It is further ordered that Bird Griffin be allowed sixty nine dollars for the building of said bridge.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr
H. J. Callen, Comr

Image 553, page 76

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular meeting of the Board of Equalization, 3rd Monday in August, 1872

Held to equialize the taxes of said county for the year 1872 (on the 3rd Monday in August 1872).

Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate, chairman and commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn. W. F. Claughton and Tax Assessor J. B. Boykin, Secretary of the Board when the following proceedings were had

Image 546, page 79

State of Alabama, Baker County
Speical Court of County Commissioners, Sept 2, 1872

Held for the purpose of levying the county tax of said county for the year 1872. Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs A. J. Cooper, H. J. Callen, and J. W. Gullahorn.

It is ordered by the court that one hundred percent on the state tax be levied for the ordinary expenses of the county.

Ordered that two hundred percent (special tax) be levied for building the court house and jail.

This day comes George Mims et al a majority of a Jury of Restitution heretofore appointed by this court to assess the damages to A. C. Patillo by the direction of a public road, the Lewis Ferry and Coopers Station Road, running through his farm and present their report and assess the sum of twenty dollars.

Ordered that J. M. Parrish be notified to appear before the next court of county commr to be held for this county on the 1st Monday in Nov 1872 and make a settlement with the present Treasurer of this county.

Ordered that E. M. Cooper be allowed nine dollars for services in executing papers for the Board of Equalization.

Ordered that J. W. Dunlap be allowed seven? 05/100 dollars for executing papers for the Board of Equalization.

Ordered that John Baker be allowed six 50/100 dollars for executing notices for the Board of Equalization.

Ordered that J. R. Jones comr of sale for the Real Estate belonging to Baker Count offer ? town lots in Clanton on the 1st Monday in October 1872 by advertising the same by posting written notice of the time and place (and terms) of said sale at the court house door and at some public places in each precinct in said county. The purchasers to give notes with two good securities payable on the first day of January 1872 and that comrs ??? 1st Monday in Oct to receive June ???

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr
J. W. Gullahron, Comr

Image 555, page 81

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, Oct 7, 1872

Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, and A. J. Cooper.

Ordered that sale of lots be postoponed indefinitely.

*** report of bridge across Mulberry Creek and Selma Road."
And now comes D. J. Wilson et al a majority a committee heretofore appointed by this Court to let out and contract for the building of the bridge across the Big Mulberry Creek where the Selma road crosses the same near Jno W. Foshee's and present their report in writing that they let out the same to J. R. Fountain for the sum of two hundred and twenty five dollars who has given bond and the said bridge as contracted having been built. It is therefore ordered that said bridge be and it hereby is received. It is further ordered that J. R. Fountain be allowed two hundred and twenty five dollars for the building of said bridge.

Ordered that J. Dennis be allowed fourteen dollars for 14 chains furnished county.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
J. W. Gullahron, Comr
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 556, page 82

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, November 4, 1872

Present Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Comrs H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn.

Ordered that Sheriff be allowed fifty eight 30/100 dollars for stationary furnished county and extra services rendered country for last quarter.

Ordered that W. F. Claughton Treasurer of this county be and he hereby is authorized and required to pay off the Jury and Bailiff Certificates issued at the Fall Term 1872 of the Circuit Court of said county by F. M. Vines the Clerk of said court out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Ordered that F. M. Vines Clk Circuit Court be allowed forty nine 75/100 dollars for stationary and extra services for last quarter of 1872.

Ordered that D. A. White, Seaborn Jones, and Minor Woolley be and the are hereby appointed a committee to let out and contract for the building a bridge across Mulberry Creek on the Tuscaloosa and Montgomery road between Mrs. J. Jones and old Maplesville.

Ordered that John Jones be and he hereby is appointed overseer of the Columbiana Road from Pea Ridge to Waxahatchee Creek.

Ordered that M. Roberson, J. W. Gullahorn, and A. J. Cooper be and they are hereby appointed a committee to let out a contract for stationary for the county officers of this county.

Ordered that W. F. Claughton Treasurer be allowed thirty three dollars for services and stationary in Board of Equalisation.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed nineteen 20/100 dollars for services as comr and mileage 4 days.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed fourteen 80/100 dollars services as comr 4 days and mileage.

Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed nineteen 50/100 dollars services as comr.

Ordered that M. Roberson, Judge of Probate, be allowed one hundred and seventy nine 75/100 dollars extra services for last quarter 1872 and road duties for 1872 5 days commr crt, Making a ??? for cuperphrellen? and presiding 2 days at co court.

Ordered that J. W. Dunlap Shff be allowed ninety dollars for road duties for 1872.

Ordered that J. B. Boykin, Tax Assessor, Baker Co be allowed nine 30/100 dollars services as Clk of Board of Equalization.

Ordered that the road leading from Grantville to the Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road be changed as follows, that part from Clanton to Grantville be named the Robinson Mill Road with Reubin Popwell, Jr. as overseer and that part leading from Clanton to Maplesville & Chestnut Creek Road to be named the Maplesville & Clanton Road with ________ as overseer.

Order that this court adjourn to meet on the first Monday in December 1872 to receive the Court House and jail.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr
J. W. Gullahron, Comr

Image 558, page 86

State of Alabama, Baker County
Called Court of County Commissioners, December 2, 1872

Present Honorable M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Comrs A. J. Cooper, H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, and T. W. Shrader..

It is ordered by the court that the Judge of Probate be and he hereby is authorized to issue to Dake & Grant contractors for the Court House and jail of said county, county warrants for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars upon their signing and executing an agreement to finish up the jail complete by the 2nd Monday in February 1873 or forfeit the balance of the pay for the sum of nine hundred dollars.

Ordered that J. B. Boykin, Tax Assessor for said county, be allowed fifty four dollars for Tax Books and Tax Lists furnished his office.

Ordered that W. F. Claughton, Treasurer, be allowed seven dollars for stationary furnished county officers.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed three 70/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars services as comr 1 day.

Ordered that T. W. Shrader be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed four dollars presiding at comrs court 1 day.
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr
T. W. Shrader, Comr
J. W. Gullahron, Comr

Image 559, page 88

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, February 10, 1873

Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, T. W. Shrader, and A. J. Cooper where the following areas were made and entered.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying for the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new road leading from Dr. Brand's east to Broadhead's Mill crossing Mulberry Creek 1/4 mile above the old ford running through farm of M K Broadhead on east side of Mulberry Creek and it being shown to the satisfaction of the Court that said application has been advertised for thirty days by posting written notices of the same at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that J. B. Boykin, J. W. Brand, N. W. Foshee, W. R. Bowline, R. M. Roebuck, F. H. DuBose, and J. W. Broadhead be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that I. D. Mason, Keeper of Poor in Shelby County for boarding? and clothing Robert Leopard, a pauper of Baker Co, Ala, two 1/2 months be allowed the sum of twenty six 24/100 dollars to 10 Feby 1872.

Ordered that Thomas Harrison Sheriff Shelby County be allowed five dollars for clothing furnished prisoner Calvin Kirshaw of Baker County.

Ordered that Phililps and Robinson be allowed thirteen 20/100 dollars for furnishing bedding and clothing to Jailor of County.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the court to appoint a jury of review to view and mark out a new public road leading from Mrs. Jenette Jones to Clanton and it being shown to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that D. H. White, Seaborn Jones, Miner Woolley, John F. Conally, Thos Williams, D. G. Whilson, and A. P. Rasberry be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition in writing being now made to the Court praying the appointment of a jury of review to view and mark out a new public road from the Hardy old place to Clanton and it being shown to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been advertised by posting written notices of the same at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that John Parnell, M. F. Fuller, Jerry Dunnaway, Edward Hayes, A. C. Oats, Milton Roper, and Elijah Headley be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed thirty seven 50/100 dollars extra services 1st quarter 1873.

Ordered that Clerk Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra services 1st quarter 1873.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars extra services 1st quarter 1873.

Ordered that Treasurer Baker Co be allowed three 50/100 dollars for stationary furnished county officers.

Ordered that Dake and Grant be allowed nine hundred and sixty dollars balance due on contract for building Court House and jail for Baker Co.

Ordered that Dake and Grant be allowed one hundred and seventy seven dollars for extra work done on Court House and jail and tables for county.

Ordered that John W. Henley be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an indigent.

Ordered that M. & P. Carlisle be allowed twenty dollars for their support as indigents.

Ordered that Mary Hendley be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

Ordered that Treasurer be allowed $3.00 for stationary.

Ordered that B. F. Randolph be allowed thirty dollars for furniture furnished court house.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
T. W. Shrader, Comr
H. J. Callen, Comr

Ordered that Thomas Aldridge be allowed seventy nine 50/100 dollars for building bridge across

Image 561, page 92

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, April 7, 1873

Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs J. W. Gullahorn, A. J. Cooper, H. J. Callen and T. W. Shrader where the following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that the County Treasurer be allowed sixteen dollars for stationary furnished county officers.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker County be allowed nine dollars for clothing furnished prisoners in county Jail and for stationary.

It now appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that an error was made by the Hon Judge of Probate of Baker County by an over issue in county warrants of one hundred dollars to Dake & Grant for the building of the Court House and jail of said county. It is therefore ordered by the court that the Treasurer of said county audit and give on his books a credit to the county aforesaid of one hundred dollars against the said Dake & Grant.

Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed fifteen dollars for a secretary & table for the use of the circuit clerk.

Ordered that J. B. Barron be allowed one hundred and sixty dollars for furniture for the county officers.

Ordered that E. M. Cooper be allowed four dollars for well bucket rope etc? to jail well.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that T. W. Shrader be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars services as comr 1 day.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed four dollars for presiding at Comrs Court 1 day.

H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr

*********** MISSING PAGES 94 and 95 ERROR ***************

Image 562, page 96

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 11, 1873

Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn

The following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that Barney Nobles be appointed overseer of the Clanton & Randolph Road from Jas W. Foshee's to Blocker's old mill vide? Lar? Blocker resigned.

Ordered that Phillips and Robinson be allowed one 25/100 dollars for nails for bridge across Goose Pond Creek.
Ordered that J. R. Fountain be allowed one hundred and thirty three dollars building bridge across Mulberry Creek on the Tuscaloosa Road.

Ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co be allowed one hundred and eighty two 20/100 dollars for stationary furnished county officers.

Ordered that County Treasurer be allowed nine dollars expense charges on stationary.

Application by petition being now made to the Smith's Ferry Road from Clanton by the Harrison Mill Road to intersect the old Smith's Ferry Road near Elijah Mims and it appearing that notice of the same has been advertised as required by law. It is therefore considered by the Court that John Baker, G. W. Mims, E. Easterling, Jas L. Wells, William Edwards, A. J. Duncan, and E. H. Parrish be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to change said road.

Ordered that Tax Assessor be allowed two dollars expense charges for tax books etc.

Ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed thirteen 40/100 dollars for stationary furnished co officers.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed twelve 50/100 dollars for clothing prisoners etc.

Ordered that I. D. Lonin? be allowed thirty fifty for medical services rendered prisoner Jack Aldridge.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed six 75/100 dollars for chain lock etc.

And now comes J. M. Roper, A. C. Oates, Jerry Dunnovin, Edward Hayes, and John Parnell, a majority of a Jury of Review heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road from Widow Rucker's on Kingston & Dixie Road to Clanton and report that they have viewed said road as followes, commencing at Dixie Road by way of Robt Roebuck, Jerry Donnavin & Edward Hayes interescting the Maplesville Road one mile SE of Jas Williams. It is therefore ordered that said road as makred out be and the same is hereby established a 3rd grade road. It is further ordered that said road be divided into 2 road precincts. 1st from Maplesville & Clanton Road to the highland Pond with Edmond Hayes as overseer, 2nd from Highland Pond to Dixie Road with Robert Roebuck as Overseer.

Ordered that M. D. Pinson, J. T. Mullins, and John H. Nelson be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to let out and contract for the repairing the bridge across Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill

H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr

Image 564, page 100

State of Alabama, Baker County
Commissioners Court called after adjournment of Board of Equalization for the purpose of levying county tax and for the transactions of other business of the county. August 18, 1873

Present and presiding Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and Commissioners H. J. Callen, and J. W. Gullahorn where the following orders were made and entered.

It is ordered that one half of one precent be levied on the taxable property in said county for the ordinary expenses of the county.

It is ordered that a special tax of one hundred percent on the ordinary tax of the county be levied to pay off special indebtedness of the county.

And now comes E. Easterling, G. W. Mims, Jas L Wells, William Edwards, and A. J. Duncan a majority of a Jury of review heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a change in the Smith's Ferry & Clanton road so as to intersect the Harrison Mill road south of Clanton and present their report they have makred out said chages as follows, leaving the Harrison Mill road at the south end of Mrs. Mary Popwell's barn? thence by Harriett? Chrety? intersecting the old Smith's Ferry Road at or near Mr Wells. It is thereupon ordered that said change as marked out be and the same is hereby established and that the present overseer E. H. Parrish o/see said road.

Ordered that E. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars for repairing jail door.

Ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed nine 60/100 dollars 2 days services as comr and mileage.

Ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed six dollars 2 days services as comr.

Ordered that Tax Addessor be allowed four 80/100 services as member Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that Treasurer be allowed four 20/100 dollars services services as memberof Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed eight dollars services presiding at Comrs Court 2 days.

Ordered that D. G. Wilson, E. H. Dunlap, and N. W. Foshee be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to let out and contract for the building at covered flooring and banistering of the bridge across Mulberry Creek on Talladega Springs Road.

Ordered that W. F. Claughton Treas be allowed twenty one dollars for tax books.

Ordered that B. F. Randolph be allowed ten dollars for chairs furnished court house.

Ordered that Judge of Probate be allowed seventy five dollars for extra services 2 and 3rd quarter of 1873.

Ordered that Sheriff Baker Co be allowed one hundred and twenty five dollars extra services for 2nd and 3rd quarter of 1873.

Ordered that Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed fifty dollars extra services for 2nd and 3rd quarter of 1873.

Ordered that I. D. Lanirn? be allowed fifty dollars for medical attention to prisoners in jail.

Ordered that M. & P. Carlisle be allowed twenty four dollars for their support as indigents.

Ordered that P. Haywood be allowed twelve dollars for her support as an indigents.

Ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed three 70/100 dollars services as somr 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that Nelly Driver be allowed fifteen dollars services for her support as an indigent.

Ordered that John Hendley be allowed eighteen dollars services for his support as an indigent.

Ordered that Mary Hendley be allowed fifteen dollars services for her support as an indigent.

Ordered that Mrs. Lee be allowed nine dollars services for her support as an indigent.

H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr

*********** MISSING PAGES 104-109 ERROR ************* **

Image 566, page 110

State of Alabama, County of Baker
Regular Court of County Commissioners, November 3, 1873

Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen and J. W. Gullahorn.

It now appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that heretofore to wit on the 18th day of August 1873 D. G. Wilson, E. H. Dunlap, and N. H. Foshee were appointed by this Court Commissioners to let out and contract for the repairing & banistering the bridge across Mulberry Creek on the Talladega Springs Road. And it further appearing to the court that the repairing and banistering of said bridge was let and contracted to S. D. McCary for the sum of seventy five dollars. And it further appearing to the Court that said contract has been complied with by the said S. D. McCary. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the Judge of Probate of Baker County issue to the said S. D. McCary his warrant on the Treasurer of this County for the sum of seventy five dollars in favor of the said S. D. Mccary.

It is ordered by the Court that William Walker be allowed three 30/100 dollars for his services as a member of the building committee of court house and jail.

It is ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne & Co be allowed one hundred and thirty dollars for stationary furnished Clerk Circuit Court, Sheriff, and County Solicitor.

It is ordered that Willis Roberts be allowed forty one dollars for stationary furnished the Register's office.
It is ordered that I B Moore a Justice of the Peace in and for said county be allowed seven dollars for summoning jury and holding inquest on the dead body of Jab Owen. It is further ordered that the following named person to wit Joseph Green, Wm Gorner, Abner Wash, W. J. Reynolds, Charles Gorner, Frank Nobles comprising said Jury of Inquest be allowed two dollars each for their services as such jurors.

It is ordered that I. W. Foshee be allowed twenty one 70/100 dollars for bedding etc for jail.

It is ordered that by the court that the Judge of Probate communicate with the Manager of the Deaf Dumb and Blind asylum in regard to blind boy.

It is ordered that Elisha Gullahorn be allowed forty five dollars for making jail doors and marking chairs for the Court House.

It is ordered that Judge of Probate notify T. J. Mullins, M. D. Pinson, and John Nelson, commissioners appointed by this court to let out and contract for the repairing of the bridge across Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill to refuse the bid made by N. B. Strock.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton County Treasurer be allowed sixty 10/100 dollars for iron furnished for jail doors.

It is ordered that the County Treasurer be authorized and required to take ? and pay all the outstanding certificates issued by the Circuit Clerk of this County and by the Court to Jurors.

It is ordered that the Treasurer pay any claims against this county for building public bridges out of the surplus, if there be any, of the Special Tax fund of this county levied by this court to pay for courthouse and jail.

It is ordered that the Judge of Probate be allowed one hundred and thirty one 50/100 dollars for extra services last quarter of 1873. Road duties for 1873 and presiding at commissioners court one day.

It is ordered that the Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars for extra services last quarter of 1873.

It is ordered that the Sheriff of Baker County be allowed one hundred and fifty two 50/100 dollars for extra services last quarter of 1873 and road duties 1873.

It is ordered that the J. W. Gullahorn be allowed three dollars services 1 day as commissioner.

It is ordered that J. W. Hendley be allowed eighteen dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered that the J. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars for services as comr 1 day and mileage.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

June 3rd 1889, Clanton, Ala, Court House

*********** MISSING PAGES 115-116 ERROR ************* **

Image 571, page 119

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners
Held for the purposes of establishing election precincts and voting places in and for said county and and for the transaction of other business of the court.

Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen, and A. J. Cooper.

The matter of establishing Election Precincts and the places of voting therein in said County coming on to be heard at this term of the Court according to an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Alabama Approved __________ 187_ the court proceeded to establish said precincts and places of voting therein as follows to wit:

Precinct No 1. Commencing at the North East corner of the County whence the Waxahatchie Creek enters the Coosa River, thence up said creek to where it crosses the Shelby Co Line thence West along said line to the Range Line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence south to Township Line between Townships 22 & 23 thence East along said Line to Yellowleaf Creek thence down said creek to Coosa River thence North up said river to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Mims' Cross Road.

Precinct No 2. Commencing at the North West corner of Precinct No. 1 thence West along County Line to the North West corner of the County thence south along the the County line to Township line between Townships 22 & 23 thence east along said Township line to Range line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence North along said Range Line to place of beginning. The voting places of said Precinct to be at Providence Church and Jemison.

Precinct No 3. Commencing at the South East corner of Precinct No. 2 thence West to along the southern line of Precinct No. 2 to the western County Line thence south along said line to Township line between Townships 21 & 22 thence to Montgomery and Tuscaloosa road thence along said road to where it crosses the Range lline between Ranges 12 & 13 thance along said Range line to the North east corner of Section 19 Township 21 Range 13 thence east along the Section line to the Range line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence north along said Range line to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be ___? at Benson.

Precinct No 4. Commencing where the Yellowleaf Creek enters the Coosa River, thence up said creek to Township line between 22 & 23 thence west along said Township line to Range line between Ranges 13 & 14 thence south along said Range line two miles south of the Township line between Townships 21 & 22 thence east one mile east of Range line between 14 & 15 thance to Hog Creek thence down said creek to Walnut Creek thence down said creek to Coosa River thence up said river to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Clanton.

Precinct No 5. Commencing at Coosa River where Walnut Creek enters the same and up said creek to Hog Creek thence up Hog Creek to where it crosses the Smith's Ferry road thence up said road to North West corner of Section eight Township 21 Range 15 thence south to the County line thence east and north to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Cooper's Station.

Precinct No 6. Commencing at South West corner of Section 8 Township 21 Range 15 thence east {corr. West} to Range line between 13 and 14 thence south 1 mile thence east two miles thence south to County line thence east to SW corner of Precinct No. 5 thence north to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at Barbour's Store.

Precinct No 7. Commencing at South east corner of Precinct No. 3 thence east {corr. West} along the southern line of said Precinct 3 to County thence along the County line to SW corner of Precinct No. 5 thence north to place of beginning. The place of voting in said Precinct to be at M. F. Fuller's and Maplesville Depot.

Application being now made to the Court to appoint a jury of review to view and mark out a new public road from the School House in the Nix old field on the Columbiana Road through the Nix Gap of Hayes Mountain the nearest route to the swamp where the road running North East from Clanton crosses the same and to ?discontinue? the Columbiana Road from the Nix old field to Chestnut Creek Baptist Church and the Montevallo Road from the Gillis old field to the Logan old place and the Kingston Road from the fork at Mrs. Dupree's to Co Line and to Clanton and Grantville and from the swamp to Grantville. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county for 30 days. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Alfred Baker, I. R. Jones, A. C. Mims, I. T. Farley, Jalen Miller, and E. Roads? be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

It is ordered that the Sheriff be allowed nineteen dollars for clothing prisoners and for turnkey fees?.

It is ordered that the Treasurer be allowed one 50/100 dollars for a lock put on the door of Sheriff's office.

And now comes Wm A. Jones Special Register in Chancery for the 4th District of the Middle Chancery Division of the State of Alabama and makes application for an order of this Court to recopy the Dockets, Orders, Decrees, and Minutes of said Chancery Court from the old Dockets and Minutes to new ones obtained by him. And the Court having examined the same is of opinion that the same be recopied. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Wm A. Jones Special Register as aforesaid recopy the said Docket, Orders, Decrees, and Minutes of said Court to said new books.

It is ordered that the H. J. Callen be allowed four 80/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.

It is ordered that the A. J. Cooper be allowed three 70/100 dollars services as comr 1 day and mileage.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 573, page 124

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Feb 9, 1874

Present Hon M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, and A. J. Cooper.

This day came J. R. Jones et al a majority of a Jury of Review heretofore appointed by this court to view and mark out a new public road leaving the Columbiana Road at the said School House in the Nix old field by J. R. Jones to the road near the swamp running North East from Clanton and present this report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows. Leaving the Columbiana Road at the said school house in the Nix old field and running through the Nix Gap of Hayes Mountain and intersecting the Montevallo Road at J. R. Jones and leaving the said Montevallo Road at the south end of the Gillis old field and running near the middle of sections 24, 25, and 36 in T22 R14, and intersecting near the swamp the road running North East from Clanton. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said raod as marked out be and the same is hereby established a third grade road. It is further ordered that J. T. Farley be and he hereby is appointed overseer of the first precinct from the swamp north of Clanton to the Gilis old field and that Isaac Littleton be apointed overseer of the second precinct from Montevallo Road at J. R. Jones to Comumbiana Road. It if further ordered that the Columbiana Road from the School house in Nix old field to Logan Place and Montevallo Road from Gillis old field to Logan Place and the Wetumpka Road from Logan place to Baptist Church at Chestnut Creek and Clanton & Grantville Road from swamp to Grantville and the Kingston Road from fork at Mrs Duprees to county line be and the same one hereby discontinued.

This day came J. T. Mullins, John H. Nelson, and M. D. Pinson a committee heretofore appointed by this Court to let out and contract for the repairing of the bridge across the Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill and present their report in writing as follows.
The State of Alabama, Baker County. We the commissioners appointed by the Court of County Commissioners of Baker County to let out and contract for the repairing the bridge across Chestnut Creek at Nelson's Mill hereby report the work completed according to contract that we have examined the bridge and find it in good order and therefore recommend that the Court pass our order to pay the contractor Wm. B. Strock $299.00 which is the amount of his bid to do said work all of which is respectfully submitted this Decr 6th 1873.
J. T. Mullins, Commissioner
John H. Nelson, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
It is thereupon ordered by the Court that the said Wm. B. Strock be allowed two hundred and ninety nine dollars.

And now comes David L Kelley and presents his petition to the Court hist petition in writing praying that he may establish a ferry across the Coosa River at the Johnson old Ferry, alleging among other things that he is the owner of the land on the west side of said river and that there is no other ferry within two miles of said Johnson's old ferry. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the allegations in said petition are true. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said D. L. Kelley may establish said ferry across said river at the Johnson old Ferry upon entering into bond with good security approved by the Judge of Probate of this County and payable to the County of Baker in the sum of five hundred dollars and conditional according to law. And the said D. L. Kelley having filed with the Judge of Probate of said County his bond with J. L. Kilpatrick and E. Crumpton as his ??? in the sum of five hundred dollars and conditioned according to law which bond is deemed good and sufficient. It is therefore ordered that said ferry be and the same hereby is established. It is further ordered that said D. L. Kelley be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage ... 4 horse tram $1.00, 2 house tram 50 cents, 1 horse tram or man & horse 25 cents, man or woman 10 cents and he shall be allowed to charge double rates in times of high water.

It is ordered by the Court that the Tax Assessor of this County be allowed forty three dollars for stationary book and blanks for the assessment of the tax of said County.

It is ordered by the Court that P. Haywood and daughter be allowed twenty (20) dollars for their support as indigents.

It is ordered by the Court that Jackson Driver be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that James Peters be allowed fifteen dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that Jack White be allowed forty two 65/100 dollars for stationary furnished County officers.

It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Hendley be allowed nine dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that Mary Hendley be allowed fifteen dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered by the Court that M. & P. Carlisle be allowed twenty four dollars for their support as indigents.

It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff Baker county be allowed sixty eight dollars for clothing furnished prisoners in Co Jail and for extra services 1st quarter 1874.

It is ordered by the Court that M. Roberson Judge of Probate be allowed fifty four 25/100 dollars for presiding at Comrs Court 2 days & making abstract of assessment for Auditor 1873 and for extra service 1st quarter 1874.

It is ordered by the Court that F. M. Vines Clerk Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra services 1st quarter 1874.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Lee be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

And now comes James A. Dudley Tax Collector of said County and presents to the Court in writing and under oath his list of errors in assessments and insolvencies amounting in the aggregate to the sum of three hundred and eighty five 77/100 dollars, praying that the same be allowed. It is therefore considered by the Court that said list as presented be allowed.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

********** MISSING PAGES 130 and 131 ERROR **************

Image 576, page 132

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, April 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn.

It is ordered by the court that W. B. Meredith be allowed twenty seven dollars for examining dead body of ___ and mileage.

It is ordered by the court that George Vasser be allowed twenty two 35/100 dollars overpaid taxes for 1873.

It is ordered by the court that Sheriff be allowed twenty four dollars for clothing prisoners in County Jail.

It is ordered by the court that Sheriff be allowed three 95/100 dollars for putting saw dust etc in C.H. (Court House).

It is ordered by that W. F. Claughton be allowed five 80/100 dollars for acting Juror of Inquest on body of ___ and for lock furnished Probate Office.

It is ordered by the Court that the following named persons be allowed the amounts set against their names respectively for serving as Jurors on Inquest on body of ___

To Alfred Baker three dollars to J. T. Gullahorn three 10/100 dollars to J. A. Mullins two dollars to Iverson Vines two dollars to Jesse Maddox two dollars to John Baker for summoning Jury of Inquest one 75/dollars to W. A Collier for holding inquest and expenses in _____.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Collier be allowed nine 60/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.

It is ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed seven 40/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.

It is ordered that Doster and Jones be allowed two hundred dollars for defending successfully the county in the case in circuit court of Sabra Neely vs. Baker County.

It is ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed six dollars services as comr 2 days.

It is ordered by the Court that Judge of Probate be allowed eight dollars presiding at comrs court 2 days.

It is ordered that Cuden Page Hayns and Co be allowed two hundred and forty one 20/100 dollars for stationary furnished county officers.

It is ordered by the Court that Doster and Jones be employed to defend the County of Baker in a case in the Circuit Court of said County wherein the County of Bibb is plantiff and the county of Baker is defendent. And in case they successfully defend the same the Court of County is to allow them the sum of two hundred dollars, otherwise they will allow them only one hundred dollars

It is ordered by the court that an order heretofore passed by this Court requiring the treasurer to pay any claims against the County of Baker for building bridges out of the surplus of the Special Tax Fund for building the Court house and Jail be and the same is hereby repealed.

It is ordered by the Court that the Treasurer of this County convey Jackson Driver a blind boy a pauper in this county to the Alabama Institution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind.

Application being now made to the Court to change the Kingston and Montevallo Road from the crossing of the Shelby Springs road to enter the lane at or near Mac A Pierce's. And it appearing that notice of said change has been given for 30 days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that John Burnett, Jno M. W. Pierce, Robert Barrett, Dick Price, Sam Pate, Isaac Sammons, Beef Souviow? be and they are hereby appointed a Jury of review to change said road.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 578, page 136

State of Alabama, Baker County
Special Court of County Commissioners, June 1, 1874
Held for the purpose of letting out contract for finishing Court House.

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and Comrs H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn.

Thereupon the court proceed to let out a contract for the finishing of the Court House when Dake and Grant became the contractors for the sum of four hundred and sixty four dollars and entered into the following contract and agreement.
State of Alabama, Baker County
This agreement made and entered into by and between the court of County commissioners of Baker County Ala and Dake and Grant witnesseth that the said Dake and Grant on their part agree to plaster with two good coats of plaster and Kalsonim? the four sides of the court room of the Court House of said County in good style in tints and to ceil the same room overhead and to ceil the 4 offices in the Court House on the first story as follows, the two sides not ceiled and the overhaed of each office and the overhead of the hallway the ceiling to be done with good ceiling lumber well dressed and seasoned and tongued and grooved to provide neat mouth pieces to each of the fine places in the Court house. All the lumber to be well seasoned and the whole of said work to be done by the first day of October 1874. And the said Court of County Commissioners agree on their part to grant the said Dake and Grant for said work and order on the Treasurer of said County for the sum of four hundred and sixty four dollars. They further agree to levy a special tax for the year 1874 to pay said amount of four hundred and sixty four dollars.
Witness our hands ? the 1st day of June 1874

Dake and Grant
M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr

It is therefore ordered by the court that the above contract be and the same is hereby agreed to and confirmed.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 579, page 138

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 3, 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and Jno. W. Gullahorn.

The following orders were made and entered to wit.

And now comes J. M. W. Pierce et al a majority of a Jury of review heretofore appointed by this court to change the Kingston and Montevallo Road from where the Shelby Springs road crosses the same to the end of J. M. W. Pierce's lane and present their report in writing stating that they have viewed out and marked said changes and blazed the same and ask that said change be made. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that said road as marked and blazed be and the same is hereby changed from where the said Shelby Springs Road crosses the same to said lane. it is further ordered that the overseer of said Kingston and Montevallo road be and he is required to change said road.

It is ordered by the Court that W. F. Claughton be allowed fifteen 25/100 dollars expenses to Talladega and back in carrying out an order of thsi court, a blind boy Jackson Driver to the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum.

And now comes Saml Adams and presents his petition in writing praying that a license for a Ferry be granted to him at Johnson's old ferryon the Coosa River. Alleging in said petition that he is a citizen of said County over the age of 21 years, that he has control of the banks on each side of said river and that there is no other ferry on said river within two miles of said Johnson's old ferry. And it further appearing to the Court that an order was heretofore made granting a license to E. H. Lewis to establish a ferry at said point on said river, requiring the said E. H. Lewis to executed bond for said ferry according to law, and said Lewis having failed to comply by not making said bond, the said order mentioned is hereby repealed and the license to said Lewis revoked. And it is further appearing to the Court that an order was heretofore made granting a license to D. L. Kelley to establish a ferry at said point on said river requiring the said D. L. Kelley to execute bond for said ferry according to law and the said Kelley having failed to comply by not makeing said bond the said order mentioned is hereby repealed and said license revoked.
It is therefore ordered by the court that the said Saml Adams is authorized and licensed to establish a ferry across the said Coosa River at Johnson's old ferry upon entering into bond with good security to be approved by the Judge of Probate of thsi County and payable to the County of Baker in the sum of five hundred dollars and conditioned according to law. It is further ordered that said Saml Adams be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage to wit: for a 4 horse tram $1.00, 2 horse tram 50 cents, 1 horse tram or man & horse 25 cents, man or woman 10 cents and that he be allowed to charge double rates during high water.

Application by petition being now made to the court praying that a Jury of Review be appointed by the Court to view and mark out a new public road from the Johnson's Ferry Road to? the Welden gap of Hayes Mountaion to intersect the Lewis Ferry Road near Providence Church. And it appearing to the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county for 30 days. It is thereupon ordered by the Court that Jackson Dennis, F. M. Kelly, Martin Gore, Thomas Welden, W. Y. Mims, J. M. Parrish, and John Welden be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

It is ordered by the court that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff of said County be allowed eight 25/100 dollars for clothing furnished prisoners in Jail.

It is ordered that M. Roberson Judge County Court be allowed seventy two dollars for presiding and trying nineteen cases in said County Court.

It is ordered that Wm A Collier Solicitor for Baker county be allowed one hundred and fifty dollars. Fees in circuit court in cases in which a Nolle Prosequi was entered. To be paid out of any surplus of the funs of said county arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap be allowed one hundred and two 15/100 dollars fees in circuit court in cases in which a Nolle Prosequi was entered to be paid out of any surplus of the funs of said county arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered by the Court that F. M. Vines Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed eighty three 50/100 dollars fees in Circuit Court in cases in which Nolle Prosequi was entered to be paid out of any surplus of the funds of said county arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff said County be allowed six dollars fees in County Court in cases in which Nolle Prosequi was entered to be paid out of any funds arising from fines and forfeitures.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff Baker County be allowed thirty eight dollars fees for attending County Court 19 days.

It is ordered that Rutha A. Lee be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that P. Haywood be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that C. I. Curry be allowed thirty dollars for building bridge across Mulberry Creek.

It is ordered that John Henley be allowed nine dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered that M. Carlisle be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that James Peters be allowed five dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered that the Judge of Probate be allowed thirty seven 50/100 dollars extra service for 3rd quarter of 1874.

It is ordered that the Clerk Circuit Court be allowed twenty five dollars extra service for 3rd quarter of 1874.

It is ordered that the Sheriff Baker County be allowed sixty two 50/100 dollars extra service for 3rd quarter of 1874.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 582, page 144

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 17, 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and Jno. W. Gullahorn.

The following orders were made and entered.

Ordered that a tax of one half of one percent be levied on the taxable property of the county to pay for ordinary claims against the county registered by the Treasurer.

It is ordered that a special tax of three hundred and fifty percent be and the same hereby is levied on the axable property of said county tax to pay for the finishing up of the Court House and to pay back into the treasury.

It is ordered that Wm. A. Collier be allowed twenty five dollars for comparing and correcting Tax Book for 1874.

It is ordered that F. D. Dubose be allowed thirty five dollars for medical attention to prisoners in County Jail.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed three 50/100 dollars for services as a member of the Board of Equalization and for express charges on County Map.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed three dollars for services as a member of the Board of Equalization.

It is ordered that M. Roberson Judge of Probate be allowed twelve dollars for presiding as chariman of the Board of Equalization one day and presiding at Comrs Court 2 days.

It is ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed nine dollars for services as Comr 2 days nad Board of Equalization 1 day.

It is ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed ten 40/100 dollars for services as Comr 2 days nad Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed twelve 60/100 dollars for services as Comr 2 days nad Board of Equalization 1 day and mileage.

Ordered that Pelham J. Anderson be allowed one hundred and twenty dollars for Township Map of Baker County.

This day comes J. S. Welden, et al a majority of a Jury of Review to view and mark a new public road from the Johnson's Ferry Road by Sid Welden's to Lewis Ferry Road, and present their report in writing stating that they had viewed and marked out said road and pryaing taht said road be established as marked out by them. It is therefore ordered that said road be estabilshed a 3rd grade road, with 2 road precincts with Anderson Baker, Jr. as overseer of the 1st from Johnson's Ferry Road to Walnut Creek and W. Y. Mims as overseer of the 2nd from Walnut Creek to Lewis Ferry Road.

M. Roberson, Judge of Probate
H. J. Callen, Comr
J. W. Gullahorn, Comr
A. J. Cooper, Comr

Image 583, page 147

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Oct 5, 1874

Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate presiding and commissioners H. J. Callen, A. J. Cooper, and J. W. Gullahorn.

A contract heretofore made by this Court with Messrs Dake and Grant for the completion of the Court House coming before the Court for consideration and the Court having examined the work done on said Court House to be done according to the contract. It is therefore ordered that said work be received and that the said Dake and Grant be allowed four hundred and sixty four dollars according to said contract.

It is ordered that Mrs. Hall be allowed two dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed $12.75 express charges on county goods.

It is ordered that Gullahorn & Dawson be allowed twenty four 75/100 for building fence around the Jail lot.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff Baker Co be allowed twenty seven 50/100 dollars for clothing for prisoners in jail. Fine Iron's for Court House, wood for Court House. Tables for Court House and cleaning out well at the Jail.

Image 584, page 149

State of Alabama, Baker County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, November 2, 1874

Present and presiding Hon M Roberson, Judge of Probate and Comrs J W Gullahorn, A J Cooper, and H J Callen.
Present Hon. M. Roberson, Judge of Probate and commissioners H. J. Callen, J. W. Gullahorn, and A. J. Cooper.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff of Baker County be allowed one hundred and fifty two 50/100 dollars extra services for last quarter 1874 and for road duties 1874.

It is ordered that F. M. Vines Clerk Circuit Court Baker Co be allowed twenty five dollars for extra services for last quarter 1874.

It is ordered that Wm. A. Collier Ed. Baker County Record be allowed forty eight dollars for advertising general election, senatorial election and appointments of Sheriff of deputies at different precincts in said county.

It is ordered that M. Roberson Judge of Probate Baker County be allowed thirty seven 50/100 dollars for extra services last quarter 1874 and ninety dollars for road duties 1874 and presiding at commissioners court 2 days eight dollars. Twelve dollars for making abstracts of assessments for years 1873 and 1874, and five dollars for recording land sales for taxes 1874 and 1874.

It is ordered that F. D. DuBose be allowed six dollars for medical servicse to prisoner Cunningham? in County Jail.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton County Treasurer be allowed a credit on his books for twenty eight 50/100 dollars for ballot boxes and sacks.

It is ordered that P. Haywood be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that Mrs Lee be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that John Henley be allowed nine dollars for his support as an indigent.

It is ordered that M. Carlisle be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that Mary Henley be allowed nine dollars for her support as an indigent.

It is ordered that J. M. Thacker be allowed two dollars for sign boards and mile post.

It is ordered that J. W. Gullahorn be allowed six dollars services as comr 2 days.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed nine 60/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.

It is ordered that A. J. Cooper be allowed seven 40/100 dollars services as comr 2 days and mileage.

Note big changes this year of 1875.
County has been renamed from Baker to Chilton.
H. J. Callen is the Judge of Probate.
New Commissioners.

Image 586, page 155

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, February 8, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate and commissioners S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, J. B. Moore, and James A. Mullins.

It is ordered that Dr. J. D. Lamar be allowed the sum of twenty dollars for services rendered prisoners in Jail.

It is ordered that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support the sum of five dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed a credit for stationary furnished Probate Judge office.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed the sum of one 60/100 dollars as express charges on books..

It is ordered that C. M. Vinson be allowed the sum of twenty four 05/100 dollars for clothing furnished Jail.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed the sum of four dollars making bed for Jail.

It is ordered that Liza Hall be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that Edd Hays be allowed for mile post and sign board the sum of two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Robuck be allowed for mile post and sign board the sum of one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Robertson & McMath be allowed for stationary furnished Circuit Clerk the sum of three dollars.

It is ordered that Mrs. Henley be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that M. Carlisle be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that John Henley be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be allowed for extra service the first quarter the sum of thirty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. J. Campbell Sheriff be allowed for extra service the first quarter the sum of fifty dollars.

It is ordered that J. T. Marsh Clerk of the Circuit Court allowed for extra service the first quarter the sum of thirty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for services rendered Commissioner Court the sum of eight dollars.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of seven 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of eight 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of six 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of seven 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for services presiding Commissioner Court two days eight dollars.

Application by petition being now made to the court praying that a Jury of Review be appointed by the Court to view and mark out a new public road beginning at Cooper's old place near Verbena and running by Verbena and intersecting the Knight's Ferry Road at or near the Charles Williams place. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in said county for 30 days. It is therefore ordered by the Court that S. Posey, M. D. Pinson, William Howard, Kin? Wells, W. B. Strock, A. J. Cooper, and William Motes be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

Application by petition being made to the court praying that a Jury of Review be appointed by the Court to view and mark out a new public road beginning at Dixie Road near Turner there running east and crossing Swift Creek near Davenport's where the old road now crosses said creek thence out of Gill Islands then by Alfonza Askins and running as the old road now runs as near as the viewers may think best and near John Moore's and then intersect the Kingston Road near Mrs. Farr's spring. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice has been given of the application for thirty days by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in the county. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Gill Islands, John Vinson, L. Turner, A. Askins, German Gray, John Moore, and John Gray be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of review to view and mark out said road.

And now comes B. F. Higgins and presents his petition in writing praying that a license for a ferry be granted to him at Smith's old Ferry on Coosa River and making proof to the Court that he is a citizen of (Coosa) said County and over the age of 21 years that he has control of the banks on both sides of the river and that there there is no other ferry within two miles of said Smith's Ferry on said river. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said B. F. Higgins be authorized and licensed to establish a ferry across the said Coosa River at Smith's old Ferry upon his entering into bond with good and sufficient security to be approved by the Porbate Judge of this county and payable to the County of Chilton in e sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars and conditioned according law. It is further ordered that said B. F. Higgins be allowed to charge the following rates of ferriage to wit
for a four horse, ox, or mule team $1.00
for a two horse, ox team 50 cents
for a one horse, ox team or man and horse 25 cents
for a man or woman 10 cents
for a stock single head 10 cents.

And comes James A. Dudley Tax Collector of Chilton County and presents to the Court in writing and under oath that his list of errors in assessments and insolvencies amounting in the aggregate the sum of one hundred and ninety 19/100 dollar ($190.19) praying that the same be allowed. It is therefore considered by the court that said list as presented be allowed.

Ordered that John Baker be allowed the sum of two dollars for services summoning Jury of Inquest on the body of John Weldon.

Ordered that J. M. Parrish, Nathan Minor, Andy Smitherman, George Mims, ?? Elijah Easterling, and R. E. Jones each be allowed the sumo of two dollars as Jurors over the body of John Weldon.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 589, page 160

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Commissioners Court, April Term April the 12, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, James A. Mullins, and J. B. Moore.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that the following claims be passed and allowed
**** printed list of items pasted into book ***

*** transcription ***
Mrs. Haywood, for support,9.00
J. W. Dunlap, Attendance in Chancery Court,6.00
C. J. Currie, Rebuilding Bridge25.00
Doster and Jones defending
   County in case of Bibb
   County vs. Baker County
James and Nancy Ramsey Support15.00
Caroline Gibson Support7.50
W. T. Claughton, Freight on stationary7.25
W. A. Collier, printing42.00
W. L. Campbell, Ex Of. services as Sheriff 2nd quarter50.00
F. P. Marsh, Ex Of. services as Circuit Clerk 2nd Quarter31.25
Whit Gullahorn, Guarding Benson2.00
John Wright, Guarding Benson2.00

Ordered that William Wright be allowed for repairing Court House and building desk forty dollars.

This day came John Moore and others a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road beginning at the Dixie Road near Turner then running east and crossing Swift Creek near Davenport where the old road now crosses said creek then out by Gill Islands then by Alfonza Askins and running as the old road now runs as near as the viewers may think best and near John Moore and then intersect the Kingston Road near Mrs Farr Spring and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows, beginning at Mrs Farr's Spring and then to J. S. Eisland and intersecting the Maplesville Road at the Wagner old place about one mile NW of John Turner's and the intersecting the Dixie Road at the Bool? Place. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as marked and blazed be and the same is hereby established a third grade road. It is further ordered that Efh Downs be and is hereby appointed overseer of the first precinct from fork near J. Turner's to Beat line between 5 and 6 and that Gerome Vinson be appointed overseer of the 2nd precinct from beat line between 5 and 6 to Mrs Farr's Spring.

Application by petition being now made for a change in the Selma and Montevallo Road beginning at the mile post in the lane near W. J. Campbell then run south east of Deason old shop? and intersect the road on top of the hill south of Deason old place. It is ordered that Neil Coburn, George Cobern, Y. D. Atchison, James Atchison, Lawson Rasberry, T. L. Williams, and Rufus McCary be appointed a Jury of viewers to view and mark out said road.

This day came S. Posey and others a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road from the Cooper old place near the Town of Verbena running through the Town of Verbena and intersect the Knight's Ferry Road at Charles Williams and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows, beginning at the Cooper old place near Verbena running through Verbena and intersecting the Knight's Ferry Road at Charles Williams'. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as viewed and marked out be and the same is hereby established as a public road third grade and that Thomas Pyron be and is hereby appointed overseer to cut out and keep up said road for two years.

Agreement of Charles G. Doster & commissioners:
It is agreed between Charles G. Doster and the commissioners that if the case of Bibb County vs. Baker County is carried to the Supreme Court I will attend to the case in that court for $50.00 dollars and and if it comes back to be tried in the Circuit Court of Chilton County I will attend to it in that Court in the next trial for $50.00. And if the case is compromised without taking the same up to the Supreme Court that I charge $25.00 for preparing the Bill of Exceptions and getting the case ready for to be carried up to the Supreme Court.
C. S. Doster

It is ordered that a tax of fifty percent on the State Tax on license be levied and collected for County purposes.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be and is hereby authorized and empowered to contract and have built in the Jail servers? or conductors to cleanse jail and rebuild stand and such repairs as is needed in courtroom repair or rebuild chimneys to Court House.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be appointed agent and is authorized to establish a system of hard labor for the county and hire out all convicts sentenced to hard labor for the county as he may think best and is authorized to purchase for the county the Field Notes of the lands in Chilton County also have completed the plat or map of county.

It is ordered that the No. and the boundry lines and voting places of the several precincts shall be and the same is hereby established as hereinafter described to wit
**** printed list of precincts pasted into book ***
**** amendments noted are in future minute books ***

*** transcription ***
*** to be done ***
Book Minutes
No. 2 Page 131
Precinct No. 1.
Commencing at the North East corner of the County, where the Waxahatchie Creek enters Coosa River, thence up said creek to where it crosses the Shelby County Line, thence along Shelby Line to the Range Line between Ranges 13 and 14, thence South along said line to Township line between Townships 22 and 23, thence East along said line to Yellow Leaf Creek, thence down said creek to Coosa River, thence up Coosa River to place of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be as Mims' Cross Roads.
Amended see
Page 192
Precinct No. 2.
Commencing where County Line crosses the Range line between Ranges 13 and 14, thence West along County Line to the North West Corner of County, thence south to the Township line between 22 and 23, thence East along said Township line to Range Line 13 between Ranges 13 and 14, thence North along said Range line to place of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Providence Church.
Amended see
Page 191
Precinct No. 3.
Commencing where Township line between 22 and 23 crosses Range Line between Ranges 13 and 14, thence West alnog said township line to Western County line, thence South along said line to where said line crosses Montgomery and Tuskaloosa road, thence along said road to where it crosses Little Mulberry Creek, thence up said creek to the Range line between 13 and 14, thence North along said Range line to the palce of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Benson's.
Amended Aug 1880
Page 70
April 1876?
page 190
page 194
page 131
Precinct No. 4.
Commencing where the Yellowleaf Creek enters Coosa River, thence up said creek to Township line between Townships 22 and 23, thence West along said township line to Range line between 13 and 14, thence South along said Range line two miles South of the Township line between township 21 and 22, thence East one mile East of Range line between ranges 14 and 15 to the South East corner of section 7 township 21 range 15, thence North along the section line to Smith's Ferry Road, thence East along said road to Hog Creek, thence down said creek to Walnut Creek, thence down Walnut Creek to Coosa River, thence up said River to Yellow Leaf Creek.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Clanton.
Amended see
Page 191
Precinct No. 5.
Commencing where Walnut Creek empties into the Coosa River, thence up said creek to Hog Creek, thence up Hog Creek to Smith's Ferry Road thence West along said road section line between sections 7 and 8 in T 21 R 15, thence South to South East Corner of said section 7, thence West to range line between range 15 and 15, thench south along said range line to the Southern County line, thence east and north along said line to Coosa River, thence north along said river to Walnut Creek.
Place of Voting in said Precinct at Cooper's Station.
Page 211
Aug Term 1880
page 64
Precinct No. 6.
Commencing at the range line between ranges 14 and 15 two miles South of the township line between Townships 21 and 22, thence East to range line between ranges 13 and 14, thence South along said line to the Little Mulberry Creek, thence down said creek to the County Line, thence East along the county line to range line bewteen ranges 14 and 15, thence North along said range line to place of beginning.
Place of Voting in said Precinct to be at Shiloh Church.
see page 191
Precinct No. 7.
Commences where the Montgomery and Tuscaloos Road crosses the Little Mulberry Creek, thence West along said road to the county line, thence along said county line to township line between T 20 and 21, thence East along said line to the Little Mulberry Creek, thence up said creek to place of beginning.
Place of Voting - Maplesville Depot and Latham's.
Precinct No. 8.
Commencing where the township line between T 20 and 21 crosses Little Mulberry Creek, thence West along said township line to the western county line, thence south and east along the county line to Little Mulberry Creek, thence up said creek to place of beginning.
Voting place - Dixie.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 591, page 165

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Commissioners Court, July the 12, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and commissioners S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, J. B. Moore, and James A. Mullins.

Ordered that H. J. Callen and James A. Mullins be appointed to examine Tax Assessor's book and report next meeting.

Ordered that a Tax of one half of one percent be levied for County purposes.

Ordered that a Tax of one half of one percent be levied to pay debts of said County.

Ordered that fifty percent on the State Tax be levied on licenses for County purposes.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr

Image 592, page 167

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 9, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and commissioners D. C. Jones, James A. Mullins, and J. B. Moore, S. D. McCary.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed one hundred and fifty dollars 70/100 for advertising election.

It is ordered that G. W. Littleton be allowed twenty dollars as damage to land by public road.

It is ordered that Mr. T. and Mrs. N. Ramsey be allowed for their support twelve dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra services for remainder of first quarter 2nd and 3rd quarters the sum of eighty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for examining tax book twelve dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed as fee in County Court 13 cases forty eight dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding at COmmissioner Court three days twelve dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed a credit for twenty two 50/100 dollars as express charge on stationary.

It is ordered that F. T. Marsh be allowed for extra service 3rd quarter thirty one 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. J. Campbell be allowed for extra service 3rd quarter fifty dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for printing list of registered voter thirty four dollars in green back.

It is ordered that E. Gullahorn be allowed for repairing jail doors twenty two dollars green back.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed for examining Tax Book three dollars.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for examining Tax Book nine dollars.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days thirteen 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days fifteen 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days eleven 10/100 dollars.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage 3 days twelve 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Carlver Page Haynes and Co be allowed for stationary furnished Judge of Probate, Tax Assessor, and Tax Collector two hundred and eleven 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered that James Mathews be allowed for illegal tax paid county three 52/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for stationary furnished jail sixteen 30/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for three copies of the Chilton Courier furnished Judge of Probate, register in Chacery, Clerk of Circuit court offices, six dollars.

It is ordered that Walker, Evans, and Cogwell and Co for stationary furnished Sheriff and Clerk office fourteen 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee, Mrs. Haywood, Matilda Carlisle, Eliza Hall, Rhoda Overton, Alfonzo Harris, Elizabeth Norris, and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support each six dollars.

It is ordered that Mary Henly be allowed for her support for 2nd and 3rd quarter twelve dollars.

It is ordered that John Henly be allowed for his support for 2nd and 3rd quarter eighteen dollars.

It is ordered that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for examining the body of Hampton Holt with Jury of Inquest eleven dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Baker, W. B. Armstrong, I. I. Armstrong, J. B. Boykin, I. H. Arldridge, and I, L. Gartener? be allowed for serving as Jury of Inquest over the body of Hampton Holt each six 30/100 dollars.

It is ordered that I. H. Harmon, N. T. be allowed out of the Fine and Forfeiture fund for holding Inquest over the body of Hampton Holt thriteen 40/100 dollars.

Application by petition being now made to the court for the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road leading from the Clanton and Maplesville Road one and a half miles west from Clanton to lead by John Littlejohn's to intersect the Montgomery and Montevallo Road near Blackwell's old field. Also to discontinue the road heretofore ordered by this court leading from Clanton to said Montgomrey & Montevallo Road. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said application has been advertised by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in the county as required by law. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Absalom Eiland, Jno. R. Price, J. H. Bussey, Mark Pierce, H. J. Hudman, A. M. Caton, and John Littlejohn be and they hereby are appointed a Jury of Review to view and mark out said road. It is further ordered that said road leading from Clanton to Montgomery & Montevallo Road is and the same is hereby discontinued.

Application by petition being now made to the court praying for a change to be made in the road leading from Knight's Ferry on Coosa River to Cooper Station on the S. & N. R. R. leaving the road at Knight's Ferry and intersect the same road between Jessy Jones and Thomas Connell. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice has been given of said application by posting written notices at the Court House door and three other public places in the county. It is hereby ordered by said Court that Jessy Jones, Andy Cooper, Newton Connell, William Goss, C. P. Jones, James Jones, James Baxley be and is hereby appointed a Jury of Review to view and mark out said change.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed out of the Fine and Forfeiture fund for convictions eighty seven dollars.

It is ordered that Ira Campbell be allowed as assistant register in Beat No 2 sixteen 80/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 5 twenty70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Palmer be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 3 fifteen 70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Wm H. Mills be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 6 four 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 4 twenty four 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Smith be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 8 fourteen 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that T. M. Cook be allowed as assistant register for Beat No 8 three 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered that I. M. Martin be allowed as assistant for Beat No 7 fourteen 70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that T. H. Aldrege be allowed for guarding prison Benson two night four dollars.

It is ordered that F. M. Vines be allowed as register for Beat No 1 eight 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen as Judge of Probate issue to H. B. Barker an order that may be due him as far his delivering the field notes and accomplished plot of county with interest from the first of January 1876.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 595, page 173

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Board of Equalization, August 16, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge presiding J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins, S. D. McCary, commissioners, W. F. Claughton Treasurer, and J. B. Boykin Tax Assessor.

It is ordered by the board that the owner unknown lands be valued at 10 cents per acre.

It is ordered by the board that all other assessments remain as assessed.

H. J. Callen, Judge
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 596, page 174

State of Alabama, Chilton County
August 16, 1875
Meeting of the Court of County commissioners after the adjournment of the Board of Equalization for the purpose of levying the County Tax etc.

It is ordered by the Court that a tax of one half of one percent be levied and collected on all the taxable property of the County for the year 1875 for ordinary county purposes.

It is ordered that a tax of one half of one percent be levied and collected upon all the taxable property of the County for the year 1875 to pay off the indebtedness of said county according to registration as appears from the Treasure Book.

It is ordered that a special tax of one fifth of one percent be levied and collected upon the taxable property of County for the year 1875 to pay for repairs upon Court House and Jail.

It is ordered that the Tax Collector take up Juror certificates in payment of Taxes due the county.

It is ordered that the Treasurer pay A. J. Cooper's Court House claims in currency.

It is ordered that the Treasurer pay H. B. Barker out of any money remaining in his hand of the special tax of 1874.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage four 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage five 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. A. Mullins be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage three 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for services with Board of Equalization and Commissioners one day and mileage four dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed for services with Board of Equalization one day and mileage four dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin be allowed for services with Board of Equalization one day and mileage three dollars.

It is ordered by the court that the contract made by H. J. Callen Judge of Probate with Jackson Morris & Co as system of hard labor for the hire of all convicts that is to say for men four dollars per month and board, clothing, and medical attendance for boys under sixteen two dollars per month board, clothing, and medical attendance be approved.

H. J. Callen, Judge
John B. Moore, Comr
S. D. McCary, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr

Image 597, page 176

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Nov the 1st 1875

Present S. D. McCary, James A. Mullins, and J. B. Moore.

Ordered that the court adjourn until the 8th day of Nov 1875.

Image 597, page 177

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Adjourn Court of County Commissioners, Nov 8, 1875

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins, and D. C. Jones commissioners.

It is ordered that Dr. Dawson be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Monroe Gentry be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Ben Galsscock be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that M. J. Thomas be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. Crumpton be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of E. H. Lewis two 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra service to Bibb County $25.00 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be allowed for road services ninety dollars.

It is ordered that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for medical services rendered in the following case Daine? Honeycut, Wm Mayo, and John Price? the sum twenty two dollars.

It is ordered that John Mitchell Editor Chilton County Courier for Advertising election notice be allowed $74.25 seventy four 25/100 dollars.

It is ordered that McCraney and John Sexton each be allowed for guarding jail one night two dollars.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for advertising claims passed at August term of Commissioner Court $40.00 forty dollars.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for twenty four days attendance on courty court $48.00 and attending chancery Court one day 2.00.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for clothing furnished prisoners and station for jail and Court House $14.00.

It is ordered that J. M. Dawson be allowed for guarding jail three nights six dollars $6.00.

It is ordered that Walter Johnson be allowed for guarding jail two nights four dollars.

It is ordered that James Cost? and R. A. Wright be allowed for guarding jail one night two dollars.

It is ordered that R. J. Mitchell, J. M. Moore, W. D. Adam?, T. I. Curry?, W. J. Broadhead, each be allowed as Jury of Inquest over the body of Nancy Ward, $2.00.

It is ordered that W. A. Smith, N. F. Exofficio, J. P. be allowed seven dollars for holding Inquest over the body of Nancy Ward.

It is ordered that Walker, Evans, Cogswell and Co be allowed for stationary furnished probate Judge seventeen dollars in currency.

It is ordered that J. N. Williams be allowed for burial of Mary Henly $11.00 dollars.

It is ordered that E. M. Cooper and Tom Culp be allowed for making coffin for Mary Henly $5.00 dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed a credit for stamp and express charge for Probate office $4.25.

It is ordered that H. B. Barker be allowed for field notes and Plat of County $137.40 dollars in currency out of special tax.

It is ordered that Ira Campbell be allowed as assistant register for beat No 2 $3.20 dollars.

It is ordered that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support for fourth quarter $5.00.

It is ordered that John Henly be allowed for his support fourth quarter $9.00.

It is ordered that Elizabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support $12.00.

It is ordered that Rhoda Overton be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that Eliza Hall be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support fourth quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed for service as attorny $5.00.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell be allowed for extra services fourth quarter $50.00.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell Sheriff be allowed for road services $90.00.

It is ordered that F. P. Marsh Clerk of Court be allowed for extra services fourth quarter $3.19 dollars.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen Judge of Court be allowed for presiding commissioners court one day four dollars.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $8.80.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $4.20.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $8.00.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed as commissioner two days and mileage $10.40.

This day came J. F. Bussy, J. M. W. Pierce, John R. Price, A. Eiland, A. M. Caton, John Littlejohn, H. J. Hudman, a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road from the Clanton and Maplesville Road to the Montevallo Road near Henry Maddox field and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out a new public road as follows, Leaving the Clanton and Maplesville Road one and a half miles west of Clanton running north by John Littlejohn and intersection the Montevallo Road near Henry maddox field. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as viewed and marked out be and the same is hereby established as a public road third grade and that James Burnett be appointed overseer to open and keep up said road for the remainder of two years.

It is ordered that W. A. Collier be allowed out of fine and forfeiture fund for services as solicitor to the sum of $483.00.

It is ordered that F. P. Marsh as Clerk be allowed out of fine and forfeiture fund the sum of $166.30.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap as Sheriff be allowed out of fine and forfeiture fund the sum of $180.00.

It is ordered that W. F. Calughton be allowed a credit for stationary furnished Probate Judge $4.25.

It is ordered that John Mitchell Editor Chilton Courier be allowed for advertising election notice $14.25.

It is ordered that J. J. Mitchell, J. W. Wilson, E. Gullahorn, E. T. Jullahorn, J. H. Arldrige, E. M. Bean each be allowed as Juror of Inquest over the body of John Purkis $2.00 each.

This day came T. G. Jones and others, a majority of viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a change in the public road leading from Cooper Station to Knight's Ferry and presents their report in writing stating that they have viewed and marked out said road as follows, leaving the Knight's Ferry and Cooper Station public road at Knight's Ferry and intersected the same road between Jessy Jones and Thomas Connell's. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said road as marked out by said viewers be established and made a public road and that all the portion of said Knight's Ferry Road between said point be discontinued and that the present overseer of said road be ordered to open and keep up said road.

It is ordered that Chestnut be allowed for guarding Mayo ____ a inmate ____.

Centreville, Ala
Nov 8th 1875
To the Hon. Judge of Probate and the Board of County Commissioners of Chilton County, Alabama.
We the commissioners of Bibb County agree to accept as a compromise proposed by Judge H. J. Callen of a Judgement rendered at Spring Term 1875 in the Chilton Circuit Court of Ala for the sum of fourteen hundred and ninety dollars to take four hundred and twenty five dollars payable the 1st day of March 1877 and four hundred and twenty five dollars payable the 1st day of March 1878 with the understanding that if said amounts are not paid at the above stipulated times then said Judgement is to be remain in full force and effect. It is further understood agreed that Chilton Co pays all the cost in this matter that may have accrued in said County Circuit Court.
Jackson Gardner, Judge of Probate
R. C. Caffee, Commissioner
George Stewart, Commissioner
Jordan Risinger, Commissioner
J. M. Davis, Commissioner

State of Alabama, Chilton County

We the Court of Commissioners of said County hereby accept the above proposition of Bibb County as regards settlement of cause finding against Chilton County in favor of Bibb County and it is ordered by the Court that orders for the above amounts be issued in favor of Bibb County upon the Treasure of Chilton County to pay the above amounts at the time agreed upon.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed out of Special Tax to pay for building chimney the sum of $310.30 dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Comr
D. C. Jones, Comr
Jas A. Mullins, Comr
John B. Moore, Comr

Image 601, page 185

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners held Feby the 14, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, commissioners S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins, and D. C. Jones.

It is ordered by the Court that S. D. McCary contract and have the bridge across Mulberry Creek between Mulberry Church and Benson repaired and put in good order provided be can have it done at a cost of twenty dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for services in County Court for eleven cases four dollars each, $44.00 and eleven cases three dollars each $33.00. Total $77.00 and eight dollars making abstract and list for Audits ($8.00) extra services 1st quarter 1876, $37.60 and presiding Commissioners Court on day $4.00.

It is ordered by the Court that F. P. Marsh Clerk of Circuit Court be allowed for extra services 1st quarter $37.50 dollars.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell Sheriff be allowed for extra services 1st quarter $50.00 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Barron be allowed for work on Court Room the sum of $23.00 dollars out of Court House Tax.

It is ordered that Alfred Baker be allowed for six tables furnished court room $6.00 dollars out of Special Tax.

It is ordered that C. M. Mills be allowed for her support the sum of $5.00.

It is ordered that Mrs. Hall be allowed for her support the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered that James Peters be allowed for his support the sum three dollars per month for the first quarter $9.00.

It is ordered that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support the first quarter the sum of $5.00.

It is ordered that John Henly be allowed for his support the sum of $9.00 1st quarter.

It is ordered that Elizabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support 1st quarter the sum of $12.00.

It is ordered that Rhoda Overton be allowed for her support the sum of $12.00 1st quarter.

It is ordered that Eliza Hall be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding commissioners court one day Feby term $4.00.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $4.40.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $5.20.

It is ordered that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $4.00.

It is ordered that D. C. Jones be allowed for services as commissioner and mileage one day $4.20.

It is ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne and Co be allowed for stationary furnished Clerk of Circuit Court the sum of one hundred and sixty four 62/100 ($164.62) dollars.

It is ordered that D. A. White be allowed for holding inquest over the body of Silvester Headley the sum of $7.00 Fine and Forfeiture Fund.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin Assessor be allowed for blank furnished Assessor the sum of $26.75 dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Baker, W. D. Moats, W. D. Sarter, John Sexton, M. Arldrige, and J. H. Galaspie be allowed as Jury of Inquest over the body of C. S. Boyd the sum of $2.40 each.

It is ordered that John Mitchell Editor Courier be allowed for advertising claims passed by commissioner Court and Treasurer report the sum of $45.35.

It is ordered that Ira Campbell assistand register in Beat No 1 be allowed 70 cents.

It is ordered that F. M. Vines assistant register in Beat No 2 be allowed the sum of $2.10.

It is ordered that Alfred Palmer assistant register in Beat No 3 be allowed the sum of $1.90.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin assistant register in Beat No 4 be allowed the sum of $5.80.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton assistant register in Beat No 5 be allowed the sum of $3.30.

It is ordered that James Martin assistant register in Beat No 7 be allowed the sum of $1.20.

It is ordered that J. H. Hannon (JP) be allowed for holding Inquest over the body of J. H. Burns? out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the sum of $8.00.

It is ordered that J. H. Hannon (JP) be allowed for holding Inquest over the body of C. S. Boyd out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the sum of $7.00.

It is ordered that J. H. Hannon (NP) be allowed for services in the following cases out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the ltab? V. S John Wright, Randal Zigler, Isaac Bazmere, Alfred Green, Joe Barton, Wiley Johnson, Jacob Levinsky, A. J. Dorman the sum of $30.25 dollar F & F.

Application by petition being now made to the Court praying for a change to be made in the Columbiana and Montgomery Road leaving the Road 1/2 mile above Mountain Church and intersect said Road again 1/4 of a mile below R M Goodgame. And it appearing to the staisfaction of the Court that notice of the same has been given as the law directs. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Jerr Marcus, Jessy Maddox, W. A. Mims, William Connell, F. M. Vines, Robert M. Goodgame, J. F. Goodgame be appointed as a Jury of Review to view and mark out said change.

It is ordered by the court that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate contract with the Editor of the Chilton Courier for the advertising of county advertisements at the rate of ten cents per line and if said contract can not be made no advertising to be done until further orders from the court.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
D. C. Jones, Commissioner

Image 604, page 190

State of Alabama, Chilton County
April Term 10, 1876, Regular Court of County Commissioners

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, commissioners S. D. McCary, D. C. Jones, J. B. Moore, James A. Mullins.

It is ordered by the Court that S. D. McCary, J. L. Williams, J. S. Johnson be appointed as a committee to contract and have built over Mulberry Creek on the Benson Road near Mulberry Church a bridge of good heart timbers above high water mark provided they can have the same done at a cost not exceeding $125.00 and approve a bond conditioned that the party keep up said bridge for a term of five years.

It is ordered by the Court that W. A. Smith, John Wormbush, and S. E. Macon be appointed as a committee to contract and have built over Big Mulberry Creek on the Dixie Road near Dixie. The bridge to be built of good heart timbers above high water mark post and braces to bd 12 by 12 sleepers 6 by 12 flooring 1/4 by 6 all heart provided they can have the same done at a cost not exceeding $242 dollars per running foot from end of sleepers take and approve bond conditioned that the party keep up said bridge in good repair for a period of five years.

It is ordered by the court that J R Jones as commission sell all lots belonging to county east of the Baptist Church at the rate of three dollars per lot in county order.

It is ordered by the court that Jame Knight as Ferryman on Coosa River be allowed to charge as fees as such Ferrymen, cattle five cents per head, sheep goats & hogs two cents per head.

It is ordered by the court that C. J. S. Doster be allowed as attorney fees in defend the case wherein Bibb County vs. Baker County one hundred dollars.

It is ordered by the court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of first money collected for clothing furnished jail the sum of sixty four 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Walker, Evans, and Cogswell be allowed for stationary the sum of ten 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. A. Jones be allowed for advertising the claims passed by Court of Commissioners one time and blank furnished Clerk Circuit Coourt the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that the Beat line of Beat No. 9? be changed to read as follows, Montgomery & Tuscaloosa Road thence along said road to where said road corsses the range line between Range 12 & 13 then south along said Range line to where said line crosses the Township line between townships 20 & 21 then east along said line to where said line crosses Little Mulberry Creek then up said creek to Range line between 13 & 14 then along the old original line.

It is ordered by the Court that the Beat line of Beat No. 5 be changed to read as follows, up Hog Creek to section line between 32 and 33 in Township 22 R 15 then south to section line between 5 and 8 then west along said line to line between Section 7 and 8 Township 21 R15 then along the old line of Beat No 5 and that the Voting Places be at Coopers and Verbena.

It is ordered by the Court that the Voting Places in Beat No. 2 be at Providence and Jemison.

And now comes James A. Dudley as Tax Collector of Chilton County and presents to the Court in writing under oath his list of errors in assessments and insolvencies to the amounts as follows errors state tax $75.32 County Tax $126.59 Errors in Poll Tax $12.00 Insovlency on personal property state tax $2.77 County $4.44 Insolvencies Poll tax $264.00.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of first money collected for expenses carrying and returning Martin M. Bates to jail the sum of thirty 50/100 dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas. A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 605, page 193

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, July 10, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, S. D. McCary, M. D. Pinson, J. B. Moore, and James A. Mullins, commissioners.

It is ordered by the Court that the Court adjourn, the tax book not being completed.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 606, page 194

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 14, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge, S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, J. A. Mullins, and M. D. Pinson, commissioners.

Application by petition being now made to the court for the appointment of a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road commencing at Coosa River at point known as Morris Ferry thence west in the direction of Cooper Station & Verbena to intersect the House Ferry Road about two miles from Morris Ferry. And it appears to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that W. B. Tayler, William Brazzell, Jack Mims, George A. Logan, John Callaway, J. R. Mims, and James S. Jones be appointed as a Jury of Review to view and mark out said road and assess the damages if any and report to the Court.

It is ordered by the court that the voting place of Beat No 1 (Mims' Cross Road) be moved from Mims Cross Road to and be at the residence of David H. Mullins.

It is ordered by the Court that Precinct line between Precinct No. 3 and No. 4 be changed to read as follows, along the Montgomery and Tuscaloosa Road to the eastern boundary line of the farm of Richard Hicks (??) then south along said line of said farm one half mile thence East parallell with said Montgomery and Tuscaloosa Road to Little Mulberry Creek thence up said creek to original line of No. 3.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding commissioners Court three days April, July, August the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra services 2nd and 4rd quarter the sum of seventy five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that F. P. Marsh be allowed for services 2nd and 4rd quarter the sum of seventy five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L. Campbell be allowed for extra services 2nd and 4rd quarter the sum of one hundred dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that S. D. McCary be allowed for services as commissioner three days April, July, August the sum of thirteen 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as commissioner three days and mileage April, July, August the sum of fifteen 20/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that J. A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner three days and mileage the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that M. D. Pinson be allowed for services as commissioner two days and mileage the sum of eight dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of first money collected for clothing furnished prisoner the sum of twenty dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for services rendered prisoner in Jail the sum of ten dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that L. A. Thornton be allowed for feeding Jury two meals the sum of thirteen dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that A. C. Mims, Arthur Mims, John Culp, Dock Henly, E. Cooper, and Linsay Henly each be allowed for services as Jury of Inquest over the body of Sylvester Headly the sum of two dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton as County Treasurer be allowed a credit stationary and express charges the sum of three 40/100 dollars.

It is ordered that F. P. Marsh as Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed out of the Fine and Forfeiture Fund for cases in which the State failed to convice numbered as follows No 113, 141, 143, 151, 155, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 175, 181, and Alex Smith, the sum of one hundred and five 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Culver, Page, Hoyne and Co be allowed for stationary furnished Probate Office the sum of sixteen 78/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Caroline Gibson be allowed for her support three quarters the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that C. M. Mills be allowed for her support three quarters the sum of five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Hall be allowed for her support the sum of six dollars 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that James Peters be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support the sum of five dollars $5.00.

It is ordered by the Court that John Henly be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that Elizabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support 3rd quarter the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Rhody Overton be allowed for her support the sum of six dollars 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that Eliza Hall be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support 3rd quarter the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that there be levied and collected upon the taxable property in Chilton County for the year 1876 one half of one percent ordinary tax and one half of one percent Special tax to pay debts.

This day came James A. Dudley Tax Collector of Chilton County and presented to the Court his account list of errors on real estate as follows, State Tax $496.13, County Tax $865.39, total $1361.52, thirteen hundred and sixty one 52/100 dollars. It is ordered by the Court that said account be allowed and James A. Dudley as Collector have credit for the same.

It is agreed by the court with W. A. Collier that he rents office now occupied as printing office for a one year court weeks to be excepted for fifty dollars for year.

It is ordered by the Court that John Parnell and T. E. Callier be allowed for building bridge across Mulberry Creek near Dixie the sum of three hundred and thirty three 12/100 dollars $333.12.

It is ordered that I. W. Session be allowed as assistant register at Providence Beat No. 2 the sum of two 70/100.

It is ordered that J. J. Heath be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 2 Jemison Box the sum of four dollars.

It is ordered that I. B. Boykin be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 4 the sum of six 70/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. M. Martin be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 7 the sum of two 80/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Thomas Cook be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 8 the sum of five 90/100 dollars.

It is ordered that M. D. Pinson be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 5 Cooper Box the sum of two dollars.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 5 Verbena Box the sum of four 30/100 dollars.

It is ordered that Alfred Palmer be allowed as assistant register at Beat No 3 the sum of four 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered that there be levied and collected upon all license issued by the State fifty percent on State Tax.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 609, page 201

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Nov 6, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and James A Mullins, Commissioner.

There not be a quorum present the court adjourn until Tuesday the 5th.

Adjourned term, Tuesday Nov 7 1876

This not being a quorum present the court is adjourned until the 8th.

Wednesday Nov 8, 1876
Adjourned term, Present H. J. Callen, Judge
By authority contained in Section 828 R. V. Code it is ordered that the Court adjorun until the 14th day of Nov 1876.

H. J. Callen, Judge

Image 610, page 202

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Adjourned Court of County Commissioners, Nov 13, 1876

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate, James A. Mullins, S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, and M. D. Pinson, commissioners.

The following orders were made and entered by the Court.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for extra services fourth quarter the sum of thrity seven 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen as Judge of Probate be allowed for road services the sum of ninety dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for making abstract for auditor the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for recording Tax Sales for the year 1876 the sum of thirteen 20/100.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for fees in County Court in case Nos from 41 to 59 the sum of sixty four dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for certify Registration lists the sum of twenty five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding at commissioners court three day the sum of twelve dollars, the court of Sept & Novber.

It is ordered by the Court that F. P. Marsh as Clerk be allowed for services fourth quarter the sum of thirty seven 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L Campbell as Sheriff be allowed for extra services fourth quarter the sum of fifty dollars.

It is ordered that W. L Campbell as Sheriff be allowed for road services the sum of ninety dollars.

It is ordered by the court that S. D. McCary be allowed for services commissioner Sept and Nov two days and mileage the sum of eight 80/100 dollars.

It is ordered by the court that J. B. Moore be allowed as commissioner the for two days and mileage the sum of ten dollars Sept & Nov.

It is ordered by the court that James A. Mullins be allowed for services as commissioner three days Sept Nov the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the court that M. D. Pinson be allowed for services as commissioner two days Sept Nov the sum of eight dollars.

It is ordered by the court that J. T. Nelson be allowed for making coffin for child that died in jail the sum of one dollar and fifty cents.

It is ordered by the court that W. L. Campbell be allowed out of Fine and Forfeiture Fund the sum of fifty six dollars an case in which the State failed to convic..

It is ordered by the court that W. L. Campbell be allowed for clothing furnished prisoners in jail the sum of fifty four dollars cash.

It is ordered that W. B. Hugh be allowed for examining Tax Assessor Book the sum of fifteen dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. A. Collier be allowed for advertising August and Nov election the sum of sixty dollars and sixty cents.

It is ordered by the Court that Barrett and Brown be allowed for stationary furnished County the sum of twenty five 95/100 dollars cash.

It is ordered by the Court that W. F. Claughton pay and be allowed a credit of nineteen dollars and eighty one cents for lumber, nails, and building privy.

It is ordered by the Court that Ruthy Lee be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Rhoda Overton be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Elisabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support, fourth quarter, the sum of twelve dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that John Henley be allowed for his support, fourth quarter, the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support, fourth quarter, the sum of five dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that James Peters be allowed for his support, fourth quarter, the sum of nine dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Hall be allowed for support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Caroline Gibson be allowed for support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that W. J. B. Norris be allowed for support, fourth quarter, the sum of six dollars.

It is ordered that W. S. Thompson allowed for as assistant register for Beat No 2 the sum of two 10/100 dollars.

It is ordered that T. M. Cook allowed for as assistant register Beat No 8 the sum of fifty cents.

It is ordered that M. D. Pinson allowed for as assistant register Beat No 5 Box No 1 the sum of two 60/100 dollars.

It is ordered that I. M. Martin allowed for as assistant register Beat No 7 the sum of thirty cents.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton allowed for as assistant register Beat Nos 5 Box Nos 2 the sum of one dollar and ninety cents.

It is ordered that W. F. Claughton allowed for a credit of three dollars and fifteen cts for stationary extra charges and key to Register's office.

It is ordered that J. B. Boykin allowed for as assistant register Beat No 4 the sum of three 90/100 dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 612, page 207

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Term Feby 12, 1877

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate and commissioners James A. Mullins, J. B. Moore, S. D. McCary, and M. D. Pinson.

Application by petition in writing being presented to the Court to establish a new road commencing at a point on Coosa River point known as Morris Ferry thence west in the direction of Cooper's Station and intersecting the House Ferry Road about two miles from Morris Ferry Road. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that L. A. Patillo, W. S. Howard, J. J. Howard, R. L. Williams, T, H. Williams, Novelle Barbour, R. D. May be appointed as a Jury of Viewers to view and mark out said road and assess the damages if any there be and report to next regular Court of County Commissioners, 2nd Monday in April next.

Application by petition in writing being presented to the Court to abolish Beat No. 6, (Swift Creek), it is ordered by the Court that said Beat No. 6 be and the same is hereby abolished and discontinued (and that the beat line of Beat No. 3 be changed to read os follwos, along said road (Monteomry and Tuscaloosa) to where said Road corsses range line between Ranges 13 and 14 thence north along said range line to palce of beginning.) And it is ordered by the court that the beat line of beat No. 4 be changed to read as follows, south along Range line between ranges 13 and 14 ro where said range line crosses Swift Creek ...... much much more marked out and not transcribed yet..

It is ordered by the Court that the Treasurer pay claims for stationary in U. S. currency to Culver, Page, Hoyne and Co and Walker, Evans, and Cogswell.

It is ordered that the Assessor correct the Land Number of the Estate of John Foshee on Tax Book for the year 1876.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen as Judge of Probate be allowed as fees in County Court for the Trial of eight cases the sum of thrity one dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed as Judge of Probate extra services first quarter the sum of $50.00.

It is ordered that H. J. Callen be allowed as Judge of Probate for presiding at Commissioner's Court two days eight dollars.

It is ordered that W. L. Campbell as Sheriff be allowed for extra services 1st quarter the sum of fifty dollars.

It is ordered that F. P. Marsh as Clerk be allowed for extra services 1st quarter the sum of forty three 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered that John Moore be allowed for overpaid taxes the year 1875 the sum of two 75/100 dollars.

It is ordered that J. B. Moore be allowed as services commissioner two days and mileage $8.20 dollars.

It is ordered that S. D. McCary be allowed as services commissioner two days and mileage $7.40 dollars.

It is ordered that J. A. Mullins be allowed as services commissioner two days and mileage $7.00 dollars.

It is ordered that M. D. Pinson be allowed as services commissioner one day and mileage $4.20 dollars.

The account of Barrett and Brown for the sum of $56.80 for stationary being presented and the same not being svrs? it is ordered by the court that said account not be allowed.

It is ordered that C. M. Mills be allowed for her support 1st quarter six dollars.

It is ordered that Eliza Hall be allowed for her support 1st quarter $6.00.

It is ordered that Rutha Lee be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Matilda Carlisle be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Rhoda be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Elizabeth and Nancy Norris be allowed for their support 1st quarter the sum of $12.00.

It is ordered that John Henly be allowed for his support 1st quarter the sum of $9.00.

It is ordered that Mrs. Haywood be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $5.00.

It is ordered that James Peters be allowed for his support 1st quarter the sum of $15.00.

It is ordered that Mrs. Hall be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that Caroline Gibson be allowed for her support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered that W. J. B. Norris be allowed for his support 1st quarter the sum of $6.00.

Application by petition in writing being presented to the Court to abolish Beat No. 6, (Swift Creek) it is ordered by the Court that Beat No. 6 be abolished and that all of that portion of Beat No. 6 be and the same is attached to and made a part of Beat No. 4 and that the place of voting shall be at Clanton and at Shiloh Church.

It is ordered that J. W. Dunlap as Sheriff be allowed for conveying one prisoner Colin Kershaw from Chilton County to Shelby County Jail in year 1872 the sum of nineteen 50/100 dollars.

It is ordered that W. H. Mills be allowed as assistant register Beat No. 6 at August and Nov election the sum of two dollars.

It is ordered by the court that the following named persons be apointed as apperticnes? for these respective precincts as follows, for
Precinct No. 1. Lewis Littleton, Oliver Mullins.
Precinct No. 2. Monroe Gentry, John Randall, Rufus Martin.
Precinct No. 3. T. C. Sewell, W. J. Fleming, John Culp.
Precinct No. 4. John Rodgers, Martin Gore, L. B. Wells.
Precinct No. 5. J. L. Farr, W. S. Howard, Elijah Roberson.
Precinct No. 7. B. W. Garner, J. J. Hicks, D. J. Waterworth.
Precinct No. 8. Jack Harris, J. J. Wainhurst, P. M. Moore.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner

Image 615, page 212

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, April Term 9, 1877

Present H. J. Callen, Judge and presiding and commissioners M. D. Pinson, S. D. McCary, James A. Mullins, and J. B. Moore.

It is ordered by the Court that the order made in 1869 by the old Board of Commissioners allowing the County Treasurer commission to be or receive as commissioner four percent for receiving and four for paying out be and the same is approved by the Court up to date and it is ordered by the Court that the Treasurer shall receive as commission from date of the order two and one half (2 1/2) percent on amount received and two and one half (2 1/2) percent on amount paid out by him.

It is ordered by the Court that W. F. Claughton as Treasurer be allowed as a credit for stationary and express charges furnished Collector and Assessor and expenses to Montgomery and discount on funds paid Culver, Page, Hoyne and Walker, Evans, and Cogwell the sum of one hundred and thirty four 50/100 ($134.50) dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that the Clerk of the Circuit Court be allowed the sum of sixty three 30/100 $63.30 dollars to pay the Court cost in the case of Bibb County vs. Baker County cash.

It is ordered that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed as service under Jury of Inquest over the body of Elijah Lewis the sum of fifteen dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that A. C. Edwards be allowed for investigating finances and report on same the sum of forty dollars ($40.00) each out of special tax.

It is ordered by the Court that Nancy Ramsey be allowed for her support the sum of nine dollars ($9.00).

It is ordered by the Court that C. M. Mills be allowed for her support 2nd quarter the sum of $6.00.

It is ordered by the Court that the following named persons be each for their support 2nd quarter namely Eliza Hall, Rutha Lee, Matilda Carlisle, Rhoda Overton, Elizabeth Norris, Nancy Norris, Caroline Gibson, Mrs. Haywood, W. J. B. Norris the sum of $6.00 each and that John Henly be allowed $9.00 and James Peters $15.00.

It is ordered by the Court that Culver, Page, and Hoyne be allowed for stationary furnished Circuti Clerk the sum of $46.85.

Application by petition in writing being made to the Court to establish a new road and to appoint a Jury of Viewers to view and mark out said, commencing at the bridge over Mulberry Creek and thench west to intersect the New Market Road at the most convenient point. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application has been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that Tom Smith, Sie Bearden, William Gay, Lee Flanagan, Joseph Bolten, A. B. Oden, Alph Bearden be appointed as a Jury of Viewers.

And now comes W. S. Howard, N. R. Barbour and others a Jury of Viewers heretofore appointed by this Court to view and mark out a new public road commencing at a point on Coosa River known as Morris Ferry and intersect the Big Island Road srean? near Charles Williams and make their report in writing and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the Jury was not sworn before resien? the Court? and that they were interested parties it is ordered that said report be rejected and that a new Jury of Viewers be appointed to view and mark out said road and that William Jones, E. T. Connell, F. M. Connell, Hill Norris, W. B. Strock, H. Hines, and F. A. Gulledge be appointed as said Jury.

And now comes James A. Dudley as Tax Collector of Chilton County and presents his account of insolvencies and errors for 1876 amounting in aggregate as follows insolvencies on poll tax, two hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents ($217.50), list of errors on poll tax $18.00, list of involvencies on personal property State tax $20.60, County Tax $26.97, list of errors on Real Estate State Tax $11.90, County Tax $15.87.

It is ordered that John R. Fountain be allowed for building bridge over Mulberry Creek near Mulberry Church the sum of one hundred and twenty five $125.00 dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
John B. Moore, Commissioner
S. D. McCary, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner
I object the 1st order passed by this court on the 9th day of April 1877. Jas. A. Mullins

Image 616, page 215

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, July 9, 1877

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate and commissioners S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore, J. A. Mullins, and M. D. Pinson.

This being the day fixed by law for the examination of the Tax Assessor's Book for the year 1877 it is ordered by the Court that said Book and assessment be received and remain as assessed.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
Jas A. Mullins, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
S. D. McCary, Commissioner

Image 617, page 216

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, August 13, 1877

Present H. J. Callen, Judge presiding and commissioners M. D. Pinson, James A. Mullins, S. D. McCary, J. B. Moore.

It is ordered by the Court that the offical bond of A. C. Ward Tax Collector of said County be and the same is hereby declared insufficient and that he be required to file in the office of Judge of Probate a good and sufficiant bond within the time described by law.

And that Eliza Hall, Rutha Lee, Matilda Carlisle, Rhoda Overton, Elizabeth Norris, Nancy Norris, Caroline Gibson, Mrs. Haywood, and W. J. B. Norris six dollars each for their support 3rd quarter and John Henly nine dollars for his support 3rd C. M. Mills six dollars, Nancy Ramsey nine dollars, Benjamin DuBose, Monroe DuBose each be allowed for 3rd quarter ten dollars each.

And that Hicks (col'd), Jake Walker (col'd) and McCary (col'd) each be allowed for their support the sum of five dollars for fourth quarter.

And that H. J. Callen be allowed as ex officio fees 2nd and 3rd quarter the sum of $48.50 dollars.

And that H. J. Callen be allowed for services rendered County $41.00 as for account itemized.

And that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding Commissioner's Court one day April and July 2 day Aug $16.00.

And that W. L. Campbell be allowed for services rendered County as per itemized the sum of $162.00.

And that W. L. Campbell be allowed ex officio services 2nd and 3rd quarters the sum of $100.00.

And that W. H. Foshee as Clerk be allowed as ex officio services as per account itemized the sum of $84.70.

And that J. B. Moore be allowed for services as Commissioner three days and mileage, April only and Augst the sum of $15.00.

And that J. A. Mullins be allowed as Commissioner four days and mileage, one April July two August the sum of $15.00.

And that M. D. Pinson be allowed as Commissioner three days and mileage, April only and August the sum of $12.00.

And that S. D. McCary be allowed as Commissioner for four days and mileage, one April and July and two August the sum of $12.00.

And that J. B. Boykin be allowed for printing special county tax upon assessors Book the sum of $25.00.

And that W. L. Campbell as Sheriff be allowed for goods furnished Jail as per account the sum of $16.00.

And that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for serivces rendered prisoner in jail as per account the sum of $10.00.

And that the Clanton and Randolph Road be changed commencing near Jackson Moris and Co new mill on the east side and intersectin said road within a short distance on teh west side of said Mail.

And that Dr. J. S. Johnson be allowed for serivces rendered prisoners in jail the sum of $15.00 dollars.

And that the following assistant register of voters each be allowed for their services, Aug 6, 1877, as follows
H. J. Martin91 names$4.55
M. D. Pinson32 names$1.60,Precinct No. 5
W. F. Calughton33 names$1.65,Precinct No. 5
F. M. Vines49 names$2.45,Precinct No. 1
Alfred Palmer24 names$1.20,Precinct No. 3
James Martin17 names$0.85,Precinct No. 7
Isaac Lawhorn27 names$1.35,Precinct No. 2
J. M. Cook16 names$0.80,Precinct No. 8
J. W. Sessions20,Precinct No. 2

Application in writing being made to the Court for a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road as follows, to leave the Montgomery and Montevallo Road at John Bussey thence by the way of James Burnett's thence by Lomax crossing S & N Rail road and intersect the Clanton & Montevallo Road. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application had been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that J. H. Bussey, D. B. Cassey, James Burnett, James Day, N. A. Foshee, W. J. Ranson, W. O. McCormick be appointed as a Jury of Viewers to view and mark out said road and assess the damage if any and report to this Court at its next regular term.

Application in writing being made to the Court for a Jury of Viewers to view and mark out a new public road commencing at Lomax thence northerly along the ridge east of Joel Collins and crossing Yellow Leaf Creek near B. B. Hill's thence northerly to the nearest point of the Maplesville and Talledega Spring Road near E. M. Bean's. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application had been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that E. M. Bean, John Rodgers, Frank Rose, J. I. Roberson, James Baker, Wiley Gore, Peter Caton be appointed as a Jury of Viewers to view and mark out said road and assess the damage if any there be and make their report to this Court at its next regular session.

And is ordered by the Court that W. W. Wagoner be allowed as for overpaid tax for the years 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 the sum of three dollars 75/100 $3.75.

And it is ordered by the Court that there be levied and collected upon all of the taxable property of the County for ordinary purposes one half of one percent.

And it is ordered by the Court that there be levied and collected upon all of the taxable property of the County as special tax for the purpose of paying the debts of said County the sum of thirty cents on every one hundred dollars worth.

And that there be called upon all license issued for the State one half of the amount collected by the state.

And it is ordered by the Court that after this date no accounts made on account of Chilton County will be passed or allowed payment for unless the account is approved by this Court before purchase is made and that H. J. Callen notify the parties doing business with this County of said order.

And that H J Callen collect the rent due for the room used a printing office and re-rent upon same term or close the door.

And that Barrett and Brown be allowed for Tax Book furnished Tax Assessor for the year 1877 the sum of $15.00 dollars.

And that Barrett and Brown be allowed for stationary furnished Probate Judge office as per account June 16 1877 the sum of $12.50 dollars.

And that Culver, Page, Hoyne and Co be allowed for stationary furnished Judge of Probate office the sum of one hundred and eleven 69/100 dollars $111.69 as per account Feby 10, 1877.

And that W. F. Claughton County Treasurer be allowed for express charge as per account the sum of $2.55 dollars.

And that W. W. Wagner be allowed for overpaid taxes for the years 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876 the sum of $3.57.

Application in writing being made to the Court for a Jury of Review to view and mark out a new public road commencing at or near Asa Atkinson then in a westerly direction and intersect the Shelby Springs Road near Providence Church. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of the same has been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that B. M. Gentry, J. J. Motes, Bryant Motes, John Brantley, Jess Webb, Lee Samons, P. C. Killingsworth be appointed as a Jury of reviewers and to report to this Court.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
John B. Moore, Commissioner
S. D. McCary, Commissioner

Image 619, page 221

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Nov 5, 1877

Present H. J. Callen, Judge presiding S. D. McCary, M. D. Pinson, J. B. Moore.

It is ordered by the Court W. F. Claughton be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of nineteen and 92/100 dollars for monies paid out by him for lumber, nails, postage stamps, and money paid auditors for transcript.

It is ordered by the Court that the assessment list of W. D. Foshee be changed to read east half of north west fourth instead of W1/2 of NW1/4 Sec 36 T22 R13

It is ordered by the Court that if the Tax Collector should fail to comply with sections 417 and 418 of Code of 1876 it shall be the duty of the County Treasurer on Monday following the last Saturday in November 1877 to report the default of said Tax Collector to the Judge of Probate and it is hereby made the duty of the Judge of Probate upon the receipt of the report of such default to immediately report the same to the Govenor and ask that he be suspended from office.

It is ordered by the Court that it is hereby made the duty of the County Treasurer as required by law to report to the Judge of Probate at the end of each month an account of monies received and paid out by him together with the vouchers therefore.

It is ordered by the Court that A. C. Ward Tax Collector of said County be and he is hereby required to give additional bond of five thousand dollars before the said A. C. Ward as Tax Collector aforesaid can proceed to collect the taxes due the state and County for the tax year AD 1877.

It is ordered by the Court that Eliza Hall be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that Rutha Lee be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that Matilda Carlisle be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that Roda Overton be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that E. and N. Norris be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of twelve dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that Caroline Gibson be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Haywood be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that W. J. B. Norris be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for his support.

It is ordered by the Court that John Henly be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of nine dollars for his support.

It is ordered by the Court that C. M. Mills be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that Nancy Ramsey be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of nine dollars for her support.

It is ordered by the Court that Benjamin and Monroe DuBose be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of twenty dollars for their support.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Hicks and Jake Walker be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of five dollars each for their support.

It is ordered by the Court that Culver, Page, and Hoyne be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of two hundred and three and 72/100 dollars for books and stationary furnished County offices.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of eleven dollars for presiding in County Court three days.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of ninety dollars for road service.
It is further ordered that he also be allowed the sum of one hundred and forty eight and 75/100 dollars as ex officio service.
It if further ordered that he also be allowed the sum of four dollars for presiding in Commissioner's Court one day in November.

It is ordered by the Court that W. L. Campbell Sheriff be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of one hundred and eight dollars for ex officio service.

It is ordered by the Court that W. H. Foshee Clerk Circuit Court be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of seventy one and 50/100 dollars for ex officio service.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of six and 92/100 dollars for for lumber and nails furnished for well.

It is ordered by the Court that Dr. I. D. Lanier be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of three dollars for medical service rendered Jim Sammons in Jail.

It is ordered by the Court that J. S. Chesnut be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of seven 50/100 dollars for board of Ira Campbell and hands while boring public well.

It is ordered by the Court that M. D. Pinson be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of four dollars for mileage and one day's service as Commissioner at November Term.

It is ordered by the Court that J. B. Moore be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of five and 80/100 dollars for mileage and one day's service as Commissioner at November Term 1877.

It is ordered by the Court that S. D. McCary be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer the sum of four and 40/100 dollars for mileage and one day's service as Commissioner at November Term 1877.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
John B. Moore, Commissioner
M. D. Pinson, Commissioner
S. D. McCary, Commissioner

Image 623, page 228

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Feb 11, 1878

Present H. J. Callen, Judge presiding also appeared J. C. Gardner, Kinion Wells, D. A. White, and Moses Roberson who had been elected members of the commission and took the oath of office as is presented by the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama and proceeded to the regular business of said Court when the following orders were passed.

It is ordered by the Court that Stewart and Co be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of nineteen 85/100 dollars for clothing and blankets furnished prisoners who are confined in the jail of said County out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff of said County be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of eight and 30/100 dollars for clothing and supplies furnished to the jail out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that J. M. Parrish County Treasurer be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of four and 50/100 dollars for monies paid out by him as such Treasurer express charges on Books and Stationary for County offices.

It is ordered by the Court that Barrett and Brown be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of fifty five and 20/100 dollars for books and stationary furnished county officers out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that Barrett and Brown be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum eight 05/100 dollars for stationary furnished the Sheriff of said County out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that W. D. Campbell the Ex Sheriff of said County be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum fifty two and 90/100 dollars for road service for the year 1877 out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that J. S. Johnson be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of eleven dollars for medical services rendered in Jury of Inquest over the body of Thomas Roberson Dcd out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that Culver, Page, and Hoyne be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of six 15/100 dollars for stationary furnished County officers out of any moneies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of fifteen 45/100 dollars for exofficio service for first quarter 1878 out of any moneies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that J. M. Parrish County Treasurer be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of five 30/100 dollars for monies expended by him as such Treasurer for repairs on privy out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that J. M. Parrish County Treasurer be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of twelve dollars for monies paid for fixing jail door by him as such Treasurer out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that J. S. Edwards be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of ten dollars for examining Collectors and Treasurer's books out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that W. H. Foshee Clerk of the Circuit Court be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of fourteen dollars for examining the Collectors and Treasurer's books and for exofficio service for the 1st quarter 1878 out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that G. M. Suttle be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of twenty dollars for mile posts and index hands furnished overseer of public roads out of any monies in the Treasurer not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that Buck and Sally Clark be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of eighteen dollars for their support for the 1st quarter for the year 1878.

It is ordered by the Court that Thomas Linnyham be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of five dollars for his support for the 1st quarter for the year 1878.

It is ordered by the Court that J. C. Gardner be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of six and 80/100 dollars for 2 days service and mileage as County Commissioner.

It is ordered by the Court that D. A. White be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of six and 05/100 dollars for 2 days service and mileage as County Commissioner.

It is ordered by the Court that Moses Roberson be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of five and 80/100 dollars for 2 days service and mileage as County Commissioner.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of eight dollars for presiding at the Court of County Commissioners.

It is ordered by the Court that Eliza Hall, Rutha Lee, Matilda Carlisle, Roda Overton, Caroline Gibson, Mrs. Haygood, W. B. F. Norris, C. M. Mills be and they are hereby allowed the sum of six dollars each for their support for the 1st quarter for the year 1878.

It is ordered by the Court that E. and N. Norris be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of twelve dollars for their support for the 1st quarter for the year 1878.

It is ordered by the Court that John Henley and Nancy Ramsey be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of five dollars each for their support for the 1st quarter for the year 1878.
It is ordered by the Court that Benjamin and Monroe DuBose be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of twenty dollars for their support for the 1st quarter for the year 1878.

It is ordered by the Court that Jake Walker and Mrs. Hicks be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of five dollars each for their support for the 1st quarter for the year 1878.

It is ordered by the Court that there being an application in writing as required by law made to the Court to establish a public road in said County, to be called the Verbena and Hoffman Ferry Road Pyron Mills Road leading from Verbena by the way of W. M. Pryon's mill to intersect a road to Hoffman's Ferry on the Coosa River. And it appearing to the Court that notice has been given as is required by law to the intended application by posting up advertisements at the Court House door and three other public places in said County. It is ordered by the Court that a Jury of Review to mark out and review said public road to be appointed by the Court commencing at Verbena thence in the direction proposed by said appliation by the way of W. M. Pyron's mill the most accessable and practicable route for said road to intersect said Hoffman's Ferry Road and leading to Coosa River. It is further ordered by the Court that W. M. Pyron, M. D. Pinson, J. D. Wells, W. F. Claughton, Joel Dennis, G. Morgan, Hill Norris be appointed as said Jury of Review to view and mark out said road and assess the damages if any and report to the next term of this Court.

It is ordered by the Court that there be a public road established in said County, to be called the Clanton and Pine Hill Road and is to be established as follows, to commence at or near Asa Atchinson's then in a westerly direction to intersect the Shelby Spring Road near Providence Church as it appears to the Court from the report of the Jury of Review heretofore appointed to mark out and view said road. It is further ordered by the Court that Bryant Motes be and he is hereby appointed overseer to cut out and plane? said road in reference keep said road in repair from the date of this Commission for twelve months.

It is ordered by the Court that the next regular term of the Commissioner's Court be held at the place of holding the same in the 2nd Monday in April 1878 instead of the time prescribed by law and that notice of the same be given as they law directs in such cases of the time of holding said court.

It is ordered by the Court that the present regular term of this Court be adjourned to the 4th Monday in February 1878.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
J. C. Gardner, Commissioner
K. Wells, Commissioner
S. A. White, Commissioner
Moses Roberson, Commissioner

Image 626, page 234

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Regular Court of County Commissioners, Feby 25, 1878

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of probate and commissioners J. C. Gardner, D. A. White, Moses Roberson, and Kinion Wells.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen as Judge of Probate be and is hereby authorized to employ Henry Watson and McMath to commence suit and collect the balance of County Taxes due the Country for the year 1876.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be allowed for presiding Commissioner's Court one day the sum of four dollars out of money in the Treasure not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that J. C. Gardner be allowed as services as commissioner one day and mileage the sum of $3.90 out of money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that S. A. White be allowed as services as commissioner one day and mileage $3.10 dollars out of money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that Mose Roberson be allowed as services as commissioner one day and mileage $2.80 dollars out of money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that K. Wells be allowed as services as commissioner one day and mileage $3.00 dollars out of money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen as Judge of Probate issue an order in favor of Bibb County for the sum of four hundred and twenty five dollars out of money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
J. C. Gardner, Commissioner
Moses Roberson, Commissioner
K. Wells, Commissioner
S. A. White, Commissioner

H. J. Callen Judge of Probate
Corrected?? June 28 1878.

2/11/1878 (??? April?)
Image 626, page 236

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Adjourned Term from 1st Monday in April to 2nd Monday in April 8th (day) by order of Court, Feby Term 11 1878

Present H. J. Callen, Judge of probate and commissioners D. A. White, K. Wells, J. C. Gardner, and Moses Roberson.

Application by petition being now made to the Court for a Jury of Viewers to view and mark out a change in the Adam's Ferry Road commencing on east side fo Goose Pond Creek thence to SW corner of William Thacker field and to intersect said road near James Jones. And it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice of said application had been given as the law directs it is ordered by the Court that said application be granted and that J. E. Love, E. H. Love, W. S. Baker, Reubin Popwell, Wm. Rhodes be appointed as a Jury of Review and mark out said change in said road.

It is ordered by the Court that the contract made by I. E. Wells on the part of Chilton County with Elmore and Grantes? for the collection of Taxes for the year 1876 that is to say they cernty? of Chilton is pay Elmore and Grantes 15 percent in the amount that may be collected by them of said taxes or moneys.

It is ordered by the court that C. J. Currie be and is hereby appointed surveyor in and for Chilton County for three years.

It is ordered by the court that Jas. A. Mullins be allowed for money paid Gunter as attorney fee for Chilton County the sum of twenty dollars.

And now comes A. C. Ward as Tax Collector of Chilton County and presents to the Court in writing under oath a list of insolvencies and errors in taxes for the year 1877 amounting in the aggregate as follows, errors poll tax $10.50 dollars, in personal property State Tax $6.68 1/2, County Tax $7.63, and in Real Estate State Tax $7.66, County Tax $8.39, and insolvencies on personal property State Tax $6.38 1/4 County Tax $7.12, and in poll tax $64.50.
It is ordered that I. M. Parrish County Treasurer be allowed for monies paid out by him as per account the sum of $5.10 dollars.

It is ordered that the following persons be allowed for their support for the 2nd quarter as follows,
Eliza Hall $6.00, Rutha Lee $6.00, Matilda Carlisle $6.00, Rhoda Overton $6.00, Caroline Gibson $6.00, Mrs. Haywood $6.00, W. B. J. Norris $6.00, C. M. Mills $6.00, E. and N. Norris $12.00, John Henly $9.00, Nancy Ramsey $9.00, B. and M. DuBose $20.00, Jack Walker $5.00, Hicks col'd $5.00, Buck and Sally Clark $18.00.

It is ordered that Barrett and Brown be allowed for assessment Book furnished Assessor the sum of $15.00.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
K. Wells, Commissioner
Moses Roberson, Commissioner
S. A. White, Commissioner
J. C. Gardner, Commissioner

Image 628, page 238

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Commissioners Court, July 8, 1878

Present and presiding H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate and commissioners K. Wells, Mose Roberson, D. A. White, and S. C. Gardner.

The court proceeded to examine the Book of the Tax Assessor and finding no errors in the same it is ordered by the Court that the Book be received and assessments stand as made out.

Image 628, page 239

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Commissioners Court, Regular Term, August 12, 1878

Present and presiding H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate and commissioners K. Wells, Mose Roberson, D. A. White, and S. C. Gardner.
Present and presiding H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate and commissioners S. C. Gardner, Kinion Wells, D. A. White, Moses Roberson.

The following orders were made and proceedings had (to wit)

It is ordered by the Court that the County Tax to wit the sum of two thousand five hundred and thrity eight and 27/100 dollars (2538.27) due and oweing to the County of Chilton from the South and North Alabama Rail Road Company for the tax year 1875 shall be compromised by the payment of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1600.00) in cash by said South and North Alabama Rail Road Company and that upon the payment of said sum of fifteen hundred dollars (1500.00) the Treasurer of the County of Chilton shall give the said South and North Alabama Rail Road Company a receipt for the said sum of fifteen hundred dollars and said receipt shall be a full and complete discharge of all liabilities of said Rail Road Company for and on account of all taxes due from said Rail Road Compnay for the tax year AD1875.

It is ordered by the Court that the County Tax to wit the sum of two thousand five hundred and five and fifty one hundreeth dollars ($2505.51) due and oweing to the County of Chilton from the Selma, Rome, and Dalton Rail Road Company for the tax years AD1869 and 1875 shall be compromised by the payment of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00) in cash by said Selma, Rome, and Dalton Rail Road Company and upon the payment of said sum of fifteen hundred dollars (1500.00) the Treasurer of the County of Chilton shall give the said Selma, Rome, and Dalton Rail Road Company a receipt for the said sum of fifteen hundred dollars and said receipt shall be a full and complete discharge of all liabilities of said Rail Road Company for and on account of all taxes due the County of Chilton for the tax years AD1869 and 1875.

It is ordered by the Court that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby instructed that out of the monies received from the Rail Road Companies to set aside the sum of six hundred dollars for the purpose of paying for the work done on the Court House and Jail.

It is ordered by the Court that when the sum of fifteen hundred dollars shall be paid by the South and North Alabama Rail Road Company that the Judge of Probate is hereby authorized to issue a warrant on the County Treasurer to R. W. Cobb, Henry Wilson, and J. S. Edwards each for the sum of fifty dollars as atty fees for the collection of said sum of fifteen hundred dollars.

It is further ordered by this Court that when the sum of fifteen hundred dollars shall be paid by the Selma, Rome, and Dalton Rail Road Company the Judge of Probate is hereby authorized to issue a warrant on the County Treasurer to R. W. Cobb, Henry Wilson, and J. S. Edwards for the sum of fifty dollars each as atty fees for the collection of said fifteen hundred dollars.

It is ordered by the Court that Eliza Hall, Rutha Lee, Matilda Carlisle, Rhoda Overton, E. and N. Norris, Caroline Gibson, Mrs. Haywood, W. B. J. Norris, C. M. Mills, each be allowed the sum of six dollars each for their support for the 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that John Henly and Nancy Ramsey each be allowed the sum of nine dollars for their support for the 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that Mrs. Hicks and Jake Walker each be allowed the sum of five dollars for their support.

It is ordered by the Court that Benjamin and Monroe DuBose be allowed the sum of twenty five dollars for their support for the 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that Thomas Laningham be allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of five ($10.00) dollars for his support for the 2nd and 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that Sally Clark be and she is hereby allowed her warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of six dollars for her support for the 3rd quarter.

It is ordered by the Court that the contract according to the plan and specification heretofore made known for work on the Court House and Jail be awarded to G. L. Gartman at the following amount therefore for the front to the Court House the sum of two hundred and twenty five dollars. For the repairs and the building a house to the Jail the sum of two hundred dollars for building the box house the sum of one hundred and sixty two dollars it being the lowest bid received by the Court for said work and for the fence around the Court House sixty cents per pannel and five dollars for each gate said work to be under the inspection of H. J. Callen and Kenion Wells and the Judge of Probate is hereby authorized to draw a warrant on the County Treasurer for such amounts and at such times as in his judgement is best for and in favor of G. L. Gartman the said contractor.

It is ordered by the Court that James Griffin and Western Latham be and they are hereby appointed a building committe to let out the repairs to the bridge over Oakmulgee Creek and report their action to the next term of this court.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of sixty-nine and 95/100 dollars ($69.95) as exofficio services for the second and 3rd quarter 1878 and preparing registration lists for each beat.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen Judge of Probate be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of fifty one and 20/100 dollars ($51.20) for presiding at Commissioners Court in April and July and for ten cases in the County Court.

It is ordered by the Court that H. J. Callen be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of eight dollars ($8.00) for presiding at Commissioners Court two days August Term 1878.

($17.00) It is ordered by the Court that Kinion Wells be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of seventeen dollars ($17.00) it being for 6 days service and mileage as commissioner in February April July and August terms of said court.

($13.70) It is ordered by the Court that J. C. Gardner be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of thirteen and 70/100 dollars ($13.70) it being for four days service and mileage as commissioner in April July and August terms of said court.

($11.00) It is ordered by the Court that D. H. White be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of eleven dollars ($11.00) it being for service and mileage as commissioner for four days in April July and August terms of said court.

($10.40) It is ordered by the Court that Moses Robinson be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of ten and 40/100 dollars ($10.40) for four days service and mileage in April July and August of said Court as Commissioner.

($17.75) It is ordered by the Court that Barrett and Brown be and their are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of seventeen and 75/100 dollars it being for stationary furnished County officers.

($1.85) It is ordered by the Court that James M. Paris County Treasurer be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of one and 85/100 dollars for monies expended by him as such Treasurer on freight and express charges on stationary for Circuit Clerk.

($74.75) It is ordered by the Court that W. H. Foshee be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer against the fine and forfeiture fund for due him as such clerk in state cases tried in the Circuit Court.

($115.45) It is ordered by the Court that W. H. Foshee Clerk of the Circuit Court be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of one hundred and fifteen and 45/100 dollars for exofficio service for the 2 and 3rd quarters 1878.

($14.25) It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of fourteen and 25/100 dollars it being for seven days attendance on the Circuit and Chancery Courts.

($3.00) It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Culp be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of three dollars for making coffin for Buck Clark a pauper.

($9.50) It is ordered by the Court that Dr. J. S. Johnson be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of nine and 50/100 dollars for medical services rendered to prisoners in Jail.

($95.00) It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Dunlap Sheriff be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of ninety five dollars for exoficio service for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters for the year 1878.

($24.95) It is ordered by the Court that Walker, Evans, and Cogswell be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of twenty four and 95/100 dollars for books and stationary furnished the Judge of Probate and Circuit Clerk.

Jury of Inquest
It is ordered by the Court that the following named Jurors of Inquest over the body of Thomas Roberson to wit F. P. Marsh, A. B. Walker, J. M. Friend, W. R. Holder, J. W. A. Day, and H. P. Hayes be and they are hereby allowed their warrants on the County Treasurer for the sum of two dollars each for said service.

($7.00) It is ordered by the Court that J. H. Hannon be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer (against the fine and forfeiture fund) for the sum of seven dollars as services for holding inquest over the body of Thomas Roberson, Dead.

($7.56) It is ordered by the Court that Culver, Page, and Hoyne be and they are hereby allowed their warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of seven and 56/100 dollars for stationary furnished the County officers.

Jury of Inquest
It is ordered by the Court that the following named Jurors of Inquest over the dead body of a colored man name unknown viz A. Baker, John Baker, W. S. Baker, J. H. Auldrige, B. H. chesnutt, A. G. Trimble be and they are hereby allowed their warrants on the County Treasurer for the sum of two dollars each for said service.

($5.00) It is ordered by the Court that J. H. Hannon be and he is hereby allowed his warrants on the County Treasurer against the fine and forfeiture fund for the sum of five dollars for services as coroner over the dead body of a colored man name unknown.

($2.00) It is ordered by the Court that A. B. Atchison be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer against the fine and forfeiture fund for the sum of two dollars for summoning a Jury of Inquest.

($.50) It is ordered by the Court that B. P. Britt be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of fifty cents for registering 10 voters in the election precinct beat No. 8.

($2.25) It is ordered by the Court that W. R. Bowline be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of two 25/100 dollars for registering fifty five voters in the election precinct beat No. 7.

($1.85) It is ordered by the Court that W. A. Cooper be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of one and 85/100 dollars for registering thirty seven voters in the election precinct beat No. 5.

($1.35) It is ordered by the Court that G. W. Smith be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of one and 35/100 dollars for registering 27 voters in the election precinct beat No. 2.

($0.55) It is ordered by the Court that J. W. Sessions be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of 50 cents for registering 10 voters in the election precinct beat No. 2.

($4.55) It is ordered by the Court that B. H. Chesnett be and he is hereby allowed his warrant on the County Treasurer for the sum of four and 55/100 dollars for registering 91 voters in the election precinct beat No. 4.

It is ordered by the Court that four tenths of one percent be and the same is hereby levied on all the taxable property both real and personal in said County as a County Tax for county purposes.

It is further ordered by the Court that the Judge of Probate be and he is hereby instructed that on all license issues by him as such Judge of Probate (which are authorized by the Revenue laws of said State) to collect one half of one percent on the amount of the State tax for County purposes.

Weldon Road
It is ordered by the Court that the Weldon Road be changed from its present location as follows, to begin at a point at or near the south gate on the Weldon Road and to run a north western course and to intersect the Adam's Ferry Road at a point three or four hundred yards beyond Ruben Price's house, said road is to be put in order by Ruben Price. It is further ordered that J. M. Parrish, Martin Gore, John Price, Thomas Smith, and Moses Armstrong be appointed as a Jury of Review to mark out said proposed change and report thereon at the next term of this court.

Verbena and Pryon's Mill Road
It is ordered by the Court that the application heretofore made to establish a public road leading from Verbena by the way of Pyron's Mills to intersect the Hoffman Ferry Road at or near said Mills and it appearing to the court that the Jury of Review heretofore appointed to view and mark out said road having reported thereon that said road be established beginning at Verbena and following the blazes made by said Jury of Review leading by the way of W. M. Pyron's and to intersect the Hoffman Ferry Road. It is ordered by the court that A. H. Thomasson be and he is hereby appointed overseer to cut out and place said road in repair.

It is ordered by the Court that the account presented by John B. Boykin the former Tax Assessor for said County for an allowance for the sum of three hundred and fifty nine and 37/100 dollars as commissions for assessing said road tax for 1875 and the same is hereby rejected on the grounds that the same is not in the opinion of the Court escaped taxes said sum claimed being for commissions on the sum of four thousand nine hundred and thirty eight and 27/100 dollars at the rate of ten percent.

It is ordered that Dr. I. D. Lanier be allowed for services rendered Jury of Inquest over the body of an unknown man the sum of five dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
J. C. Gardner, Commissioner
S. A. White, Commissioner
K. Wells, Commissioner

Image 634, page 251

Special Term of the Commissioners Court
State of Alabama, Chilton County
Sep 16, 1878
It appearing to the Judge of Probate that there being special duties required by law to be performed by the Commissioners Court that requires a Special Term. It is thereupon ordered that a Special Term of the Commissioners Court of this County be held on the 28 day of September 1878 and that notice thereof be given by posting notices of the same at the Court House Door and three other public places in said County. Witness my had this 16 day of September 1878.
H. J. Callen Judge of Probate

State of Alabama, Chilton County
Commissioners Court, Special Term Sept 28, 1878.
Be it remembered that at Special Term of the Commissioners Court of Chilton County held by direction of the Judge of Probate on this the 28th day of September AD 1878 and of which due notice has been given by advertising by posting notices at the Court House Door and three other public places in said County for ten days. There were present H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate, J. C. Gardner, Kinion Wells, D. A. White, Moses Robernson, Commissioners and the following proceedings had to wit

It was ordered that the Judge of Probate be instructed to settle and compromise the claim due the County for back taxes from the Selma, Rome, and Dalton Rail Road Company and the receiver or recievers thereof by receiving from the said receiver the sum of fifteen hundred dollars in full payment and discharge of all taxes and claims for taxes against said Rail Road Company or the receiver or receivers thereof claimed or due prior to the year 1878 and he the said Judge of Probate shall be fuly empowered to make and execute a full and complete discharge and release therefore on the receipt of said sum of fifteen hundred dollars.

H. J. Callen, Judge of Probate
J. C. Gardner, Commissioner
K. Wells, Commissioner
S. A. White, Commissioner
Moses Roberson, Commissioner